
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Pats Sold To Local Group

The Regina Pats are no longer owned by the Parker family. At a news conference in Regina today, Russ Parker announced he is selling the team to Queen City Sports and Entertainment Group. That group is led by businessman Anthony Marquardt.

It brings to an end what can be termed as a rather sad chapter in the history of the franchise. Despite efforts to make the team a success, the Pats struggled mightily having reached the 2nd round of the playoffs just three times during their tenure which started in 1995. That being said, the team did see many players come through who went on to have NHL success the most notable being Jordan Eberle and Josh Harding.

Marquardt was not at today's get-together. It is believed he will be joined by former Pats goalie Todd Lumbard, local businessman Shaun Semple and that former Pat Mike Sillinger may also have some involvement.

The WHL board of governors will vote on the deal April 30 with two thirds majority needing to see the sale go through. A price-tag for the team was not disclosed.


  1. Anonymous4/23/2014

    The first sentence was all I needed to hear. THANK GOD!!! This should have happened years ago.


  2. Anonymous4/23/2014

    What do you think the pricetag is?

  3. Anonymous4/23/2014

    Peterson must be grinning like a butchers dog over this news. Why wouldn't he!

  4. Anonymous4/23/2014

    Parkers gone = me returning to Brandt Centre to watch Pats hockey.

  5. Anonymous4/23/2014

    Off the ice, the Parkers had a sense of community and kept the proud name of the franchise alive. On the ice, a complete and utter disaster. Brent couldn't even get it right the year we hosted the MC and it took years to get back on track. If dad had let someone else than sonny boy to run the team things might have been a lot different.

