
Thursday, October 2, 2014

This And That

The weekly collection of thoughts running through my muddled brain.

  --Seth Doege will be the Riders starting quarterback tonight. I'm OK with that. I thought Doege and the Rider offence looked a little crisper when he was under centre in Edmonton. I'm not expecting a 350 yard, 3 touchdown game from the Texas Tech grad, but I am hoping to see some completions and some first downs. I don't have the Riders winning tonight, but I would love to be wrong, 

 --Hate Jon Cornish all you want, but the guy knows what he's doing unlike those in Edmonton, This quote by Cornish  "I love watching the disappointed faces on Rider fans as they leave after a loss. There’s nothing better. They are so angry from all the beer they have been drinking the whole day. It will be an 8 o’clock game. Everybody will be drunk at the game. Seeing them go home unsatisfied. I want nothing more.” is outstanding if you ask me.  He's taking a shot at the fans and he's not calling them horrible. He is also inviting the abuse that you know will follow.  Its just part of the intense rivalry between these two teams which I think is the best rivalry in the CFL. 

--Tuesday's baseball game between the Oakland Athletics and Kansas City Royals was simply a classic. It was 12 innings and five hours long, but it had many glued to their couches as the game ebbed and flowed.  If that is what the baseball playoffs are going to bring, I can't wait. 

--I was disappointed to hear this week that Rogers is shortening down the outstanding Hockey Night in Canada intros done by Tim Thompson. If you don't know what I am talking about, you will when you see this. 

These have become a staple of Hockey Night in Canada games and are segments you want to watch because they are so good. Why would Rogers want to shorten this? I'm very intrigued as to what this Rogers partnership with the NHL will bring us, but I still think they have a long ways to go to beat what TSN gave us on a nightly basis. The fact I won't be hearing James Duthie and the panel, Chris Cuthbert, Gord Miller, etc. etc already has Rogers behind the 8 ball.

--Congratulations to Heather Anderson. The former Global Regina morning news host is heading across the city to join the one and only Dan McIntosh as the 6 o'clock anchor on the CTV Regina news.  I think Heather is very good at what she does and joining Dan will really give the CTV 6 o'clock a boost as I think Dan is also extremely good at what he does.  This also means in the last three months, both Regina TV morning shows have undergone basically a complete facelift with Heather, Rustie Dean and Kent Morrison all leaving at Global with Chris Hodges, Molly Thomas, and Lindsay Dunn all leaving the CTV show.  I think CTV has replaced their talent, but Global obviously needs to replace all of those who left.  It means both shows are basically starting over as far as I'm concerned. 

--Week 5 NFL Lock of The Week (says guy who called Pittsburgh in this spot last week)  Eagles over Rams 
--Week 5 NFL Upset of the Week (says guy who saved face by calling Kansas City in this spot last week)  Chiefs over Niners.    No, I have not become a Chiefs fan!

--Congrats to Seahawks punter and Regina native Jon Ryan for being named the NFC Special Teams player of the month.

--Who exactly is performing at Grey Cup? Its pretty bad when I ask my oldest daughter who "Imagine Dragons" are and she doesn't know. Mrs. Scruffy knew who they were though. I don't really know what that says. 

--Sidney Crosby is the number one pick at most hockey drafts. Who has the number two pick been in your draft?

--Looking forward to seeing the Pats this weekend at the Brandt Centre. P-A is here Saturday night with Red Deer in town Sunday

--Blood may be thicker than water, but it's certainly not as thick as ketchup. Nor does it go as well with French fries.

Have a great weekend!! 


  1. Anonymous10/03/2014

    Welcome to the new age, to the new age.
    Welcome to the new age, to the new age.

    Whoa oh oh oh, whoa oh oh oh.
    Whoa oh oh oh, whoa oh oh oh .

    Radioactive, radioactive.
    Radioactige, radioactive.

  2. Anonymous10/03/2014

    cornish is a beast he may crack 200 yards total offence tonight. no rustie, no heather, no reason to watch global morning news.

  3. Anonymous10/03/2014

    Mitch, has Cornish taken over for Hank as most despised player in Rider Nation? I hafta think the answer is yes!


  4. Anonymous10/03/2014

    Scruffy, I didn't know who the GC halftime act was until I heard the song. Listen to it and you will know who they are.

  5. Good point on the hoceky intros and the TSN panel being head and shoulders above Rogers Scruffy! Rogers is going to get destroyed by the fans on their hockey coverage, you just wait! A lot of games on mute this winter.

    With signing a big deal to get hockey you'd think they'd insert some new blood or someone interesting, however they made some asinine decisions hiring Healy and a bunch of CBC retreads. That with the recent announcement of 5 more years of Buck and Tabler on Blue Jays, shows that Rogers doesn't listen to their fans and paying customers whatsoever.

    Sure there might be some that like these schmucks, but if you took a fan vote I'd guarantee it would be an overwhelming no vote on many of these guys.

  6. Anonymous10/03/2014

    I thought I heard that Chris Hodges was returning to the CTV morning show eventually? I hope he does, I enjoy the CTV show much better than the Global show and Chris is a major reason why.

  7. Anonymous10/03/2014

    Way to go Aaron, you just made a Mitchism:

    Asking a question you already know the answer too, but yet answering it for all the folks anyways

    Grey Cup show Imagine Dragons, they haven’t had a hit in 2 years? a little bit irrelevant. Too much of puff the magic dragon if you ask me

  8. Anonymous10/03/2014

    I hope I'm wrong, but if Sunseri was ahead of Doege on the depth chart, and we saw what Tino could or couldn't do, why should I have confidence in Doege. I sense an ass-whuppin tonight.

  9. Anonymous10/03/2014

    If Chris can come back and take over for the annoying weather guy, I'd be OK with that.


  10. Anonymous10/03/2014

    Dress warm for the great game tonight folks!

  11. Clansman211210/04/2014

    "Welcome to the new age, to the new age.
    Welcome to the new age, to the new age.

    Whoa oh oh oh, whoa oh oh oh.
    Whoa oh oh oh, whoa oh oh oh .

    Radioactive, radioactive.
    Radioactige, radioactive."

    .....well those lyrics weren't written by Rush's Neil Peart!!!

    1. Anonymous10/04/2014

      Dear Bubbles of the Sk trailer park,

      Rush's Neil Peart, huh ???? Who dat ????
