
Friday, March 7, 2014

This And That

The usual weekly assortment of thoughts running through my muddled brain

--As I look outside and see nothing but white, I am reminded baseball's opening day is less than a month away.

--The Buffalo Bills are not going to come to Toronto for their annual game this year. They say they'll be back. I doubt it. Kiss the NFL goodbye Toronto. Its not coming anytime soon.

--It would seem as if the Stampeders aren't interested in signing Nik Lewis to a contract extension. Can you imagine Nik in green? In the CFL, never say never---remember that!

--Kevin Glenn wants to be traded. I don't blame him for that because the REDBLACKS certainly did not give him a fair shake, but if he thinks he's starter material he's sadly mistaken. Where is he going to go? There is some talk he could end up in Saskatchewan. With all due respect to Glenn, making him the backup would be an insult to Tino Sunseri. He could be next up in a couple of years and its time to start developing him.

--Here's a legitimate question. On Tuesday night after trading Roberto Luongo, the Canucks went with Pat Conacher Junior as a backup in Phoenix. On the same night, the Oilers went with U of A goalie Kurtis Mucha even though many wanted Canadian womens national team goalie Shannon Szabados to have the honor. What happens if for whatever reason the "backup" has to play? Has that ever happened before? In Mucha's case it would be alright, but what goaltending experience does Conacher Junior (yes, he is former Pat coach Pat Conacher's son) have? St. Louis went with some rec league goalie once that they had to fish out of somewhere. What happens if this guy or gal actually had to play.

--Speaking of goalies, the injury to Pats goalie Daniel Wapple is hopefully not serious, but it did not look good when he went down against Edmonton Wednesday night. When Wapple gets back in the lineup, I hope he is wearing Pats colours for pads instead of his old Medicine Hat ones. Those ones must be extremely comfy for him.

--The Red Wings retired Nik Lidstrom's #5 on Thursday night. There is no doubt he is the best defenseman the NHL has seen in the last 25 years. Where does he rank overall? I would put him 3rd behind Orr and Coffey. The only reason I put Coffey ahead of Lidstrom is he sort of revolutionized the position by making a defenceman an offensive force.

--A tip of the cap to CTV's Darrell Romuld for an outstanding feature on my friend and co-worker Phil Andrews. Its on CTV Regina's webpage. For those that don't know Phil, you will after this. Its a great piece!

--I keep thinking Roger Goodell is joking when he says he wants converts to be placed at the 25 meaning a 43 yard PAT. That's just dumb! Its beyond dumb! Baltimore's Justin Tucker may be right when he says Goodell is trying to eliminate the kicker from the game. If you want a longer convert, make it a 30 yarder, but 43 is dumb. It baffles me as to why Goodell keeps trying to ruin what already is seen as the best game in the world by many. I hope Marc Cohon is not as dim when it comes to this as Goodell is.

--I will admit to being very surprised Sam Gagner is still with the Oilers. I like Gagner, but I thought he was headed somewhere at the trade deadline.

--Brian Lawton is as good on TV as he was on the ice.

--Who was the guy who wrote the jet to the female WestJet pilot? WOWWWWWW!!!! Someone needs to join the decade currently in progress!

--For my money, TSN's Sara Orlesky is the best female journalist out there right now. That includes those you find south of the border. In fact, the gap between Orlesky and some of the women broadcasters south of the border is a large one.

--The CRTC won't give us ESPN or Fox Sports One and now they say Canadian porn channels need more Canadian content. Who monitors this and where does one apply? There's a beaver joke in here somewhere but I will reluctantly let it pass.

--For those asking, my debut behind the mike on High Impact Wrestling on Access 7 is March 25. It is on that date that HIW and likely my life changes. I watched the first edition this past Tuesday and it seemed as if my Locker Talk partner Pete Paczko wasn't missing me. Hmmmmmmmm!!!!

--Good luck to the Cougar womens basketball team in Edmonton this weekend as they try to bring home a Canada West title and a trip to the nationals. A win over Saskatchewan Friday night will accomplish the latter.

--Whoever takes Texas A&M  quarterback Johnny Manziel in the NFL draft is making a mistake. Manziel couldn't get it done against tough SEC teams like Auburn and Alabama who are monsters on defense. If he can't do it against them, what is he going to do against NFL caliber defenses.

--After being off my satellite radio since January, the Dan Patrick show has resumed. I would love the opportunity to have a beer or three with Patrick or Colin Cowherd. They are my favourites.

--Is there some kind of discount at Regina car dealers for cars that don't have signal-lights. It would seem as if many in Regina are driving those types of vehicles these days----especially when conditions are less than ideal!

--Have a great weekend!


  1. Anonymous3/07/2014

    No no NO NO NO on Nick Lewis coming to Sask. I don't think I could stomach that!


  2. Anonymous3/07/2014

    "There's a beaver joke in here somewhere but I will reluctantly let it pass.” - So CRTC wants a tramp stamp to determine the origins of their tail?

    moving it back to 42-43 yds is fine for extra point. The FG % from that distance is still 80%. Kickers don’t like it because there’s now extra plays they’ll be judged on. Can you imagine a Superbowl game coming down to an extra point play?

  3. Anonymous3/07/2014

    In the CFL anything can happen is right. However, the reaction to the Dwight Anderson signing would be calm compared to Rider Nation if Lewis came here. NO THANKS!


  4. Anonymous3/07/2014

    Top NHL Defensmen in past 25 years which covers 1989-2014

    1) Ray Bourque - Best ever and he should have had a Hart Trophy, but didn't due to his era. All 3 zones and you have him on PP, PK, last minute up by a goal, last minute down by a goal.

    2) Chris Chelious - When he was in Detroit he was better than Lidstrom.

    3) Scott Stevens - This guy gave up his offensive totals to play that NJ system and win 3 Cups. He was the total package, way underated, and had he been able to play his entire career in Washington/St. Louis he'd be top 4 in all time pts for Defenseman.

    4) Nik Lidstrom

    5) Scott Neidermeyer

    6) Zdeno Chara

    7) Larry Robinson

    8) Chris Pronger

    9) Slava Fetisov

    10)Larry Murphy

    - Paul Coffee, Phil Housley etc., guys like that were great, but 4th forwards, and as the game changed they were liabilities. They got traded every year as PP specialists or to chip in.

    If you make a list of top Defenseman from 1980-1995 - Coffee would be in the top 3 along with Bourque and Chelios.


  5. Anonymous3/07/2014

    I can't tell whose blog is more smug--you or Petersons. You are both rather ignorant to read and listen to.

    1. Anonymous3/07/2014

      Perhaps you can't tell because your ignorance is so pure it actually clouds your perspective.

  6. Anonymous3/07/2014

    Scott Stevens ahead of Lidstrom. Cmon Obama, stick to politics!

  7. 75flyersbestteamever3/07/2014

    I can't take credit for this one but someone tweeted the next Porn that will have plenty of Can-Con will be; "DEBBIE DOES DIDSBURY"

  8. Anonymous3/07/2014

    Nik Lewis in green? You just made me lose my lunch Scruffy!

  9. Anonymous3/07/2014


    It would be easier to take your lame opinions seriously if you could actually spell. Paul Coffee? Chelious? Maybe stick to...actually, just go away.

  10. Anonymous3/07/2014

    I would be shocked if Kevin Glenn came here. Didn't we just sign a quarterback this week?

    peter dalla riva

  11. Anonymous3/07/2014

    To put Ray Bourque ahead of Lidstrom is an absolute joke. Sorry Obama!

  12. Anonymous3/07/2014

    When I see a porno called "Rough-Riders" I will now know its likely Canadian!

  13. Anonymous3/07/2014

    A 43 yard PAT into the wind. Yeah OK.

    If you want to increase the length of the PAT, make it a 25 yarder.


  14. Anonymous3/07/2014

    Wasn't it Bobby Orr who revolutionized the game by creating an offensive defenceman? You might be too young to remember Bobby

  15. Anonymous3/08/2014

    You might be too young to remember Eddie Shore....the original offensive defenceman. Fort Q product as I recall as well.

    Chris Chelios was better than Lidstrom in Detroit? Yeah okay Obama. I have a lot of respect for your opinion but that is just wrong. Lidstrom was just subtle amazing talent. Like Gretz, just a couple steps ahead thanks to thinking the game so well. If he and Chelios went into a corner and had to fight someone off the puck then I would concede that Chelios was better at that piece of the game but that is about it.

    Finally, and I am getting Woz/Obama long winded, I would pick Nik Lewis up at the airport and drive him to the stadium. I'm not looking for role models, I like to win.

  16. Anonymous3/09/2014

    Remember Playing defence is more than getting points, If Lidstrom ever hit anyone it was an accident, so zero physical game, zero intimidation puts him out of my top 10 Defenceman of all time, Was a great offensive dman playing with a lot of talent.

  17. Anonymous3/09/2014

    Manziel absolutely lit up a stellar Alabama D two years in a row. He won 1 of those 2 match ups. You're way off base here and a terrible example. Did you even watch those games. Manziel was unbelievable.
