
Saturday, June 14, 2014

Going Out In Style

The win by the L-A Kings last night ended an era as CBC is now out of the game. While hockey will still be shown on CBC and there still will be Hockey Night in Canada, it will have a different look to it under the Rogers banner. Hopefully, one thing that remains is the outstanding montages put together and as the cameras faded to black, we got one last montage to take us through the summer. Enjoy!!


  1. Anonymous6/14/2014

    Thank you Mr. Mitchell Blair for this post. Sad, a life long friend I grew up with has gone away. CBC Hockey Night In Canada, Thank you one and all, good night.

    EG Anaquod

  2. Anonymous6/15/2014

    so begins the sub standard reign of rogers ughh...

  3. Anonymous6/15/2014

    The packages they put together at the start of the game are sometimes the highlight of the broadcast. Hopefully, the person responsible moves over from CBC.

  4. Anonymous6/15/2014

    Is McLean a part of the Rogers package? With Strombopolous hosting, what role is left for Ron?
