
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Richie Hall No Longer Riders DC

Its not often you get a yak session of over 20 minutes with Riders coach Corey Chamblin, but we got one today.

Highlights of the chat with the Head Coach included

--Richie Hall still has an undetermined role with the football team, but he is no longer the defensive co-ordinator

--Chamblin wants to hire a full time defensive co-ordinator and did not dismiss the fact about himself taking over that role. Chamblin also indicated it was him who called the defence in the Western semi-final loss to Edmonton

--Calgary assistant Devone Claybrooks and current Riders DB coach Barron Miles are not being considered for the defensive co-ordinator job, but former Seattle Seahawks defensive lineman Michael Sinclair who was in Riderville for a short time before leaving for a position in the NFL is

--George Cortez was not fired as offensive co-ordinator and that the two sides just felt it would be best to walk away from one another

--There are 29 free agents to deal with and while he realizes everyone won't be back, he has prioritized a list with GM Brendan Taman

--He has spoken to Paul Lapolice about the vacant offensive co-ordinators job and he has spoken to Jacques Chapdelaine as well, but at this time he has not spoken to Khari Jones.

--He would not be against Kerry Joseph being on his staff as a quarterbacks coach, but he believes Joseph has opportunities in the US he will pursue first

--Despite the season ending injury to Darian Durant. he was not happy with the 10-8 record the team had saying championship type football teams win championships and he is not satisfied with what happened on the field.


  1. Anonymous12/09/2014

    Richie Hall being demoted is exactly what happened to Gary Etchevary when Edmonton gassed Richie. Karma

  2. Anonymous12/09/2014

    Is it Richie's fault that Taman, O'Day and Smith can't find a linebacker between the 3 of them?
    Seriously these firings aren't high enough on the pecking order.

  3. Anonymous12/10/2014

    hall is better than staying here after how this has been dealt with.

  4. Anonymous12/10/2014

    Richie for waterboy.

  5. Anonymous12/10/2014

    This is all tied to Hopson's retirement. As long as Hoppy was in power, Richie had immunity.

  6. Anonymous12/10/2014

    Remember the old saying, "What goes around comes around."

    I recall the same scenario when the Riders demoted Etch so Richie could come back.

    No tears here.

  7. Anonymous12/10/2014

    I read where Hall has been with the Riders in one form or another for 20 years. In pro-football that's unheard of. Plus he still has the option of staying on in another capacity should he choose.

    Everyone raved about how good the defence played in the WCSF. It was Chamblin who called that game. It's time some people get their heads out of their butts and realize there is better out there. If this team makes the right changes and wins the GC next year, what will some of these people be saying then?

  8. Anonymous12/11/2014

    Mr. Richie Hall anointed The Sk. Football God ll. He's personally responsible for 3 out 4 Saskatchewan Roughriders CFL Grey Cup Championship's in a 100+ year franchise history. His 3 championship rings on his hand are to be kissed and admired by all. All riderville hicks bow down on this coronation day thank you.
