
Friday, August 1, 2014

This And That

The weekly collection of thoughts running through my muddled brain

  1. Jose Bautista is pissed because the Blue Jays stood pat at the trade deadline. I can't blame him. In fact, I will say on this the last day of July the Blue Jays will not make the playoffs. While Toronto added some bats, what they needed was an arm or two and GM Alex Anthopoulos failed or Rogers Communications failed the fan-base by not letting him strike a deal. Anthopoulos has let it be known the right deal wasn't there. I say BS to that. While I'm sure every team wanted to know about the availability of trading top prospects, every team would want the top prospects of every other team. The Cleveland Indians sent Justin Masterson to St. Louis for an outfielder ranked 8th in their system. I'm sure the Indians asked for OF Oscar Taveras or Stephen Piscotti, but they eventually came to a deal to send James Ramsey to Cleveland. Could Anthopoulos have not done this? That's just one example.  I'm sure Toronto could have struck a deal to get an arm without giving up an Aaron Sanchez or a Marcus Stroman. Toronto needed a starter to improve a rotation that doesn't strike any fear in anyone or some relief.  The Jays won't have a chance like this again for a while. They have methinks let one get away. Perhaps, they can stick around and if they do that's great, but I don't like their chances especially when I see how many games they have against contending teams that did improve themselves like Baltimore, Seattle and the Yankees.  Even the low budget Oakland Athletics realize this is the year to lose the dice and as a result, they gave up Yoenis Cespedes for Jon Lester and Jonny Gomes. If Oakland wins it all, no one will remember Cespedes getting dealt even if he has a Hall of Fame career with Boston.  Jays analyst Gregg Zaun said Thursday night the Jays worsened themselves by not adding anyone. ESPN's Steve Phillips says it was a horrible day for the Jays. I can't argue with them. I know there are some who are fine with what Toronto has done. That's cool, but I question how much they want their team to win it all.
  • The WWE network is finally coming to Canada. Excuse me, its finally coming to southern Ontario. It would appear is if the 24/7 wrestling network that many in our province would like to have is only at this time going to be a part of the Rogers network. ?????  Why is it many of these networks come to Rogers first while we wait in Saskatchewan whether we have Access or Sask-Tel? How much longer till we have the option to buy this and other networks we can't get like the MLB Network! At least we can get Sunday Ticket and yes, I will be ordering mine this weekend.

  • Its great to see Chris Getzlaf back practicing with the Riders. The offence has sputtered without number 89 in there and it will be great having him back in there against the REDBLACKS doing his thing. Is he the solution to what has plagued Darian and company over the first four games. No he hasn't, but his absence has been noticeable.

  • Is Kent Austin still considered a coaching god?

  • Have the Bombers announced the date of the Grey Cup parade? If they haven't yet, I'm sure they will next week if they beat the Riders.  Why are the Bombers playing so many Thursday night games?

  • After seeing so many Weston Dressler updates, it was refreshing to get some Kory Sheets updates from the Raiders camp. Like Weston in KC, the coaching staff in Oakland appears to like what they are seeing from Sheets. I will ask you this though. If one were to come back, who would you rather have? With all apologies to Sheets, I would say Dressler because we have seen this year that any running back can do his thing behind that Riders o-line. That's no insult to Sheets either because his talents don't need to be described on this page.  Guys like Sheets can be found, guys like Dressler can't be.

  • The provincial NDP must be wondering if Christmas has come six months early. I can't believe how badly botched this Saskpower smart meters has become for the government. Brad Wall is saying the right things, but someone has to pay the price for this mess. Who will it be and when?

  • Just so I know in advance, what are the popular stuffed animals on the midway at the Queen City Ex this year? I will be attempting to win one of them for my 11 year old this weekend without sacrificing a mortgage payment.

  • Did Global weathergirl Tiffany Lizee really do her forecast Thursday night from atop the ferris wheel at the Ex. If so, attagirl Tiff!!! Is the slingshot next?

  • If there is a better female news anchor out there than CBC's Jill Morgan, I'd like to know who it is. She's the best on my TV screen and I've got many channels.

  • Best news of the week was that of Vin Scully returning for another year to do LA Dodger games. There is no one better and there will be no one better than Scully at any sport doing his thing. I have driven many a road or sat in the backyard many nights with Mr. Scully calling a Dodgers game on satellite radio. He simply is magical when behind the mike.

  • A belated congratulations to the Regina team that will go to the Little League Junior World Series in Taylor, Michigan. The group of 14 year old boys will be representing Canada at the event which isn't as marquee as the event Regina went to several years ago in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, but its just as prestigious. Have fun guys and good luck!!!

  • Best of luck to the Regina Red Sox as they start playoffs Friday night against the Yorkton Cardinals. The best of 5 affair will see Games 1 and 2 at Currie Field with a 705 start each night. I'm guessing because of the Riders game there won't be a great turnout on Saturday, but lets see if they can get a grand in the park for tonight's tilt.

  • Its the last real long weekend of the summer so if you are getting on the highway, play it safe and get to and from in one piece.


  1. Anonymous8/01/2014

    I'm ok with the Jays not making a deal. I would've preferred that they got Price or Lester, I didn't want to give up Sanchez or Stroman. They will be fine, they will squeek in the last wild card spot.


  2. Anonymous8/01/2014

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  3. Anonymous8/01/2014

    Toronto finishes off with Baltimore, Seattle and Yankees. THey will be exposed there. Sad to see management go this far and then not take the final step for not only this year but beyond.

  4. Anonymous8/01/2014

    Scruffy you are forgetting the big picture with the Jays. They really don't need a hitter with Lind, EE and Lawrie coming back in the next couple weeks.

    The starters have been remarkably good, certainly good enough to get them to the wild card. What they need is relief. They'll have Morrow back as a power arm at the back end, and other relievers will be available in August.

    Mortgaging the future for a couple months of Lester or a Price, neither of whom will resign in Toronto is foolhardy

  5. Where you can blame Jays management is for having a weak farm system. (Albeit gutted a whole lot with the deals two years ago.)

    That is not easy to make a trade when the upper levels of your minor league system are thin and teams holding anything of value are looking less for lottery tickets and more for established young big leaguers with years of control left. The Jays have Brett Lawrie. They have Stroman, Sanchez, and Hutchison. But what else? The assets they have that other teams value, they really like themselves — they’re really relying on themselves.It’s the trade deadline, not the get something for nothing deadline.

    But then you watch last night and say holy heck this team looks like they want to win with what they have. Could've easily been a trap game of 'no trade hangover'

    Reimold hits a couple of dingers, and I say “Hey, not a bad pickup, AA!”. Definitely a guy who needed a possible change of scenery.
    Then Valencia makes a pretty decent play in the infield, and I say “Hey, not a bad pickup, AA!”
    Then I see Sanchez and Stroman coming onto the mound like they’ve been doing it for years and pretty much owning every batter they’ve faced, and I say “Hey, good thing you didn’t move them, AA”
    Then I look at the list of guys who can potentially help this club in a year or two – and I say “Hey, thanks for not moving those guys, AA”.
    Then I see Lawrie and EE and Lind coming back in the next few weeks, and I feel so much better about playing meaningful ball in September. Hey, if we win – that’s great! I just want to be excited about baseball in September.
    I feel a lot better now. Thanks.

  6. Anonymous8/01/2014

    Yes Mr.Kent Austin still The Sk.Football God, he's personally responsible for two of the Roughriders four CFL Grey Cup titles. Geeze, people should know that by now.

  7. Anonymous8/01/2014

    I wouldn't count Kent Austin out just yet. They've only won one game while losing four of them, but they've allowed only 19 more points than they've scored. They are close to being a contender and somebody has to come out of the East and I still think it will be Hamilton.

    Old Cuss

  8. Anonymous8/01/2014

    Seeing the Ti-cats struggle is nice. but Kent won us a GC as a coach and a player. He's god-like to me.

    peter dalla riva

  9. Anonymous8/01/2014

    The Jays screwed up. Boston is having a bad year, Tampa has had a bad year and the Yankees are right there and have gotten better. They needed a pitcher and they failed. They will be worse next year without Cabrera, Rasmus and whoever else can go via free agency. Management has let the fanbase down.

    Terry C

  10. Anonymous8/01/2014

    Lester would have been great now, but disastrous for the future. A guy like Malone, Cosart, Masterson or Keuchel would have been better. I'm sure Toronto would and could have given up Hutchinson for one of those guys or even Happ or Jenkins. THe rotation doesn't scare anyone. The chance to win is this year, but someone seems to have ignored that. Typical Toronto!

  11. Anonymous8/01/2014

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  12. Anonymous8/01/2014

    If I'm AA and the guy on the line says he wants Strouman or Sanchez, I just hang up.

  13. Anonymous8/01/2014

    Saskatchewan gm Brendan Taman traded Drew Willy, In hindsight better effort should have been made to sign him to new contract. They should have traded the aging Darian Durant after the Grey Cup win as they did Kerry Joseph and shored up sorely lacking team areas of concern because any significant player recruitment sure didn't happen during the off season. (running back/receivers).

  14. Anonymous8/01/2014

    The rose has fallen off Austin. His career has gone downwards since leaving here for Ole Miss. I dare to say had he not left, old man Miller and Chamblin would never be a part of Rider history.


  15. Anonymous8/01/2014

    Toronto won't have a sniff at the pennant for the next 3-4 years. Look at how Boston has rebounded. The Yankees will be the Yankees and Baltimore is strong. Sanchez, Stroman and others are young guys who aren't battle tested.

  16. Anonymous8/01/2014

    3 things

    1. Bautista should just shut his mouth and play. This team is good enough to get the playoffs so don't sulk

    2. Isn't it cute to see Winnipeggers think their team is going places. Remember Swaggerville?

    3. I hope you told your good buddy Peterson where to go after his offensive comment on Wednesday.


  17. Anonymous8/01/2014

    Kyle brings up an interesting point. If Austin had stayed, where would this team be? Miller certainly wouldn't have had his time as coach and I'm guessing Chamblin would never of had a sniff at becoming HC here. I would dare to say we would have another GC though.

  18. Anonymous8/01/2014

    Why don't you go run the Jays or any other pro sports team for that matter?

    You sit here and harp on Anthopoulous but yet you defend Taman against all the haters when the Riders are down. You of all people should know that people think it's easy to be an armchair GM because of how you trash the Taman haters. Go ask your buddy Taman how easy it is to pull off trades. Do you defend him cause that's what you do or you lose your media creds?
    I for one think the Jays are competitive and will make the playoffs. Let's here the deal you would have made to get Price or Lester.

    If they sell the farm now for a chance to win and fail, you will be saying that they gave up too much. Until you become a pro GM your opinion counts about as much as mine.

    Like your blog Scruffy but sometimes you don't make sense.


  19. Anonymous8/01/2014

    Durant, an aging QB! Get a grip man! He is just hitting his prime and has 5 to 8 years of peak performance to come.

    1. Anonymous8/01/2014

      ala Hen rrrrry !!!!!!!

  20. Anonymous8/01/2014

    You can't praise your farm system like AA does and at the same time be unable to make a win-now move at the deadline. It can't be both. They've been talking about the ''right time'' for decades and here it is, yet they didn't do anything. Whether they were unABLE or unWILLING doesn't matter. They didn't improve the team despite being in the middle of a pennant race. They have only themselves to blame and it's not something that should be celebrated.


  21. Anonymous8/01/2014

    AAlets Blue Jays season ticket holders and fans down, doing nothing only means Blue Jays miss playoffs again , so close to being in the playoffs only a trade for a pitcher away, Please owners send Alex packing at end of season, the extra revenue from playoffs only now a dream

  22. Anonymous8/01/2014

    All the Jays top prospects now that Stroman and Sanchez are in the majors are in A Ball with the exception of Pompey and Norris.

    A rotation of Stroman, Sanchez, Hutchison, Norris and TBD is a pretty strong unit in a couple years when they hit the beginning of their prime years.

    Jays would have had to give up 2 of those players to get the rental of a Price or Lester. Mortgaging their future while the next wave of pitching prospects in their system are still in A ball and 5 years would be more head scatching than standing pat this trade deadline.

    There is potential August trades, it’s just that players need to clear waivers first.

  23. Anonymous8/01/2014

    Baseball chatter on a Regina sports blog. I would never find that on "Reppin the 306". Thanks Scruffy!!

  24. Anonymous8/01/2014

    I agree with Randall, I guess you can hack on AA because you never interview him anyway. But when it comes to Taman everything has to be coated with green icing sugar, because you're scared you may get the cold shoulder next time.


  25. Anonymous8/02/2014

    Mr. Blair,
    The mouth piece RP owes you a on air apology Mr. Blair for his disrespectful off-side comments on the sports cage. Professional courtesy demands it, and so should you.

  26. Anonymous8/02/2014

    If he's 100 percent I'm lookin for big things from Getz in Ottawa.

  27. Anonymous8/03/2014

    AMEN Mitch !
    "1.Jose Bautista is pissed because the Blue Jays stood pat at the trade deadline. I can't blame him. In fact, I will say on this the last day of July the Blue Jays will not make the playoffs. While Toronto added some bats, what they needed was an arm or two and GM Alex Anthopoulos failed or Rogers Communications failed the fan-base by not letting him strike a deal. Anthopoulos has let it be known the right deal wasn't there. I say BS to that. While I'm sure every team wanted to know about the availability of trading top prospects, every team would want the top prospects of every other team. The Cleveland Indians sent Justin Masterson to St. Louis for an outfielder ranked 8th in their system. I'm sure the Indians asked for OF Oscar Taveras or Stephen Piscotti, but they eventually came to a deal to send James Ramsey to Cleveland. Could Anthopoulos have not done this? That's just one example. I'm sure Toronto could have struck a deal to get an arm without giving up an Aaron Sanchez or a Marcus Stroman. Toronto needed a starter to improve a rotation that doesn't strike any fear in anyone or some relief. The Jays won't have a chance like this again for a while. They have methinks let one get away. Perhaps, they can stick around and if they do that's great, but I don't like their chances especially when I see how many games they have against contending teams that did improve themselves like Baltimore, Seattle and the Yankees. Even the low budget Oakland Athletics realize this is the year to lose the dice and as a result, they gave up Yoenis Cespedes for Jon Lester and Jonny Gomes. If Oakland wins it all, no one will remember Cespedes getting dealt even if he has a Hall of Fame career with Boston. Jays analyst Gregg Zaun said Thursday night the Jays worsened themselves by not adding anyone. ESPN's Steve Phillips says it was a horrible day for the Jays. I can't argue with them. I know there are some who are fine with what Toronto has done. That's cool, but I question how much they want their team to win it all. "
