
Thursday, November 13, 2014

This And That

The weekly collection of thoughts running through my muddled mind in no particular order

  --The winner of Sunday's game at Commonwealth will represent the West at the Grey Cup.
  --While I think the Eskimos have the better football team right now, the Riders have the better coaching staff. I'll take Corey Chamblin over an inexperienced as a head coach Chris Jones any day of the week.

  --The dynamic of this game will change tremendously if Matt Nichols starts at QB for the Eskimos in place of Mike Reilly and if Reilly should start, how much mobility does he have. Sunday could be a great one for Chick, Foley and Tearrius George.

  --I'm not surprised Darian Durant isn't starting. It won't surprise me if Durant is not under center again until 2015.

   --Lulay or no Lulay, the Lions will not beat Montreal.

  --After all the talk about the disparity between the East and West this year, would it be a good thing for the CFL or a bad thing if an Eastern team won the Cup?

  --There were only three 1000 yard receivers in the CFL this year. Does that or the fact 13 percent or over 1600 CFL plays this season resulted in a penalty represent a bigger concern to you.

 --With the Kootenay Ice being one of the worst teams in the WHL's Eastern Conference, do they trade Sam Reinhart and if they do who gets him? Reinhart could be the missing piece for several teams. His status may also affect the trade value for Morgan Klimchuk. I would expect the Pats to trade him at some point in the near future as well.

  --Week 11 NFL Lock Of The Week --- Saints over Bengals
     Week 11 NFL Upset Of The Week --- Colts over Patriots

--Oh Connor McDavid, your hand had better be fine when it comes time for the puck to drop at the World Juniors. Save your fights for the big time kid when you will be getting paid. Don't do it now!

  --I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking its a TSN hockey game from 20 years ago when Paul Romanuk is behind the mike.

  --Congrats to Jordan Eberle on his 100th career goal Thursday night against Ottawa.

   --Its not even minus 20 and I feel damn cold outside. What's it going to be like when its minus 40?!

    --In what has to be the cruelest and coldest dig of the week, several took to Twitter when it was announced Kobe Bryant had missed 13,418 field goals in his career that it was equivalent to Chris Milo this year. That's funny, yet oh so cold!

--The boys (and girls) of High Impact Wrestling are back at it again tonight at the Hungarian Club in a 7 o'clock start. Alas, other events have me away from the grappling this evening, but I will be checking in to see what's going on. If you have nothing planned on this Friday night, go down and see what its all about. A lot of people saw what it was all about at the Chad vs Ballsy 104.9 The WOLF  party last month at Queensbury and I'm guessing some of that crowd will make an appearance tonight. Sadly, I can tell you there will be no Brittany vs Lady Luck match tonight, but hey it might come someday. If you've never been to Gronkville, go check it out, but make sure you have your shots first.

 --Who is going to play center field for the Blue Jays this year and how exactly did they fleece Detroit. Anthony Gose for the Tigers top prospect? Anthony Gose??

 --Dave Naylor's piece on the Stastny brothers and their defection to North America was brilliant.

 --Has anyone in Western Canada noticed the start of the Toronto Raptors?

 --That's all I got. Have a great weekend. GO RIDERS!! GO SEAHAWKS!!


  1. Anonymous11/14/2014

    Why do you and Pederson hate Calgary so much? Did they steal your lunch money! Its going to be a Calgary-Hamilton final and the Stamps will roll.

    LOCK IT UP!!

    1. Anonymous11/16/2014

      Calgary is just a bunch of showoffs, if they learn to win without being showoffs maybe just maybe they will earn my respect!

  2. Anonymous11/14/2014

    Dalton Pompey will be Toronto's CFL this year. Kid is going to be great too!


  3. Dalton Pompey or Kevin Pillar will battle it out for CF as of now. Don't count out additional moves coming from AA.

  4. Anonymous11/14/2014


    Pompey and the CFL, the Argos ??? what?

  5. Anonymous11/14/2014

    The fact 13 percent of CFL plays were called back because of penalties shows something is definely wrong with officiating. Does anyone know what the NFL number is? I'm guessing its 7 to 9 percent.

  6. Anonymous11/14/2014

    Lady Luck scares me.

  7. Anonymous11/14/2014

    It's a foregone conclusion that penalty flags will fly 90% of the time a CFL down is whistled in for play. It's gotten to the point a person will turn the television channel momentarily sometimes in disgust as these CFL referees are taking away the flow of the games and deciding who wins. CFL needs to sit down this off-season and discuss the matter and remediate.

  8. Anonymous11/14/2014

    If you're scared of Lady Luck, you have problems.

    She is one sweet female form!

  9. Anonymous11/14/2014

    Is Pompey ready to play CF. Two weeks doesn't a career make.


  10. Anonymous11/14/2014

    Doesn't matter who wins this weekend in Edmonton. They lose to the mighty Stamps.

    1. Anonymous11/16/2014

      Haha haha haha we've heard thAt before lol

  11. Anonymous11/14/2014

    You won't meet a sweeter kid than Lady Luck and yes, she is quite easy on the eyes.

  12. Keither11/14/2014

    Thank you Mitchell for your work on today's Sports Cage and for promoting the Brian Murray TSN short documentary on the site. Very moving and one that everyone should see.

  13. Anonymous11/15/2014

    Paul Romanuk is horrible!

  14. Anonymous11/16/2014

    Andre ! Andre ! Andre Proulx ! Go Andre !

  15. we were out coached by a rookie head coach, Chamblin made some bad decisions. I wish you were right in your "This n That" and yes Andre didnt help, nor some of sunseri's passes that were dropped. Laeving Joseoh in for 5 int;s too much.

  16. Anonymous11/16/2014

    Better luck next year Mitch (same goes for Seahawks)

  17. Anonymous11/17/2014

    --Week 11 NFL Lock Of The Week --- Saints over Bengals
    Week 11 NFL Upset Of The Week --- Colts over Patriots

    Wow, what other pearls of wisdom are you going to share with us?
