
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Riders Begin Stadium Capital Campaign

The Saskatchewan Roughriders announced today the kickoff of a $40 million Capital Campaign to support the Club’s financial commitment to the construction of Saskatchewan’s new stadium.


The new stadium will be home to the Roughriders as well as hundreds of other amateur sporting events, major festivals, concerts and attractions for many years to come.  Construction will begin this spring with the stadium’s first CFL game set for June of 2017.  


Under the terms of the agreement with the City of Regina and the Province of Saskatchewan, the Club’s contribution will be a total of $40 million dollars. This includes $25 million towards the overall stadium construction plus an estimated $15 million towards the design, construction and furnishing of areas specific to the Riders such as locker rooms, team training and health facilities, meeting and equipment rooms, as well as football and business offices. 


The $40 million Capital Campaign will be branded as the Roughrider “Builder Campaign” and has been designed to allow for participation from the business community and Rider Nation.  

“This iconic new facility will be enjoyed by the people of Saskatchewan for years to come. It will not only be a focal point in Saskatchewan, it will generate national acclaim as one of the premier facilities of its kind in Canada,” said Jim Hopson, President and CEO of the Saskatchewan Roughriders.  “This facility is being built for the community and clearly Rider Nation will be one of the key beneficiaries.  With that in mind, we are designing a multi-tiered Builder Campaign and partnership program that will allow business partners and individuals to participate and be recognized and rewarded for their contributions to the construction of this great facility.”


The business community will be provided with multiple opportunities to become part of our Builder team.   The foundation of the Builder Campaign will feature 12 Founding Partners – “The Starting 12” – who will receive lifelong presence within the new facility and the ability to secure exclusive multi-year sponsorship assets, naming rights and other activation opportunities with our fans.   The business community at large will also be presented with partnership opportunities to contribute and be recognized for their support of this building project.


Individual Rider fans will also have opportunities to participate and be rewarded as being part of the Builder Campaign.   More details on the Rider Builder Campaign will be made available following the unveiling of the final design of the new stadium in the near future.




  1. Anonymous5/14/2014

    Why are the Riders trying to get other people to pay for their portion of the stadium?

  2. Anonymous5/15/2014

    Personally, I'm getting tired of this stadium. We've been yapping about it for years and they haven't even got a design yet.

  3. Anonymous5/15/2014

    Rough riders as usual looking for another hand out, pathetic attempt to lure more monies from the public coffers. What the're proposing has way too many Infringement legalities with regards to the eventual stadium name rights holder/s. Lifelong presence, wait a minute. They are just creating a conundrum of mishap and fanbase/community displeasure long term.

  4. Anonymous5/15/2014

    Lets see the corporate dollars come flowing in. PCS? SaskTel? Harvard Broadcasting? Brandt Industries? Keep em comin folks!

    1. Anonymous5/16/2014

      maybe cameco with all the $$$ they save evading federal taxes.

  5. Anonymous5/15/2014

    Check out anon #4 trying to sound like a lawyer. Must be Novak or one of his sweatpant mafia cronies!

    #laughing at you #notwithyou

    1. Anonymous5/16/2014

      #te he he he
      Check out anon #6 sounding off like a tool. Must be Novak or one of his sweatpants mafia cronies!

      #te he he he
      #laughing at you #notwithyou

  6. Anonymous5/15/2014

    There are long time supporters of the Rider Nation who will chip in 50 or 100 bucks, but in the end, Regina's big rollers will come through whether they are personal or corporate and they will be looked after for a long time as they should be. The knuckledraggers just won't accept how this will change Regina for the better. Look at Mosaic Place in Moose Jaw and what its done for them.


    1. Anonymous5/15/2014

      so what those huge concerts that are that take place at mosaic place will be coming to a 35,000 seat outdoor stadium?
