
Monday, January 13, 2014

Something To "Mitch" About

First off congrats to Stefanie Lawton and her Saskatoon rink for winning the provincial Scotties. Losing the provincial final is something Lawton is all to familiar with, so to win one and head on to Montreal representing the province is tremendous. I would have to think she would be considered one of the favourites to take it all.

The four best football teams in the NFL and perhaps it is fitting that after everything gets boiled down, it is the two conference championships that many wanted---Brady vs Manning again as New England will play Denver while San Francisco and Seattle renew their hated and heated rivalry with one another in the NFC. I say New England-Seattle.

Just some thoughts on the four games this weekend.

--Who said you have to pass to be successful. In all four games, the team that ran the football the best won the game.
--What the hell was Marques Colston thinking on the last play of the Saints-Seahawks game. Stepping out of bounds with seven seconds left was a better idea than throwing a forward lateral that ended the game.
--What happens in Denver if San Diego gets their motor going at the start of the 2nd half instead of the start of the 4th quarter?
--Did Carolina let San Francisco get up off the canvas by only getting three points when they were at the Niners one yard line twice in the first half?
--Was Andrew Luck guilty of being too pumped up in his playoff games thus the bad starts? If he doesn't have the terrible starts he had, Indy wouldn't have had to come back against KC and they might have beaten New England.
--Does Peyton Manning have a desire to live in Omaha? He sure talked about them a lot at the line of scrimmage!

--Can we get some younger people for the Body Break ads? How old are Hal and Joanne anyhow?

I don't know what was said to Kory Sheets on Twitter to make him go off, but its another example of how social media can be as bad as it good. People are just 140 characters away if you want to get a message to them---good or bad. A lot of people give good messages, but some idiots have to be idiots and poke away. As tough as it is, ignore the haters.

Ryan Getzlaf did not play for the Ducks Sunday night after getting hurt with a "lower body injury" Friday night. Lets hope the injury isn't serious and Getzlaf is at 100 percent for Sochi.

Speaking of Sochi, how many Saskatchewan athletes are going to be representing Canada? I would have to say its at least a dozen. That is great for this province if you ask me!

It was asked of me on the weekend if Henry Burris could end up in Ottawa. Never say never, but if you have Kevin Glenn and Thomas Dimarco, why do you need Hank? If Kent Austin no longer wishes him to be in Hamilton, you would have to think Winnipeg is his best bet or perhaps Edmonton, but I would guess he would be the number two guy there behind Mike Reilly and I'm guessing Hank wants to be the number one guy.

I overheard an oldtimer who is mad because the government limited flu shots to pregnant women and small children. Where was this guy three months ago when it came time to take a flushot? If you didn't get one before don't be mad now. You had a lot of time to do it a while ago. That's my two cents on the matter.

How long till baseball spring training starts?

I don't think Claude Noel will be out of work long.

If Sportsnet has MLB for the next eight years and they have hockey for the next 12 years, I am guessing there won't be many nights where baseball and/or hockey isn't on the network. The times are changing my friends...the times are changing. I really would like to know what TSN is going to fill the void with. There's only so much football, basketball and golf to go around.

DJ Tanner or Kelly Kapowski?

Will Johnny Manziel be a good NFL quarterback or not?

Why would the Montreal Alouettes still have Russell Wilson on their neg list?

Are the Oilers going to trade Sam Gagner? What about Ales Hemsky? What will they get in return. There are whispers Gagner could go to Carolina, but would the Oilers ask for a Cam Ward or something different. Speaking of which, its so bad for Edmonton now that teams are taking pity on them and helping them score by doing it themselves. Thanks Patrick!!

In all seriousness, why can't the Oilers put in the type of effort every night they gave against Pittsburgh Friday night. That was what I thought I'd see all season and not just a one night only type thing. SIGHHHHH!!!

I will never understand why anyone thought it was a good idea to bring Arsenio Hall back to television. Why?

Have a good week everyone!


  1. Kelly Kapowski! That is a great debate question though.

  2. Anonymous1/13/2014

    I heard bruised foot for Getz. Nothing serious

  3. Anonymous1/13/2014

    Couldn't Ottawa trade Glenn or Demarco somewhere and grab Hank?

  4. Anonymous1/13/2014

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Anonymous1/13/2014

    DJ Tammer or Kelly Kapowski is a great question!!!

  6. Anonymous1/13/2014

    Congrats to Lawton. Its about time she made it back to the Scotties. She was starting to beome the Buffalo Bills of womens curling in our province.

    Put me down for DJ!

  7. Anonymous1/13/2014

    Nice to know someone in Regina not named McCormick will write stuff about womens curling and the sport in general cuz god knows someone else won't through his green-tinted glasses.


    1. Anonymous1/13/2014

      Take them off your face then and start writing.

  8. Anonymous1/13/2014

    Once Sportsnet gets some first rate announcers, they will zoom past TSN. The quality of the anchors still gives TSN a distinct edge.
