
Friday, April 11, 2014

This And That

The usual weekly assortment of thoughts running through my muddled mind-----at least those safe enough to put in print

--Why doesn't the CFL do a better job of marketing its championship football team. I say this as I watch the DVD of the Seahawks Super Bowl season. Where is the Riders one? You can't tell me this wouldn't be that tough of a thing to do. Are you going to tell me Rider fans wouldn't put down 40 bucks for a DVD featuring season highlights along with the Western final and Grey Cup game. This is something the CFL has dropped the ball on for a long time. Its a project that is way overdue. The league should also be doing other things on DVD as well. The greatest Grey Cups, the greatest quarterbacks, the list goes on and on and on.

--Congratulations to Brendan Taman for a much deserved contract extension---one that means he will now be alongside Corey Chamblin until the team moves into its new digs. This is just a smart move, but what else would you expect from the organization. There is some talk perhaps Jim Hopson won't be around as president and CEO when it comes time to move. I laugh at that. The man who has transformed this club into one of the elite franchises in all of professional sport will leave when he wants to leave and with a new stadium at the end of the tunnel I don't see him taking an off-ramp into retirement anytime soon.

--Hard to believe that I was hearing about the Ultimate Warrior's speech at the WWE Hall of Fame last weekend and then seeing him speak to the WWE universe Monday night and then 24 hours later hearing of his death. The Warrior was one of the more interesting characters the WWE has had in and out of the ring. It seemed as if Jim Hellweg (Warrior's real name) had perhaps just come to peace with everything and that he had a role within the WWE yet he had no time to enjoy it. RIP Warrior!

--Congrats to Thunder quarterback Asher Hastings for being named the Canadian Junior Football player of the year on Thursday. Hastings will likely be put on what is a long list of Canadian kids who don't get a chance to try their luck out in the CFL because the CFL won't do anything to help develop Canadian QBs. That has to change and change yesterday

--Aging sucks!

--Ryan Smyth will play his last NHL game on Saturday night when Edmonton plays Vancouver. Smitty's legacy took a hit in Edmonton when he was traded to the Islanders (what a great deal that was) a few years ago over what basically was 100-thousand dollars. Its great to see "Captain Canada" end his career with Edmonton, but is his time there deserve a sweater retirement.  I can't see it, but ya never know. His career with the Oilers was a great one, but he never got the chance to hold the Cup.

--Saskatchewan's team in the NHL playoffs should be the Flyers. Unless I am missing something, the Flyers have 4 Saskatchewan players on their roster (Luke Schenn, Brayden Schenn, Braydon Coburn and Scott Hartnell). In the Sportscage on Wednesday, we thought L-A had four players as well but Linden Vey is not on the Kings active roster meaning Jarrett Stoll, Robyn Regehr and Dwight King are the Saskie contingent there. Is there any other team that has 3 or more Saskies on it?

--Not the first round Graham DeLaet wanted at the Masters. He will have to have a nice bounceback round on Friday if he is to play on the weekend. He wouldn't be the first golfer to have an 80 in his first crack at Augusta National and he won't be the last. It can't be easy for the confidence when you go out and start with 5 straight bogeys.

--Who had the worst season? Randy Carlyle, John Tortorella or Dallas Eakins

--That's all I got. Looks like its going to be a great weekend to get comfy with the couch and watch the Masters. Have a great one!


  1. Anonymous4/11/2014

    Couldn't agree with you more on Asher Hastings. You could throw a lot of other QB's out there too like Mueller and Shutter. The "Canadian" Football League lets down "Canadian" kids at the game's most important position. I won't sit here and say one of these kids should be a starter, but you can't tell me they couldn't be a third stringer or perhaps a backup.


  2. Anonymous4/11/2014

    Hopson leaves when Hopson chooses to leave. End of story! Any thoughts otherwise (like that of the joke of an organization you used to work for) are simply idiotic.


  3. Anonymous4/11/2014

    Gee, do ya think we would plunk down 40 bucks for a Riders Grey Cup DVD? This is a great idea. Can't believe it hasn't been done already.

  4. @doctor_rod4/11/2014

    I totally agree with you on the CFL not doing enough in the home video department. I have felt this way for years. After the '89 Cup there was a "Share The Pride" VHS that came out. Not sure if it was the Riders or CTV or who produced it. It's one of my most cherished keepsakes of all my sports memorabilia. I recently undertook the painstaking process of trying to convert it to digital for posterity. I would love to see DVD/BD for all the Grey Cup winning teams. Heck, wouldn't it be awesome to go a step further and have an online subscription service like so many other leagues have now where you can watch games online, watch archival footage and other special programs? Make a companion iPad app, I'd sign up. Come on CFL, get on this!

  5. Anonymous4/11/2014

    A Riders Grey Cup DVD would be a number one seller!

  6. Anonymous4/11/2014


    When is TSN airing that documentary on the Riders that they teased us about just after the season ended. I didn't miss it did I?


  7. Great question Ken. I don't know.

  8. Anonymous4/11/2014

    Tortorella has had the worst season. His team had the biggest talent going in. Gillis takes a fair share of the blame though for treating Luongo the way he did.

    Flyers all the way!!!


  9. Anonymous4/11/2014

    I agree with Randy

    peter dalla riva

  10. Anonymous4/11/2014

    He doesn't have the #s like Mess, Gretz and Kurri but I would retire Smytty's number for sure

  11. Anonymous4/11/2014

    Well said Randy!

  12. Anonymous4/11/2014

    Warrior might have been one of the strangest WWF characters in and out of the ring. I was surprised to see him get put in HOF and shocked to hear of his death. RIP!
