
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Bombers Signature Unis

Say what you want about the Riders signature jersey, but it beats this one and beats it soundly.


  1. Anonymous8/19/2014

    you serious - they are going to wear these ??? look like pyjamas - YIKES

  2. Anonymous8/19/2014

    Awesome ! A big W on their chest for Winner !

  3. Anonymous8/19/2014

    No it doesn't, the Rider uniform is the all-time worst and you media type that have selective hearing should know that by now. You would if you we listening instead of talking.

  4. Anonymous8/19/2014

    Juat when I thought Ottawa had the worst one, Winnipeg beats it. Well done Winnipeg!!

  5. Anonymous8/19/2014

    put all theses clown outfits in a box and burn em pretend they never happened.

  6. Anonymous8/19/2014

    Reebok has totally missed the mark on every one of these so called Signature uniforms. I'd say Mark Cohon should be answering to this but it won't happen.

    Not Impressed

  7. Anonymous8/19/2014

    These things are disgusting. Reebok is definitely staying true to the term one-off (as in once on and forever off)

    Ottawa’s looks like a scottish guy wearing a kilt doing a handstand

  8. Anonymous8/20/2014

    The CFL must be in worse financial shape than I thought. These Signature Uniforms reek of desperation, Cohon is willing to sacrifice all tradition in the hopes of selling a jersey to the younger generation.

  9. Anonymous8/20/2014

    Pathetic amateurish cash grab by all involved. Can the CFLeague sink any lower? Arena Football League has a better professional Image for Pete's sake !

  10. Anonymous8/21/2014

    What happened? CFL amateur Canadian Bush League that nobody can take serious. CFL head office and it's asociated franchises have done a major dis-service to a Iconic Canadian Institution. Childish, a**clown pajama outfits, wait till the Americans see this, CFL will be worse off for this mis-direction and the laughing stock by all professional athletes.
