
Monday, May 19, 2014

Something To "Mitch" About

Sask hockey.....take a bow.  I'm not going through the numbers, but I'm guessing one province hasn't achieved the triple crown of hockey by winning the Esso Cup, Telus Cup and RBC Cup. The Yorkton Terriers completed the championship run with a dramatic overtime win over Carleton Place to win the National Junior A title. The Terriers were down to their last life at the Western Canadian Cup and found a way to regroup and advance to the RBC and when they were down to their last life at that event, they rallied again to get to the final. Down 3-1 with 3 minutes to play, they found a way to tie it up and win it. Congrats to Trent Cassan, Don Chesney and the Terriers organization. Trent is one of those young coaches whose profile is at an all-time high. If he is coaching in Yorkton next year, its because he wants to because I'm sure many an offer will be coming.

If TSN gets some hate-mail from Yorkton, they deserve to. The game ends, the celebration is had and they go to Sportscenter. Why couldn't the network devote five more minutes to show the Cup being given to the team. Its a magical moment and its one that all of Yorkton could have enjoyed. NOPE!! The same thing was done after the Telus Cup when the Mintos had won, but there was an NHL playoff game to go to. That wasn't the case Sunday night. Sometimes you just have to give your head a shake and wonder who is making these decisions.

Sorry Hab fans....its buh-bye if its Budaj the rest of the way and don't whine on the hit that knocked Carey Price out. It happens all the time in today's game where the goalie gets hurt. The only way those plays aren't happening is if you take the magnets off the post and that isn't happening anytime soon.

The Habs traded Ryan McDonagh for Scott Gomez. OUCH!!!!  If its any consolation, they traded Jaroslav Halak for Lars Eller too and that one worked for them.

The L-A Kings are the most Jekyll and Hyde team I have seen in a long time.

Can we just waive the waiting procedure and put Teemu Selanne in the Hockey Hall of Fame now? I'm not saying the class of 2015, I'm saying like at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon.

It is said the Boston Bruins may be trying to move uber-pest Brad Marchand. This Oilers fan would love to have Marchand if the price is right. He would spice up the Battle of Alberta. Oh yes he would!!

I am all for CFL players getting more money because they deserve it, especially when you have guys like Kory Sheets having to work in the oilpatch to make money in the off-season. The owners know in a way they have the players over a barrel here because many of them depend on their football income. This may be get worse before it gets better.  Some have asked if TSN will get involved because of their huge involvement with the game. If TSN didn't get involved in the NHL dispute, I can't see them getting involved here.

If Michael Sam doesn't make the NFL, would he come north of the border? Does anyone have his rights?

Sportscage junior hockey insider Kelly Remple has been finally convinced by someone to join Twitter. He can be found at @silverfoxtalks . Can he limit his Tweets to 170 characters? What will come from his account during Vikings season?

Graham DeLaet could have really made it a Sunday to remember as he was in position to win his first tournament at the Byron Nelson, but he couldn't get anything going. Another top ten finish is  nothing to sneeze at though. I'm sure like many of us watching his weekly exploits, he is going 'When will it be my week". Soon.  I think a lot of us were hoping to see at worst a DeLaet-Mike Weir playoff which would have been cool. It was good to see Weir show that his game isn't done and perhaps the Ontario native may be heard from again a few times over the next little while.

We are approaching mid-May and the Jays are in the thick of it in the American League East. When do they make some kind of move and what type of move do they make? I think they need another starting pitcher and there are a lot of them out there. The Drew Hutchison performance Friday was one that should have Toronto baseball fans feeling optimistic.

Two thumbs up to "The Wolf of Wall Street". I didn't know it was a real story until Mrs. Scruffy told me though. Man, what a decadent lifestyle he had.

Sadly again, I end this segment with sadness. For the past many years, I have gone into Access to do Locker Talk with Pete Paczko. There are many people behind the scenes and one of them was a gentleman named Chris Workman. He had his physical problems, but he was a great guy to be around. We had a lot of fun.  I was rocked on Sunday night when the producer of the show Graham Condo left me an e-mail and a voice mail saying Chris had suddenly died while working Saturday night after experiencing some difficulties. I am just stunned and as Pete put on his Facebook page, Tuesday nights will no longer be the same around the Access studios without him around.  RIP Chris. I know I gave you a lot of good-natured grief over the years and I know you know that Pete and I meant no harm. I won't be participating in this Tuesday's show for other reasons, but I hope to get over to Access to tape a farewell segment to Chris or whatever is planned.


  1. Mike from Vita, MB-formerly from Yorkton5/19/2014

    Congrats Yorkton Terriers- boo TSN! Maybe Tokarski's magic will vault Canadiens 2 Stanley Cup finals

  2. Anonymous5/19/2014

    You are right. I could understand if TSN had another live event to go to, but throwing it immediately to Sportscenter when you could have waited 5 or 10 more minutes to show Yorkton (or Carleton Place) get the Cup is just stupid. BOO TSN!


  3. Anonymous5/19/2014

    Sask hockey ruled Canada this year. No arguments can be made.

  4. Anonymous5/19/2014

    Wolf of Wall Street = great movie
    Brad Marchand = this Oilers fan would NOT cheer for him
    Yorkton---RIGHT ON!!
    TSN- BOOOOO!!!

  5. Anonymous5/19/2014

    BOO HOO Habs fans. You had no problem facing a Tampa team without their regular goalie didja? Karma's a biotch!

    1. Anonymous5/19/2014

      Be'otch! bi? otch

  6. Anonymous5/19/2014

    Its up to Humboldt's Dustin Tokarski to save the Habs. He's won an MC and a World Junior so lets see what he can do.


    1. Mike from Vita, MB5/21/2014

      Tokarski is from Watson, not Humboldt

  7. Anonymous5/19/2014

    Dan is 100 percent correct!

  8. Anonymous5/19/2014

    Dan is 100 percent correct!

  9. Anonymous5/19/2014

    DeLaet doesn't seem to have that killer instinct. It just seems to me he can't take his game to that extra gear needed to win. Gotta be more aggressive on Sundays.


  10. 75flyersbestteamever5/20/2014

    Can Marchand be converted to Defense?? --Then don't spend time re-arranging deck chairs, fix the $#%@ hole in the bottom.
    Sunken ships everywhere.
    --Wouldn't it be ironic if he got traded to Vancouver? He probably has a "can't go there ___ will kill me in the dressing room" Clause.

  11. Anonymous5/20/2014

    If Carleton Place won, they would’ve stayed the extra 5 minutes. However they don’t care that a western team won.

    One has to wonder what the Toronto Sports Network will do next year with the loss of NHL, and the fact they only have exclusive rights to CFL football. They can’t have 5 channels dedicated to Toronto sports if they only get some MLB and NBA games can they?

  12. Anonymous5/20/2014

    Marchand to Oilers - MAYBE? but he certainly won't behave the way he does with the Bruins, as the Oilers have no one on their Team capable of protecting the agitator,
