
Friday, August 8, 2014

This And That

I could give you the assortment of thoughts running through my muddled mind on a variety of topics, but who's kidding who, the Rider game takes center stage. Here are some thoughts on what went down at Investors Group Field.

 --Oh Drew Willy, didn't you learn when you were here that you don't try and beat Terrell Maze. This guy is so under-rated its not even funny. Opposition quarterbacks don't throw Maze's direction very often and when they do, they don't succeed. In this case, it turned a win into a loss for the Bombers.

--What more can you say about John Chick that you haven't said already when it comes to his play. Rumour is he sacked Drew Willy on the way to the team bus. Chick is definitely the top defensive player in the league at this stage of the season. Is he the best player period?

--Say what you will about Darian Durant, but he didn't throw three picks and one fumble with two of those plays turning into touchdowns.

--I have no idea who starts at running back against the Alouettes on August 16.

--Is a defender not allowed to hit a receiver within 5 yards of the line of scrimmage. If they are, there were some terrible calls against the Riders especially on the long TD drive. Both Rod Williams and Ricky Foley were victims of brutal calls---especially Foley.

--Macho Harris and Weldon Brown had tough nights, but its not as bad when you win. The same might be said for Chris Milo. All three can and will bounce back.

--The Riders to a man deserve credit for getting this win. Two road wins in five days is nothing to sneeze about. Where are all the haters now? This team has proven its resiliency and they are over their Grey Cup hangover which is something they don't want to admit, but its something I think they had after three weeks of the season.

--Corey Chamblin sounded like a proud father at the end of the game. I would have loved to have heard his game-end address to the team. Whatever it was, I think this team took a big step to being where they want to be at the end of the year. That trip was not easy and they come home after spending nine days on the road with a pair of victories. Coach C said the players will get a day off when they get home----cmon Coach, give em two!!

Your thoughts are more than welcome!


  1. Anonymous8/08/2014

    2 point CFLWD gift to the win column for Sask courtesy of WBB late game blunders.

  2. Anonymous8/08/2014

    I think some businesses in Regina should be stepping up and signing John Chick for endorsements and off season appearances. There's only so many dollars per team under the salary cap but a business could surely benefit from having John associated with them.

    Old Cuss

  3. Anonymous8/08/2014

    I wasn't very impressed with Cortez's play selection and that funnels down to people blaming DD.

  4. Anonymous8/08/2014

    If Messam gets a head of steam, you ain't stopping him. It was just chunk after chunk after chunk of yards. Who is our running back now and is our running back from last year going to return?


  5. Anonymous8/08/2014

    Did DD go deep once last night? If he did, I didn't see it.

  6. Anonymous8/08/2014

    Who brought in Mark Legree? Oh yeah Brendan Taman! Who went out and signed Jerome Messam? Oh yeah, Brendan Taman! Cmon Taman haters, where are ya this morning???

  7. Anonymous8/08/2014

    Is a defender not allowed to hit a receiver within 5 yards of the line of scrimmage.

    Scruffy you are too wrapped up in NFL football, there is no 5 yard rule in Canadian football. DB’s are allowed to jam receivers who enter their space all over the field, but DB’s aren’t allowed to go out of their way to make contact or interfere with the receivers ability to catch the ball.

  8. Anonymous8/08/2014

    You forgot to add Milo to the list of players who had a rough night. Is it time to bring in another kicker? Luca Congi, where are you?


  9. Anonymous8/08/2014

    Are you sure there is no 5 yard rule in the CFL? I thought there was. How else are you to disrupt guys on routes when they have a running start. You had better look into that.

  10. Anonymous8/08/2014

    Are you sure there is no 5 yard rule in the CFL? I thought there was. How else are you to disrupt guys on routes when they have a running start. You had better look into that.

    I am sure there is no 5 yard rule in Canadian football. DB’s can get their hands on receivers all over the field. It’s like basketball where if the defender beats the offensive player to a spot the defender has a right to that area. In CFL football the defender gains the right to reroute the receiver by jamming them in this instance - regardless of whether the receiver is 1 yard or 99 yards down the field.

    Foley got called because he held the FB (even though I disagree with the call because Willy was a running threat and the FB should have lost his right to be considered a receiver since he could have been a blocker)

    On Browns illegal contact penalties, he would have be fine had he not thrown the receiver to the ground after jamming him

  11. Anonymous8/08/2014

    Someone find a ref! I thought ther was a 5 yd buffer zone too.

  12. Anonymous8/08/2014

    John Chick is unstoppable!

  13. Anonymous8/08/2014

    Does last night mean the crowing from Winnipeg will stop for a while?

  14. Anonymous8/08/2014

    Willy looked like a basic rookie last night. That's what you get for playing a real defence!

  15. Anonymous8/08/2014

    Wouldn't surprise me one bit to see another kicker in here to challenge Milo on Monday.

  16. Anonymous8/08/2014

    The CFL allows you to name a reciever for 1 yard (5 in the NFL), defenders can also stand their ground if the reciever is wanting to run through the player as long as the defender is set. You cannot have your hands all over a reciever anywhere on the field.
