
Monday, August 4, 2014

Riders News/Pats News

The Saskatchewan Roughriders allowed late Monday night receiver Taj Smith has been charged with violating a condition of his release on a charge of aggravated assault. It is not known what Smith is alleged to have done. The team says he will not play Thursday in Winnipeg.


The Leader-Post's Greg Harder is reporting former Senators and Jets head coach John Paddock is the new head coach of the Regina Pats. Paddock has apparently also assumed control of hockey operations. Its not known what this means for current GM Chad Lang who is also the team's senior vice-president. It is expected a formal announcement will be made later this week.


  1. Anonymous8/04/2014

    Isn't this just great!!! I'm not talking about Paddock either.

  2. Anonymous8/05/2014

    What did he do? I would venture to say he went back to Dewdney. If the organization has any balls, they will give Taj a plane ticket home.

  3. Anonymous8/05/2014

    Is Chad Lang done? Sounds to me like he might be.

  4. Anonymous8/05/2014

    Ahhh, the life of a Saskatchewan Roughrider, living on the Riderville dime out of province excessively without financial constraints. Finest hotels, finest restaurants, finest night clubs smoking big cigars etc while people back home starving.

  5. Anonymous8/05/2014

    Taj Smith- impending release by roughriders?

  6. Anonymous8/05/2014

    Once, twice Taj Smith, your fired !

  7. Anonymous8/07/2014

    At 31 years of age, old man Taj should know better. Anyone who has been to Ottawa and area knows the notorious nightclub scene is a hop skip and jump to Quebec side of the border. Roughrider management accountable for this excessive costly road trip. Whoever is is responsible for this stupid Idea to stay abroad for a week plus should explain themselves to the community owned team fanbase. Gotta be very expensive to stay, with hotel accomodation, meals, practice facility rentals, air flights, etc. Roughriders should have been directed straight home to Regina after Ottawa game, and then bussed to Winnipeg.

    Mr Frugal Accountable Spender.
