
Friday, April 18, 2014

This And That

The weekly assortment of thoughts running through my muddled brain----even on a holiday. 

--Tell the truth, how many of you got up this morning and thought it was Saturday?!! 

--If the first few games of the Stanley Cup playoffs are any indication, we should be in for some great hockey.  The Boston-Detroit series hasn't started yet and already we have seen some comebacks, a lot of overtime and generally some pretty good hockey. The first round usually is the best, but it would be nice to see this continue right through. 

--Ryan Getzlaf = TOUGH!! Would you expect anything different? 

--If the Colorado Avalanche win their series against Minnesota, remember the play by Erik  Johnson with about a minute to go  in Game 1 where he slapped the puck away from the empty net milliseconds before it went over the line. 

--If you haven't noticed Nathan McKinnon before the playoffs (and you should seeing he will be the rookie of the year), you will now. I had him as a guy flying under the radar in two hockey drafts and got him in both. I am looking for big things from him, 

--Congrats to the Yorkton Terriers on another SJHL title. If the Terriers aren't the benchmark franchise in the SJ than who is (with all apologies to Humboldt Bronco supporters). Trent Cassan and Don Chesney just keep pumping out winners. I keep wondering how long Cassan will stay in the SJ as he has to be on the radar of WHL teams, but like Dean Brockman in Humboldt, he has a good gig going where he is so why leave unless the offer is absolutely perfect. 

--Darian Durant made it perfectly clear Wednesday afternoon. He wants to be a Rider and he wants to win more Grey Cups as quarterback of the Riders. He realizes if that is to happen, he needs the guys around him and in a salary cap world, that means guys who cost some dollars need to be around. Durant could have been greedy and said I got to the top of the mountain once now pay me, but he didn't. Brendan Taman admitted they could have made Darian the top paid player in the CFL, but Darian wants to spread the wealth around so scenes like last November at Mosaic can be repeated.  There's no guarantee that will happen, but you have to love his attitude. Every game won't be perfect and every pass won't be great, but Rider fans should back this guy because more good times are around the corner. 

--Why is everyone wondering who will replace Weston Dressler when the answer is perhaps right under their nose. Have we all forgotten about Geroy Simon? He showed he can still get it done at GC 101 and he is the CFL's all time leading pass-catcher.  That's not a bad option to have.

--There's some excitement around CFL circles about Chad "Ochocinco" Johnson signing with the Alouettes. I'll start getting excited when he makes the team. With Jamel Richardson, SJ Green, Duron Carter and Brandon London all there, I don't think I'll be ordering an "Huit-Cinq" jersey anytime soon. 

--What an absolute embarassment from the Blue Jays pitching staff especially the bullpen on Wednesday night in Minneapolis. Eight walks, three wildpitches and six runs resulted in what was a disastrous and somewhat comical 8th inning. Eight walks??!! That's inexcusable. What made it funnier was Buck Martinez trying to justify it saying "It must be the weather" at Target Field where the temperature was hovering around the freezing mark. I didn't see the Twins pitchers having any problems there Buckster! 

--14 games into the season and the Cubs are in last place--six place back of the division leaders. Another 148 to go! HUZZAHHHH!!!!

--I realize Tuesday night's incident at the Cornwall Centre was a random incident that could happen anywhere and at any time, but its still a little scary seeing it happen in my own backyard.  The incident here certainly wasn't as traumatic or as tragic as the story that came out of Calgary this week, but it could have been. If anything, what happened at the Cornwall is just a reminder to always be aware of your surroundings and what's going on around you. It may not have changed what happened to the four people who were in the wrong spot at the wrong time, but still. 

--Why do PETA people visit Saskatchewan? Guess what, your message isn't getting through and you're being mocked. Please leave and on the way out, feel free to stop at any of our fine restaurants and get yourself a good old burger or steak as many of us do. Thanks!

--If your Saturday night is free, can I suggest going to the CKHS for a charity womens basketball game featuring U of R alumni against alumni from the University of Winnipeg and University of Manitoba, All proceeds from the game, which starts at 6, goes to Crystal (Heisler) McGregor, She is the former Cougar basketball player who is in the fight of her life as she battles cancer. It is great to see the Cougar alumni out there supporting one of their own and it would be tremendous to see a nice crowd at the University for this event. 

--I am actually going to try and sit down and watch the NBA playoffs. I watched a few Toronto Raptors games this year and this certainly is the best team they have ever had. I don't think they should have a problem in beating the Brooklyn Nets, but I don't like their chances against Miami in the 2nd round. 

--There are as many Canadian teams in the NBA playoffs as there are in the NHL playoffs. OUCH!!

--Should be somewhat concerned that six of the seven Canadian teams are on the outside looking in come playoff time? Does it bother you that only one Canadian team is in the playoffs? It doesn't matter to me albeit I'd love the Oilers to get back in someday---hopefully next year. Yeah I know. 

--Elliotte Friedman of CBC Sports may be the top Canadian sports journalist out there. His story last Saturday night on Dominic Moore and his late wife Katie may have been one of the best pieces he has ever delivered. If you haven't seen it, see if you can find it on the CBC Sports or Hockey Night in Canada webpage. 

--What is the mood amongst those at TSN as their days of the NHL start to wane? On the flip side, what is the mood over at Sportsnet as better days are right around the corner.

--11 weeks from tonight is the first Friday night football game of the 2014 season and we are 19 Sundays away from the first Sunday of the NFL season. ITS GETTING CLOSER!!!!

--This has to find its way to Regina Pats games for next year. What a great intermission feature this could be!!!!!

--Koala bears sleep for 22 hours a day and eat for 2 hours. God bless the Koala Bear!!



  1. Anonymous4/18/2014

    I'm with you on Johnson. The guy is giving the CFL some pub now, but I don't see him making the opening day roster.

    Cassan is a good coach, but Brockman is better. Why hasn't Chesney ever been considered for a GM post in WHL?

    Happy Easter!


  2. Anonymous4/18/2014

    As an Avalanche fan, I am fully aware as to how good McKinnon is now and how good he will be in the future. He has 50 goals and NHL MVP in next 5 years written all over him.

  3. Anonymous4/18/2014

    One game does not a season make Scruff. Remember that! #geroy #tooold

  4. Anonymous4/18/2014

    I hate it when athletes don't know when to gracefully retire. Geroy fits in that category.

  5. Anonymous4/18/2014

    Getzlaf is ubertough! That picture Chris put on twitter is NASTY!

  6. Anonymous4/18/2014

    Can we start the 11 week countdown?

    peter dalla riva

  7. Anonymous4/18/2014

    I'm not getting my Chad Johnson jersey either. He has gotten further than Dwayne Jarrett though.


  8. Anonymous4/19/2014

    Watching Nathan MacKinnon play hockey tonight I couldn't help but wonder how long it would take the Edmonton Oilers staff to wreck that kid if he'd been unfortunate enough to be drafted by them.
