
Friday, May 23, 2014

This And That

--A weekly collection of thoughts running through my muddled brain

  --You can be negative if you want about Regina's new stadium, but I'm all for it and can't wait to walk into it for the first time.  The bitching and whining doesn't really surprise me because its so Saskatchewan. I really hope someday that culture leaves us, but it won't be for a long time. You could embrace the opportunity in front of you, but some choose not to and that's fine. The bottom line is its getting built and I can assure you barring something unforeseen this project won't be botched like the one in Winnipeg was

  --CFL players should be told by president Scott Flory to shut up because they are not helping themselves. The ill-spirited comments by some on Twitter are making the players come off as whiners. Let the association handle this and stay out of it

 --A nine percent hike in pay is a reasonable request by the CFL, but the league can certainly move on that offer somewhat. I wouldn't find an increase that is 10-12 percent to be unreasonable. Anything beyond that is a stretch though.

  --In this day and age where its not hard to find somewhere else to spend your entertainment dollar, it would be wise of the CFL to get this situation settled. The last thing the league needs is to get the new Ottawa franchise off on the wrong foot and with the southern Ontario fanbases always questionable and Montreal's fanbase disappearing as the team's dominance leaves, the CFL should be very wary of the consequences that could occur if games are missed.

 --The Montreal Canadiens are not the same team against the New York Rangers that they were against the Boston Bruins. The goaltending situation does not change my opinion on that. The fire and hunger doesn't seem to be there against the Rangers.  That being said, they got back in the series on a greasy one and sometimes that's all you need.

 --I'm assuming it was a Habs fan that said to me on Twitter that Montreal fans will take the good PK Subban with the bad PK Subban. There's been a lot more bad than good in this series.  It baffles me as to how some people think this guy is the best defenseman in the league. He is terrible in his own zone.

  --Is new Habs hero and Sasky Dustin Tokarski  the twin brother of Canadian crooner Michael Buble...

  Tokarski was the goalie for the Spokane Chiefs when they won the Memorial Cup and then broke it. Remember that....

I spoke with Dustin a couple of days later on the old Remenda show and asked him his thoughts on that. He said he was skating over when the cup collapsed and just stopped and said "Wasn't me!!" Watching that clip makes me howl again! God that was funny!

  --Its late May and the Toronto Blue Jays are in first place in the American League East. Is that a surprise? Its late May and the Chicago Cubs are last in their division in the National League Central. Is that expected?

  --Former Jays catcher JP Arencibia got sent to Triple A this week by the Texas Rangers. Arencibia had the gall to blame the Toronto media for him leaving the Blue Jays in the off-season. Yeah, I'm guessing those prodigious numbers at the plate you have been putting up had absolutely nothing to do with it.  Is the Dallas media to blame for your Triple A appearance? Three words JP----GET A HIT!

  --People who doublepark in an Impark lot should have a special place in hell reserved for them and the phone number of someone who will get out door dents.

  --There is talk Kurt Angle could be rejoining WWE? Oh boy! (sarcasm off)

  --The stars of High Impact Wrestling do their thing Friday night at the Hungarian Club. There is no Access TV coverage of this event so Pete Paczko and I are going to mingle with the gronks. Yes, yes we are!

  --Just 15 weeks until the Seahawks start the 2014 NFL season by slapping the Packers around CenturyLink Field.

  --I think its finally safe to say summer has arrived.  Have a great weekend!



  1. Anonymous5/23/2014

    Mitch. Tokarski has won at EVERY level he's played at. Midget aaa (Mintos I believe) mem cup, world juniors and a Calder cup. I am absolutely NOT a habs fan but I LOVE the coaching decision.

    Russ from saskatoon

  2. Anonymous5/23/2014

    Spokane breaking the MC might go up there with Kerwin Bell bagging himself as best blooper of all.

    Terry C

  3. Anonymous5/23/2014

    WOW!!!! Some-bodys grumpy!!!

  4. Anonymous5/23/2014

    Habs were lucky to win last night. I can't see them coming back.

  5. Anonymous5/23/2014

    You would think Novak would sign his name to that post. HA HA HA!

    Chris G

  6. Anonymous5/23/2014

    Unlike the one idiot on here, I am very excited at the stadium project and think it will take Regina to another level. There is a lot of whining out there about a roof and I say keep crying and enjoy what will benefit Regina for years.


  7. Anonymous5/23/2014

    Its getting stirred up in here!!!

    Two idiots now, how many more can we get?

  8. Anonymous5/23/2014

    What does Obama say?

    1. Anonymous5/25/2014

      He already did something, he was the loser on here with the foul mouth!

  9. Anonymous5/23/2014

    Hey hey hey, slow down your roll "anonymous" little one. Temper tantrum, laying on the floor kicking your feet will get you no where. And that language, my oh my gracious me, what a big foul mouth. Take a deep breath, drink some kool water, compose yourself, call mommy, she has your Ritalin.

    Mr Mo'sayic

  10. Anonymous5/24/2014

    "Forked-tongue Flory" is in over his head. I hope the players dump him and get to playing.

  11. Anonymous5/25/2014

    These whiners talking about what we need. Makes me laugh. I guess nobody should ever buy a new car or house or anything for that matter. Don't need it. If all of life's problems would go away by throwing money at it then we shouldn't have any problems left to solve. If the stadium wasn't built doesn't mean the money would go where you want it to so quit whining.

  12. Anonymous5/25/2014

    Just ignore Novak in his daily rant above. The guy needs an intervention before we get another California disaster like on Saturday.
