
Monday, January 13, 2014

Good Luck Weston!

As you most likely know by now, the voice of the Riders--Rod Pedersen broke the story about Weston Dressler heading to the NFL's Kansas City Chiefs for a tryout.  I don't know how that tryout will end up, but sorry Rider fans, I hope it ends up with me watching a Chiefs game on a Sunday afternoon and hear Jim Nantz describe Alex Smith dropping back and firing a touchdown to the little guy from the University of North Dakota--Weston Dressler.

I remember sitting in the Southland Mall foodcourt having just finished having coffee with someone when a gentleman walked up to me and asked me if CJME was a radio station in town since I was still working for them.and I was wearing a jacket with the call letters on it.

I told them I was and he introduced himself as an uncle of a kid who played for North Dakota who had just finished signing a contract with the Riders. I asked him what his name was and the oldtimer said "Weston Dressler and I guarantee you he will make your team and you guys will love him.".

A good friend of mine works in the sports information office for UND so I e-mailed him and asked him what he could tell me about Weston Dressler. Being a Riders fan, he couldn't contain his excitement knowing his favourite football team had just signed a "stud". In fact, my friend Jayson Hajdu told me the only reason this guy wasn't going to the NFL was because of his size. I got on the phone and asked the Riders if they could confirm his signing, but they wouldn't tell me anything until rookie camp came around.

I went on Remenda's sports show and I spoke on Dave Arnold's morning show as rookie camp approached about Weston Dressler being the guy I wanted to watch.  After that first day of rookie camp, I asked then head coach Ken Miller what he thought of Weston Dressler and Miller just looked at me and said there's a long ways to go before the regular season roster would be unveiled, but he would be surprised if Weston Dressler wasn't on it because he was that good on his first day.  Its been nothing but positives for Dressler since then. The only negative he has had in his career here was an ankle injury suffered that kept him out of the heartbreaking 2009 Grey Cup.

Will I be rooting for Dressler to make the Chiefs? YUP! Do I think he can make it in the NFL? Absolutely! When I see guys like Wes Welker, Julian Edelman, Danny Woodhead and Cole Beasley doing their thing south of the border I know Weston can make it in the NFL even if he is getting close to 30 years of age.  If he impresses Andy Reid and the Chiefs the way he did Ken Miller six years ago, he will be trading his green and white for the red and yellow of the Chiefs and I think you'll agree he is a lot better now than he was six years ago.

If he does come back to Riderville, he will be welcomed back with open arms by a fanbase who has fallen in love with number 7 and the way he plays---hell Snoop dogg wore his jersey that's how popular he is,  but if he doesn't, the Rider Nation can look at Dressler and be filled with pride because we saw him grow into the player he is today. I could sit here and talk about his off the field accomplishments and his community work as well, but this post would go on and on and on. He arguably might be one of the most popular players to ever wear the green. He's a shoo-in for the plaza!

Good luck Weston! Riderville won't be the same without you, but the Kansas City Chiefs will have gotten a helluva lot better and I'm guessing there will be a few people who might just go out and buy one of their jerseys. Don't be a stranger!

Speaking of jerseys, if you leave I guess I have to get Mrs. Scruffy a new jersey because like many others. her jersey has "7" on the back!


  1. Anonymous1/13/2014

    Best of luck to Weston Dressler and his future endeavours In professional football wherever he chooses to sign his personal playing services contract as a free agent.

    # 7

  2. Anonymous1/13/2014

    I'm a long time Rider fan, I seldom watch the NFL. Oh, I check into how Jerrell Freeman, Cam Wake, Jon Ryan and (gasp) Brandon Browner are doing. I really hope Weston makes it down there because if he comes back he won't be the guy we're used to watching. They never are, I don't know what the NFL does to those guys but they never have the same fire in their belly.

    Old Cuss

  3. Anonymous1/13/2014

    Four years ago this made sense. It doesn't anymore. Weston is too old to make the NFL. He will be back. Mark my words.


  4. If he does come back to the CFL, I hope it's to the Riders. Other teams will want him as a free agent.

  5. Anonymous1/14/2014

    Dressler absolutely looked miserable for most of last season. He just didn't look like he was having fun. I thought he would retire. He is a great CFL guy. For some reason, these guys want to go down there and try, and you cannot blame them. Most guys fail. Something tells me Dressler, with the new head shot rules, will have a legitimate change to survive down there. I just don't know if he is fast enough. He is talented and in the right scheme, with someone who can actually throw the ball like a pro, he could make it.

    1. Anonymous1/14/2014

      Roughriders management choose to sign Anderson, end of story with regards to Mr Dressler and his demeanor/happiness In Saskatchewan. As soon as that managerial decision was made, you had to know Dressler was gone, common sense.

  6. Anonymous1/14/2014

    Its all about the $$$! In football, you time to make real cash is in a very small window. I wish Dressler well as he has worked hard to get to where his is today.

  7. Anonymous1/14/2014

    To anon #6. I agree, even though we won I still say it was a mistake signing Anderson. I'll bet there was no fond farewells between 7 and 33 when they cleaned out their lockers.

  8. Anonymous1/15/2014

    Only amongst the lunatic fringe of Rider fans can they manufacture a deep, dark dirty secret to try and bring everyone else down to their level.
    Nice try cupcake.
