
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Cohon Says His Time Is Up

Today I informed our Board of Governors that I will not seek a third term as Commissioner of the Canadian Football League.
This is a very personal decision. I knew in my gut when I came here that the CFL was the right place for me and I have never regretted that decision. Today, those same instincts are telling me it is time to move on to tackle new challenges and opportunities.
I won't be going anywhere for a while. I have indicated my willingness to complete my current term as Commissioner. It doesn't expire until April 2015 but I wanted to give our Governors ample time to find the right person for this important position. Their search will begin immediately. And I will continue to work as Commissioner for the rest of this season and for months to come.
Still, I can't help but reflect. It's incredible how quickly time flies. This is my eighth season as Commissioner, and I have loved every minute of working on behalf of our iconic franchises, with our elite and unselfish athletes, and for you, our wonderful fans.
Thank you so much.
Our league has come a long way over these years. You have made every advance possible.
  • When we debuted the REDBLACKS this season, you packed the place.
  • When we celebrated the 100th Grey Cup, you came to every event, and when we took our historic trophy from coast to coast to coast by plane, train and automobile, you were on board, often literally.
  • When we visited Atlantic Canada, you came with us, or were already there for us.
  • When we declared This is Our League, you cheered.
  • When we sat down to negotiate a transformative deal with TSN and RDS, you armed us with great ratings.
  • When we said we needed new stadiums, you showed your support to help make them happen.
  • When we launched the Fan State of the League, you filled the room with energy, emotion and tough questions.
  • When we launched the SunLife Grey Cup Fan March, you filled the streets with fun and emotion and, as I knew would happen, not one of you dropped the Grey Cup, and all of you cherished the moment.
  • When I asked for your rule changes, you had the most innovative ones.
  • When I asked for your input, you took the time to write or call or email or tweet, and each and every time, your passion for our league shone through.
  • And when I wandered into the stands, into a Sea of Green or Box J or any one of the special places that has made this league what it is, you welcomed me and my family with open arms, good humour, and the occasional priceless one-liner.
Commissioners come and go. So do coaches and quarterbacks. Our league and game are much bigger than any one person. The CFL will continue to grow and succeed in the future because of you, our fans.
Still, I hope the CFL is better for the time I have spent here. I know I am and always will be.


  1. Anonymous8/20/2014

    Hmmm ! Drastic change afoot in a very near future for the CFLeague .

    1. Anonymous8/20/2014

      yeah like folding

    2. Anonymous8/21/2014

      Argonauts a bad situation, no venue to call home, dwindling fanbase pathetic. Instability elsewhere, Hamilton right now not drawing in the ticket numbers for two years straight which equal the all mighty dollar for team operations now and the long term.

  2. Anonymous8/20/2014

    Why do you say its a stupid deal? It gave all 8 teams money it wouldn't have otherwise had meaning all teams are basically financially healthy. Would you rather have some games not televised as was the fact before? I will agree TSN hasn't done a very good job with its property as a whole, but I don't think a lucrative TV deal was stupid.


  3. Anonymous8/20/2014

    Good luck finding someone as personable as Mark!

  4. Anonymous8/21/2014

    Hmmm, and MLSE is now on the hunt for a new CEO, maybe Cohon will go there, negotiate a buy of the Argos and get CFL in Toronto growing again.
