
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Something To "Mitch" About

I would personally like to thank the Winnipeg Blue Bombers. No matter how bad things are in Saskatchewan, we can look at the Bombers and chuckle. As bad as the Riders were in Montreal on Monday, the Bombers did their best to out-do us and they did losing 41-9 and doing so with their number one quarterback. Thanks Winnipeg! Thanks a lot!

I'm just at a loss for words over what I saw in Montreal. When you think you have hit rockbottom, you find there's another level or two you can hit. Gawdawful doesn't even begin to describe that effort.

Tino Sunseri once again struggled, but it seems like the gameplan was run Anthony Allen all day or throw him a short pass. How many plays was Allen NOT involved in in the first half? I would have thought the deer in the headlights look would be gone from Tino by now, but its not. If you remember back in the pre-season, Sunseri seemed to have regressed somewhat from what he showed at the end of last season. It would seem as if it isn't getting any better. It also shows me the coaches have no confidence in him whatsoever and they might have less in Seth Doege. Where was Bagg, Getzlaf, Dressler when it mattered? Where were those three when it didn't matter. You need to throw some deep passes to stretch a defence out, but I'm not seeing that with this guy. Then again, he continues to hold onto the ball wayyyyyyy too long for my liking and I'm sure that is disrupting pattern after pattern as well.

If you are Corey Chamblin, do you have any other choice but to start Kerry Joseph next Sunday in what is a must win game if you want a home playoff game? I seriously believe he gives you your best option at winning. I don't know if the coaching staff has any confidence in the young quarterbacks because if they do, they aren't showing it.

Other thoughts from the long weekend

--I'll say it right here. The Eskimos are the best team in the West. If I had to put money down right now as to what team would be representing the West in Vancouver, I would go with the Eskimos.

--A three way tie for first in the East as Hamilton, Montreal and Toronto are all 6-8. What team are you taking there to finish first?

--It would have been nice for TSN to show us more of the Anthony Calvillo retirement ceremony. Do you think Brett Favre even knew who A-C was before he voiced that video tribute? You can't say enough about the class Calvillo brought on and off the field. He would be a tremendous ambassador for this league.

--Lemme get this straight, I can't win in the Safeway Touchdown to Win promotion, yet Mayor Michael Fougere can? Will he use that smoker before an upcoming meeting of city council.

--Former Riders linebacker Mike McCullough just about made me drive off the road Monday morning. McCullough was talking about Kerry Joseph's first stint in Riderville and how it came to an end because Eric Tillman had promised him more money at the end of the season and then reneged prompting his trade to Toronto. McCullough piped up "Yeah because Eric is a man of ethics and morals!" YIKES!!

--Claasy move by newly named Senators captain Erik Karlsson. He bought one thousand "C"s and gave them to the pro-shop. If you have a Karlsson jersey already, they will give you one and if you buy one, they will sew it on for you. That's a nice touch!

--The first Hockey Night in Canada is in the books. What did you think? The on-ice presentation stays the same, but some of the things done off the ice made me raise my eyebrows. What was with the magic pucks? I'm also not a fan of Paul Romanuk. Some agree with me and others don't which is fine. In my books, Romanuk isn't half the p x p announcer that people like WHL'ers Les Lazaruk, Jon Keen and Robin Bartel are and you can add Rod and Peter Loubardias to that mix as well. I would even throw current CHL p x p man RJ Broadhead into the mix. They are call a better game and are more entertaining than Romanuk.

--The baseball playoffs just continue to provide excitement. The final two innings of Sunday's game between the Giants and Cardinals was fantastic.

--What wasn't fantastic was the performance of the Seahawks. I didn't think any team could walk into Century Link Field and smack them around, but that's what happened and full credit to the Cowboys. That final score actually flattered Seattle as they were bad. Despite the win, I would not put Dallas into a Super Bowl contender category yet.

--The RCMP said they would be a presence on Saskatchewan highways this weekend and they were. I counted at least 5 people pulled over while heading up and down the road this weekend. Funny enough is that at least three of the vehicles were from Manitoba.

--The Todd Gurley/NCAA situation is a joke. The NC double A can capitalize on Gurley's name and image to make money as can the University of Georgia, but he can't. That ladies and gentlemen is hypocrisy. Gurley isn't the first, but hopefully he is the last.

--A new PGA season has already started. Didn't the last one end about two weeks ago. There is definitely no off-season there.

That's all I got. Have a good week!


  1. Anonymous10/14/2014

    Lets face facts.

    1) Sunseri sucks. As you said, he didn't look very good when he had pre-season reps and a flash here and there can be done by any QB

    2) Why would Cortez call medium to deep passes when Tino won't throw the ball. What is he waiting for?

    3) Why is Crompton succeeding with limited time in this league and why did Willy?

    I think its safe to say Taman struck out with Sunseri and Seth, Hopefully both are gone are next year and we can work on Price and McGee.

    At this point, would you give Price a shot?


  2. Anonymous10/14/2014

    Allen runs your entire offence for a half fumbles and gets benched. What's up with dat Coach??

  3. Anonymous10/14/2014

    Unless DD comes back and it still might be an if, the Riders don't win again this year. It shows you how much Durant means and shows you what a mistake Taman made in not having an experienced backup. Montreal went through it for years with Calvillo and now its the Riders turn.

  4. Anonymous10/14/2014

    Agree with you on Romanuk. He's bad and always has been. Says a lot when you have so much talent out there and talent you didn't mention and they can't move up the ladder for whatever reason.

    The Rider season is over. The quicker we acknowledge that, the better it is. Its like knowing your pet is going to die. You don't want to have it put to sleep because of the pain and misery that will follow, but you realize you have no other choice so you do it and get over it and move on.


  5. Anonymous10/14/2014

    Cortez is the problem. His game planning without Durant is terrible.

  6. Anonymous10/14/2014

    Would have to agree that former CFL gridion great and current Edmonton GM Ed Hervey and his assembled staff has done a fine job building the Eskimos into a GC Championship contender. 1-2 year patience by the fanbase now has them cheering loud and proud.

    Go Eskimos.

  7. Anonymous10/14/2014

    Drew Willy has more upside long term potential than Sunseri/Doege/Joseph combined. Taman gets a F grade for failure to do his Gm team duties.

  8. Anonymous10/14/2014

    Not fair of the head coach to bench Allen for one fumble after he carried the majority of the Roughriders offense for the game, he had to be tired. Maybe the head coach should be the person singled out to take a seat on the bench. This kind of decision making can cause question and dissension to set in on the team player ranks.

  9. Anonymous10/15/2014

    October, 15,th, 2014. 1:45 am, 1989 Western semi-final, CFL on CFL Classics. Edmonton Eskimos/Papa Joe Faragelli vs Saskatchewan Roughriders. Wow ! Roughriders awesome ! Last year 2013 GC team edition doesn't even come close to the player talent 89. Roughriders lose their starting QB The Sk. Football God Mr. Kent Austin to injuy during this game and they don't skip a beat with the second stringer Mr. Tom Burgess. Now that's team depth and a well coached club led by Mr. John Gregory crew. Kudos to the GM of the time. Awesome awesome awesome !!!!!!! The Saskatchewan Roughriders Western Division winners and Grey Cup bound against the Hamilton Tiger Cats as announced at the conclusion of the television telecast.
