
Monday, August 25, 2014

Trying To Get Under Bombers Skin

Saskatchewan’s marketing department has been putting up billboards near Winnipeg’s stadium for the last several years in advance of the Labour Day-Banjo Bowl clashes, all in an effort to add even more spice to the CFL’s hottest rivalry.
This year, however, it looks like the closest they could find ad space was on Plessis Road in Transcona, which is miles from Investors Group Field.
It’s the same billboard that caused the B.C. Lions to guarantee a win against the Riders on Sunday night. It features an attractive woman (obviously not from Saskatchewan) wearing a Roughriders camisole with the message “Green is the new Blue” and the team’s website address.
Bombers head coach Mike O’Shea, who will be new to this kind of rivalry fun since he played in the CFL dead zones of Toronto and Hamilton, shrugged his shoulders when asked about the Riders treading in Bomber waters.
“I haven’t seen it, so I don’t know,” O’Shea said Monday. “I’m sure those sign companies are international companies that don’t look at who’s paying the bill. They just accept the job, so I don’t know. It’s fine. I tend not to think a lot about that stuff.”
Asked if the billboard would prompt him to guarantee a win against the Riders like the Lions, who failed miserably, O’Shea chose his words carefully.
“I’m not touching that one,” he said.

(Winnipeg Sun)


  1. Anonymous8/25/2014

    Let's keep this story going. Track that girl down. Hopefully she's from either Saskatchewan or Manitoba and willing to spend time in the media this week. ... and some more pics would be nice too.

  2. Anonymous8/25/2014

    Roughriders can put up all the signs they want, but that's not going to help them when they play Weston Dressler, Drew Willy, Alex Hall and the rest of Winnipeg Blue Bombers back to back starting this week-end. Dressler ready to suit up Immediately upon signing his lucrative Blue Bombers player contract this week. Wooo Whooo !!!!

    Go Bombers Go ! Go Bombers Go !

    Wooo whooo !!!!

    1. Mike from Vita, MB8/26/2014

      Bombers Coach O'Shea mentioned there might not b any place 4 Hall on Their D.

    2. Anonymous8/26/2014

      Well that would be a very strong indication that the total financial Blue Bomber focus is on signing Dressler at all costs. Sorry Alex.

  3. Anonymous8/26/2014

    Sorry, it's the other way around. Bombers will be under the Roughriders skin once it's announced they have signed free agent receiver Weston Dressler to a very lucrative player contract. Who care about a useless waste of money sign way out in the boondocks nobody will ever see. Who was the nimrod responsible for releasing Weston Dressler in the first place to free agency? Got damn that was stupid stupidity.

  4. Mike from Vita, MB8/26/2014

    The 3% of Bomber fans who can read r very testy about this issue. Karma bites!

    1. Anonymous8/26/2014

      Whuuut, Karma Sutra? bites? Thought this was a sports blog.


  5. Anonymous8/26/2014

    HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! Love it!!

  6. Anonymous8/26/2014

    That is a dress you goof, not a camisole.

  7. Anonymous8/26/2014

    Saskatchewan Roughrider GM a bonofide goof ! He's responsible for releasing Weston Dressler outright to free agency and trading superstar QB Drew Willy. What's wrong with you prairie hill billy's, you put up with a GM who gives away valuable team developed assets ? You have a very old aging 9 year veteran QB who struggles every year to be consistent ala Henry Burris, they both have 1 Grey Cup Championship to their credit because their higher ups in management loaded up the talent to get the job done. Last years 2013 Grey Cup win by Saskatchewan a big result of MVP Kory Sheets play.

    Henryyy.... Henryyy....Henryyy.... Dariannn.... Dariannn....Dariannn....

    Go Bombers !
