
Monday, June 9, 2014

Something To "Mitch" About

WE HAVE FOOTBALL!!  or do we.

It seemed Saturday night like we had an agreement in place, but the players don't like it and they may not ratify it. Can they afford to do that when it comes to the PR hit they will take. Sadly, I don't think this is over yet, but realistically it should be. If the players reject this deal and the CFL is firm on some things, it could be a long time before the two sides get back to the table and that benefits no one! I still think the deal gets ratified and we are at Mosaic on Saturday watching the Riders and REDBLACKS, but this is the CFL and as we all know, anything can and usually does happen.

I was surprised Thursday afternoon to get a text from Rod asking to come on the Cage with him Friday because it was one of those "What the hell am I going to contribute" scenarios when he has been at camp in Saskatoon all week and I've been back in Regina.  When he informed me he was going to be back in Regina it made it a lot easier as I could grill him on the goings-on and ask the questions that a lot of you probably have as well about this player and that player. The guy I should have been talking to is Luc Mullinder. This guy was good on Rider Radio last year, but he is stepping it up bigtime going into year 2. His draft work was phenomenal and now he's our own Mike Mayock as he evaluates this guy and that guy and gives his opinion as to who is doing what.  I have no problem with that whatsoever and as a fan, you shouldn't either.

It was great to hear recently-retired linebacker Mike McCullough is joining the 620 CKRM broadcast team Friday as another game-day analyst and Sportscage contributor. Mike knows the guys in that room inside and out, he will bring his outstanding dry sense of humour to the table and like Dominguez, I think he will let fans who bitch about this or bitch about that get a taste of what its like inside that room and perhaps moreso because he is just one year removed.

Word is the Hamilton Tiger-Cats want to walk into Mosaic Stadium for the season-opener and send the Riders a message. I say bring it!!! You didn't have a message when you came here last November? I am more than willing to put the green and white as they stand now against a Hamilton team with a guy who is still getting his feet wet in this league calling the signals with a different team. Just bring it!

Can we as hockey fans expect anything better than what the Kings and Rangers are giving us? How long has L-A actually played with a lead in this series yet they have a two games to none lead. The Rangers can squawk about whether or not goalie interference should have been called in what I think was the tying goal in Game 2, but its obvious to me the Kings have been the better team in this seriTes. I don't think L-A wins four straight, but it wouldn't surprise me to see this baby end in 5.

I will be shocked if Dan Bylsma isn't the head coach of another NHL team before the draft hits at the end of the month. I'll be astounded if he isn't behind the bench of some team before the start of next season. Why do I see him being in Vancouver? Would Florida be too much of a hill to climb for him?

Sticks on Rose was a huge success Friday as Rose Street was shut down right outside the Harvard Broadcasting studios for a tremendous day of street hockey. Once again, a solid contingent of celebrities were on hand including Jordan Eberle, Tyler Bozak, Rouleau's Keith Aulie and Wawota's Brooks Laich, I was asked Saturday if Laich had brought his girlfriend to town with him and was then reminded he is seeing Julianne Hough of "Dancing with the Stars" and "Rock of Ages" fame. I don't think he did, but if I'm wrong we all missed out on a tremendous opportunity to do so some star-gazing and yes fellas, a gazing we would have done.

I know Regina is a baseball town and we love our baseball, but what does it take for the Red Sox to get a solid crowd out at Currie Field. The guys behind the scenes work their tail off and it seemingly doesn't result in a good turnout. The ball is good, the environment is fine and there's nothing like watching a baseball game on a nice night. It was a little cool to start things off Saturday, but by the time the game against Yorkton was over it was a pleasurable night. The attendance couldn't have been any more than 400 though and that saddens me a little. Cmon Regina, we're better than that. Get out there and support the Red Sox.  That being said, it would have been nice had the city decided not to block the main entrance for many to Currie Field because of some road construction. That could have been done in August I'm guessing or before the season started. I will admit it is a bother to go up north Broad to 12th and back onto Winnipeg to come in from the north end. It can be done though.

One member of the Red Sox has a walk-up tune when he goes to bat of "Heaven is a Place on Earth" by Belinda Carlisle. ????? . I've never heard that in all my years of watching and playing ball. There has to be a story behind it. I may have to find the answer to that one. Roxette maybe, but Belinda Carlisle?

The St. Louis Cardinals perhaps showed American League pitching staffs how to handle the potent Blue Jay bats. Its an accomplishment when you blank that hot-hitting team on back to back days.

The best team in baseball right now are the Oakland Athletics. They have outscored their opposition by 128 runs. San Francisco is next outscoring their opposition by 65 with Toronto next at 44. By the way, the top 3 teams in wins this year are San Francisco, Oakland and Toronto who are tied for 3rd with Milwaukee.

Are the Yorkton Terriers paying Jarret Stoll back by buying his pre-game meal?

Let me get this straight. Lebron James is being mocked for having cramps in Game 1 of the NBA final for not getting back out there and some people are coming to his defence. Do the people coming to his defence realize what NHL'ers go through to get to and win the Stanley Cup. Perhaps the people coming to James' defence need to meet Derek Stepan who continued to play with a broken jaw in the Montreal series after the Brandon Prust hit. It just once again shows the toughness and mental stamina of hockey players compared to other athletes.

A friend of mine has a daughter who is a waitress. She was complaining because people weren't tipping her 18 percent and that it should be included on the bill. WHOA, WHOA, WHOA!! 18 percent is the norm now. I thought it was between 12-15 percent. I asked her why 18 percent should be added on to the bill and she said it was because she does a good job and if the customer wants to give her a couple of dollars more that's fine. I asked her would she be as good if she knew she was getting 18 percent and would her co-workers also work the same they are now if they knew an extra 18 percent was coming. What is the thought process on that and what's the thought process on tipping a delivery guy who has already added a charge to your bill. If you pick up an order, do you tip the person at the restaurant? Tipping is such a tightrope to walk. Of course, some are just cheap and don't give much of one if one at all. I have seen people do that.

Who needs to grow up more? Orioles 3rd baseman Manny Machado or Calfornia Chrome owner Steve Coburn. Both embarrassed themselves tremendously this weekend, but Machado acted like a small child who doesn't get his way. MLB should suspend him for a minimum 3 games for his bat-throwing tantrum Sunday. His actions Friday night when he didn't like a tag that he thought was too hard was laughable as well. While on the sore loser topic, Sportsnet asks who is the greatest sore loser of all time. What a great question! Who would you say?

The first round of the year is in the books and a 96 it is. I'll take it!

The Leafs want the first round pick in the draft. Would Nazem Kadri, Dion Phaneuf and their first this year be enough or would Florida want more?  As bad as Phaneuf has been, he could get his game back in place where the spotlight isn't as bright. Kadri is someone who still remains a mystery and then there's the draft pick which would be the number eight one overall.

Just because of his age, I think Colorado's Paul Stastny might be the most lucrative free agent out there this year. How much interest will there be in an aging Jarome Iginla---who can still play and does someone want to take a chance on Thomas Vanek after his less than stellar playoff performance.

What was Captain Hook's name before he had a hook for a hand?



  1. Anonymous6/09/2014

    Tipping in restaurants, in Canada, is a joke and not needed. Slightly above minimum wage and incremental increases are all that’s needed for their service in Canada. There are waitresses in the states making $3 an hour + tips. so I have no problem tipping them, when I travel,as most of their income is tips. I should not be tipping the entitled (why is that word so prevalent in today’s world) waitresses here in Canada.

    Riders, Stamps, and redblacks players are quite vocally against the proposed deal. I’m thinking that there will be a lost preseason game along the way. How many vets, who are on the bubble, will lose their spots to rookies to save the 6k difference in the week 1 ratification bonus?

    Statistically, the Jays bats were likely to go quiet for a stretch, hopefully it coincides with the Yanks and Red Sox losing streaks

  2. Anonymous6/09/2014

    Don't count out football players playing when at far less than 100 percent and cramping. Remember Kellen Winslow in the Chargers-Dolphins 81 playoff game. The guy had to be helped off the field at the end and if I remember right blocked a field goal to send game into overtime.

  3. Anonymous6/09/2014

    If players reject the deal, they are cutting their own throat. It won't be 98 percent or anything, but it will be ratified.


  4. Anonymous6/09/2014

    Iggy got 30 last year. He can still contribute. He should stay in Boston though because that might be his best shot for a Cup.

  5. Anonymous6/09/2014

    15 percent is what I tip and no I don't tip delivery boys or the restaurant if I pick up an order.

  6. Anonymous6/09/2014

    I agree with perry

  7. Anonymous6/09/2014

    Why would I automatically want to tip someone 18 percent if she is a terrible waitress! Good or not, you can slack off and know you're getting a good tip. No way. Earn your tips with great service.


  8. Anonymous6/09/2014

    You earn your tips.... it is not a birthright, and 18% is too high... the price of meals goes up 2-3 times a year, so waiters/waitresses already get the benefit of more tip dollars due to inflation.....

  9. Anonymous6/09/2014

    If players don't ratify, they will regret it big-time.

  10. Mike from Vita MB6/09/2014

    The Terriers r happy that Karma is repaying Stoll 4 his support of his hometown team.
