
Monday, November 3, 2014

CFL Playoff Picture

East Division:
Montreal Win OR Montreal Loss by Seven Points or Less = Montreal Clinches First Place in East Division
Montreal Win + Toronto Win = Montreal Clinches First Place and Toronto Clinches Second Place in East Division

Hamilton Win by Eight Points or More = Hamilton Clinches First Place and Montreal Clinches Second Place in East Division

Hamilton Win by Less than Eight Points = Montreal Clinches First Place and Hamilton Clinches Second Place in the East Division

Hamilton and Montreal Tie = Montreal Clinches First Place and Hamilton Clinches Second Place in the East Division

West Division:
BC Win OR Saskatchewan Loss = BC Clinches Third Place in the West Division

BC Tie + Saskatchewan Tie or Loss = BC Clinches Third Place in the West Division

Saskatchewan Win or Tie + BC Loss = Saskatchewan Clinches Third Place in the West Division


  1. Anonymous11/04/2014

    Thanks for clarifying this for us Mitch!

  2. Anonymous11/07/2014

    Thanks big boy
