
Sunday, October 26, 2014

Something To "Mitch" About

Losses are losses and at this time of year, I don't believe in moral victories. However, I do think the Saskatchewan Roughriders are a much more confident group offensively than what they were despite Friday's 4th quarter meltdown and that we will see some fight from this squad as they prepare to defend their Grey Cup title in earnest in a couple of weeks time

Through three quarters, Kerry Joseph showed us he can still throw the ball and while he had a terrible 4th quarter as did everyone, you could see a spark that hadn't been seen for a while. Remember, there was no Allen, no Dressler, no Smith, no Best and no Labatte.  I don't know if this team beats Edmonton in the final week of the season and I don't know if they win out East in the playoffs with or without Darian Durant, but Joseph has given you a sign this team isn't going to roll over like they had for most of the time Durant was out and the Sunseri/Doege experiment was taking place.

Someone must have told the Stamps prior to the 4th quarter this wasn't the Western final. They were certainly playing as if it was.

If there was one thing I didn't like about Friday's game, it was the decision to abandon the run. When up by 12, I thought the Stampeders D would get a solid dose of Messam and Keith Toston, but it didn't happen. Why?  That one was a headscratcher as both Messam and Toston were providing some bull-like runs that had Calgary on their heels.  Speaking of Toston, he had a fumble and a dropped pass, but I liked what I saw from him. It was also good to see Chris Getzlaf get back on track.

I'd still rather be in the Riders situation than Winnipeg's. At least the Riders have an excuse for their poor second half that will see them miss the playoffs after such a great start.

Is Montreal the best team in the East? They seem to be.

Other thoughts and takeaways from the weekend.

 --The ceremony to honor Corporal Nathan Cirillo and Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent was simply spectacular and was so well done. I'm guessing there were a lot of misty-eyes across the country after that. Say what you will about Don Cherry, but if you saw him Saturday night, he brought up a very great point when he says we can't forget about our soldiers which we likely will as this event starts to fade away and that donations should be made to the Canadian Forces Morale & Welfare Services ( so military families, department of national defence employees, RCMP personnel and others receive the morale and welfare programs, services and activities they deserve.

 --I don't know why Rays manager Joe Maddon has decided to step down, but if he isn't fielding calls from both the Cubs and Blue Jays. there is something wrong. Tell me Blue Jays fans that Maddon wouldn't be a huge improvement over John Gibbons.

--Still with the Rays, I was never an Expos fan, but I would love to see them return to Montreal and if they were to come back and stay in the American League East, it would mean 18 games a year against Toronto which would be so huge for baseball in this country. I don't know if this will happen, but if word comes out about a stadium being built if they do, it just might happen.

 --There's no doubt Giants pitcher Madison Bumgarner will be the World Series MVP if San Fran hangs on to win it all, but teams going back home needing to win Games 6 and 7 to take it all have done so eight of the last ten times its happened. Win or lose, Bumgarner has given us one of the greatest playoff runs we have ever seen.

--I got word from a friend of mine in Edmonton who has some sources close to the Oilers who indicated the team passed up a chance to get Johnny Boychuk from the Bruins. They were OK in sending Nail Yakupov to the Bruins, but they balked at sending Boston a second round pick. What???? Why???? That doesn't make sense. Boychuk would have been a great addition in Edmonton.

--I will confess I had no idea who Jian Ghomeshi was until the story came out this weekend.

--It would appear as if Steve Nash's great basketball career is over. He's a Hall of Famer if you ask me. He didn't win a title and that is how greatness is measured these days, but in his prime, there was no better.

--The NHL suspended Slava Voynov after he was arrested on domestic violence charges. That's a good thing. Voynov hasn't been charged yet though. It has some asking if he should be playing. That's a tough question to answer. If he doesn't get charged, he has lost out on a lot of salary for basically nothing. Is that right?

--One has to wonder if Marc Trestman is on shaky ground in Chicago. A beatdown by New England won't help his case. Jay Cutler doesn't either, but that's just my opinion.

--Is it safe to say Tom Brady has silenced his critics?

--The Seahawks won an ugly one, but something isn't right with the defending champs.

--Speaking of the Seahawks, you can vote Regina's own Jon Ryan to the Pro Bowl. Go right here and do so...

 --How can anyone watch Two Broke Girls?

--The NBA season starts this week. Did the Raptors playoff run last year mean anything when it comes to interest. I may watch a few more games than usual this year, but I'll be sticking to hockey.

--Congrats to the Rams who got a big win over Manitoba. They also got some help so they are in a position to make the playoffs, but they need to knock off Alberta next Saturday at 2 and then get some more help to get in. One thing is for sure, that team has been very exciting to watch and if their first game against Alberta is any indication, it should be a knock em down, drag em out affair next Saturday.  Gary "Chop" Bresch and I will have the play by play for you on Access next Saturday with Ballsy and Marco Ricci giving you the radio call on 620 CKRM at 2.

--If you are in Hell and you're mad at someone, where do you tell them to go?

--That's all I got. Have a great week!!


  1. Anonymous10/27/2014

    I also wonder why we quit running in the 2nd half. In fact, there's been several head scratchers this season. About the only move the Riders have made that was sensible was releasing Dwight Anderson. We've been outcoached constantly.

  2. Anonymous10/27/2014

    Am I supposed to comment here or on Rod's blog? WTH?

    1. Anonymous10/29/2014

      WTH? You should know by now your suppose to comment here on THE BLAIR NECESSITIES, Regina's #1 sports blog. Who's Rod?

  3. Anonymous10/27/2014

    No doubt Joseph and team did not play well in 4th quarter, but Chamblin or Cortez need to answer why they abandoned the run. They likely win that game if it wasn't for that brain-cramp. Can Chamblin over rule Cortez or not?


  4. Anonymous10/27/2014

    I think Voynov is getting paid through all of this.

  5. Anonymous10/27/2014

    I agree with you on Riders game. When the full complement return, we will be OK.

    A Calgary-Sask GC. It couldn't happen could it??


  6. Anonymous10/27/2014

    Can't Pedersen give his own assessment of Friday's game? That one caught me off guard this morning. A double shot of Scruffy on a Monday.

  7. Anonymous10/27/2014

    Rams game was one of the best football games I've seen in years. It had everything!


  8. Anonymous10/27/2014

    I hate to say it, but I see the Riders exiting early in the playoffs.

    Five of our nine wins (over half) come from games with Winnipeg (3) and Ottawa (2) - the worst teams in the league. We split our two-game matches-up with BC, MON, TOR and HAM, and have yet to beat either of the top two teams in the west (CAL owned us). We may get a victory over EDM in the last game if the sit their starters (save them for the playoffs) and we play their 'B' team.

    Durant could spark us to a playoff game victory if he returns, but that is a big 'if' and how healthy will he be? Even playing in the East won be much help as the Eastern teams have all elevated their game-play at the right time of the year versus the Riders going in flat. Its going to be a long off-season with tons of questions to be answered.

    Prove me wrong Riders - prove me wrong.

  9. Anonymous10/27/2014

    Regina. You tell them to go to Regina.

  10. Anonymous10/27/2014

    So is Scruffy handing out brazed ribs and home made donuts for Halloween ? I'm there if so.

  11. Anonymous10/27/2014

    Still think Hamilton is best team in the East, but they may be toast now.

  12. Anonymous10/27/2014

    How can anyone watch 2 Broke Girls. Two words...BETH BEHRS!! I would do things to her I wouldn't do to my wife.

  13. Anonymous10/27/2014

    If Clark isn't called for that hold on the Messam run from deep in their own end, I think Riders win that game. Call me crazy, but i'm thinking Riders-Calgary GC.

  14. Anonymous10/27/2014

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  15. Anonymous10/27/2014

    You talk about Brady and don't talk about Rothlisberger. Cmon Scruffy!

  16. Anonymous10/27/2014

    x2 Tim x2
