
Friday, August 22, 2014

Sheets' Season Comes To An End

Kory Sheets will not play in the NFL this year and he won't play in the CFL either.

The 2013 Grey Cup MVP saw his NFL dreams go up in smoke for this season in Green Bay on Friday night when he suffered a hard hit on a run suffering an Achilles injury. Sheets using his Twitter account after the game said "a dream deferred...out for the year".


  1. Anonymous8/23/2014

    It sounded like he was going to make it too. Tough break Kory!

  2. Anonymous8/23/2014

    The NFL dream comes to a sudden halt. I'm guessing his age will mean he won't get a look now. Too bad!


  3. Anonymous8/23/2014

    That's a shame. I don't have much use for the NFL but I always pull for CFLers when they follow their dream. Heal fast Kory.

  4. Anonymous8/23/2014

    Sheets couldn't sidestep shuffle around the NFL for on field yardage like he did the CFL and it cost him, better luck next time Kory if it comes your way.

  5. Anonymous8/24/2014

    Poor little "Can't Get Right" (Kory Sheets) from the Eddy Murphy movie Life.

  6. Anonymous8/27/2014

    He can now go back to taking pics with his guns and posting them on face book/twitter if he hasn't done so already.
