
Friday, December 5, 2014

This And That

The weekly collection of thoughts running through my muddled mind in no particular order,....

  --The Rider Nation wanted George Cortez's head on a platter and they got it Thursday as the football club confirmed his contract would not be renewed. Its funny how no one had a problem with the offense and what it was doing until the 3rd quarter of the Banjo Bowl. Yes, I think Cortez had to be a little more flexible and create a different game plan under Tino Sunseri and Seth Doege, but he was stubborn, but to pin the blame on him or anyone for the second half collapse is a little extreme.  Like it or not, this season ended when Durant got hurt. In fact, the guy whom this will have the biggest effect on is Durant as he now has to learn another offence when the one he had was pretty damn effective. Many names will surface, but I am going to put my chips onto Khari Jones' square.  The only reason I don't put it on Paul Lapolice's square is I believe he will be a head coach next season or resuming his role on TSN.

 --Marc Cohon's end date is right around the corner. The league said Thursday Cohon will leave his post early and say goodbye to the CFL in early January.  He either has something or the chasm between himself and the league has grown tremendously.

  --The Edmonton Eskimos had seven all-stars to lead the CFL all-star parade while Calgary only had 5. This again makes me wonder if Calgary had gotten to the top playing both Durant and a healthy Mike Reilly. I don't think so.

  --I can't believe the amount of people who are saying lay off Brandon Banks for not returning to the field after having his punt return called back due to penalty. If a Rider had done that, you would want him crucified at the 55 yard line and run him out of town. After all, some fans did dump manure on a certain kicker's lawn for missing a chip shot field goal didn't they? There's a reason why the 13th man hasn't been made public---although really now it could be.

 --On the day one 41 year old retired from the NHL, another returned. Daniel Alfredsson said goodbye to the game after a great career mainly with the Senators while Martin Brodeur played his first game for a team other than the Devils when he started for St. Louis. Alfie still has goals in his stick and Brodeur still has saves in his glove, but Marty should have done the same thing Alfie did and hang them up.

  --Is it safe to say the Vancouver Canucks made the right move by hiring Willie Desjardins as head coach? The Canucks are near the top of the NHL standings and a lot of it has to do with Desjardins has brought to the table. He's a proven winner.

 --Craig MacTavish will finally speak on Friday as to why the Oilers are so abysmal this season. I want to hear what Kevin Lowe thinks and I want to hear from owner Daryl Katz as well. I like MacT, but with the exception of Bob Nicholson, this team needs a complete overhaul starting with Lowe. Why he hasn't been gassed a long time ago remains a mystery. It is nauseating watching the Oilers play and even when they are winning as was the case in Winnipeg Wednesday night, you know its not going to last.......which it didn't.   SIGHHHHHH!!!!

--The stars of High Impact Wrestling turn the Hungarian Club in Regina to "Gronkville" Friday night as the "King's Challenge' is held. Its a unique 16 man tournament which will end with someone holding the belt. A great night is in store. Methinks the place will be packed as well. That's not a bad thing!

--Jays GM Alex Anthopoulos has basically said goodbye to re-signing Melky Cabrera by trading for Seattle outfielder Michael Saunders. Is Anthopoulos looking for a closer? He should be and perhaps an 8th inning guy as well.

--The pictures coming out of Regina Beach this week are incredible after that house explosion. Thank god no one was inside that house when it went BOOM!!! Thank god it happened December 3 and not July 3 as well.

--The stories of one senior after another being improperly cared for and being brought out by the NDP is not great and it does leave one with questions to be asked, but here's one. How many families are satisfied with the care their mom and dad are getting in a seniors home? It would seem to me as if there are more who are satisfied than more who aren't.  The Saskparty won't get these people to come forth and why should they. In the end, when health minister Duncan and Premier Wall talk about the rural hospitals being closed by the NDP and what the opposition did to healthcare while Mr. Romanow and Calvert were in power they mean it because that set us back a long ways. Are you going to tell me the Plains Hospital wouldn't be better served for what it was supposed to be than a Saskatchewan Polytechnic Campus? I don't agree with everything the government does, but the healthcare issue goes right back onto the party that is complaining about it in my books.

--Off the political soapbox now and back to sports.  The Canadian Curling Association must be giddy with the fact ESPN3 will pick up TSN'S "Season of Champions" coverage thus giving Americans a great look at the game. Its tremendous news for the sport as it keeps growing.  One other curling note and that is with Linda Moore gone from TSN and her replacement coming from other curlers, will we be graced with an appearance by Dwayne Mihalicz this year? CMON!!!!

 --Get ready for a solid dose of yours truly on the Sportscage. Rod and a caravan of 57 are off on the annual Sportscage trip to Southern California and when he gets back, he gets his much deserved vacation so it will be me hosting the proceedings into early January. We'll have some fun!!!

  --I can't help but wonder where Marc Trestman's Bears would be if they had a real quarterback. I can't see Jay Cutler with that team next year and I can't see him being a starter anywhere either. OK, maybe the Jets. That defence is horrible as well.

 --Week 14 NFL Lock Of The Week--- Rams over Redskins
    Week 14 NFL Upset Of The Week ---Chiefs over Cardinals

--Gas at well below a dollar a litre in Regina? I didn't think I would ever see that again.

--Have a great weekend!


  1. Anonymous12/05/2014

    Cortez couldn't develop talent, but he could work with it. His downfall was not accepting the fact he had to work with young blood.

  2. Anonymous12/05/2014

    Is Brad Wall now sponsoring this blog?

    1. Anonymous12/05/2014

      no kidding.almost as bad as gormley.

  3. Anonymous12/05/2014

    Mitch, you didn't bring this up with Heenan in the Riderville story and it hasn't really come out. Is he looking at an NFL opportunity? It surprised me to hear Taman say he will go to free agency.

    1. Anonymous12/05/2014

      why are you surprised a pro athlete wont try and get as much money as they can even if it means leaving the riders they are not the only team in the league.

  4. Anonymous12/05/2014

    "Its funny how no one had a problem with the offense and what it was doing until the 3rd quarter of the Banjo Bowl." ??

    There were plenty of complaints about the unimaginative or lack of offensive plan before Durant's injury when they were squeaking out wins mainly due to their defense. Go back and check Rod's blog, maybe yours too.

  5. Anonymous12/05/2014

    You might point out that Willie Desjardins is from Saskatchewan.

  6. Anonymous12/05/2014

    Leave the Brandon Banks thing alone. You have your opinion other people think differently, but you squealing at them like you're auditioning for a spot on "Deliverance" just turns people off.

  7. Anonymous12/05/2014

    We refuse to pay the rising cost of the healthcare we demand ... because it's called 'taxes'.

  8. Anonymous12/05/2014

    Bang on on Banks Mitch!

  9. Anonymous12/05/2014

    Anon 1 hits the nail on the head

  10. Anonymous12/05/2014

    Why am I fearing an Obama visit to this blog today!

  11. Anonymous12/05/2014

    “Its funny how no one had a problem with the offense and what it was doing until the 3rd quarter of the Banjo Bowl.”

    Was that because you wouldn’t let people express their opinion? Durant wasn’t exactly lighting it up prior to his injury. Everyone had a problem with the offence even at 8-2 because it was the defence that carrying the team (defence scored 2 TD’s to beat Winnipeg remember that?).

  12. Anonymous12/05/2014

    Cortez lost DD without a backup, a poor o-line, and no scary receivers whatsoever. Yet he is vilified for not having the "bullets" as Taman said. However our DC who had all his people for the most part produced a D that was 8th in a 9 team league. And it wasn't all because the offence couldn't move the ball. Time of possession didn't reveal that. With DD the defence was Ok and without him it was crap. I am underwhelmed that Hall wasn't shown the door the same time.

  13. Anonymous12/05/2014

    when health minister Duncan and Premier Wall talk about the rural hospitals being closed by the NDP and what the opposition did to healthcare while Mr. Romanow and Calvert were in power they mean it because that set us back a long ways. Are you going to tell me the Plains Hospital wouldn’t be better served for what it was supposed to be than a Saskatchewan Polytechnic Campus?

    You have to take one step further Mitch, Grant Devine and his cronies put the province into a massive debt that required the elimination and consolidation of services. This was a mess that the NDP inherited and had to clean up. Brad Wall (Grant devine 2.0) lucked into an economy that is the envy of every province save for Alberta, yet they can’t find the funds to “restore” these services because they spend foolishly elsewhere.

  14. Anonymous12/05/2014

    Scruffy, you weren't listening if you thought no one was concerned about the offense before DD went down. Don't worry Scruf, you're not the only one that pays no attention to the pee-ons that phone the Sportscage. To a man everyone of you just told the people to be patient and then asked, "What's wrong with you people? We won last year."
    I know because that's what I was told when I phoned in.

  15. Anonymous12/05/2014

    Bullcrap Mitch, most of the Rider nation realized we were squeaking by the weak sisters in the east and were concerned. The Green Media in all their tunnelvision weren't alarmed but everybody else was.

  16. Anonymous12/05/2014

    Yeah Scruff they were 8-2 with the league's best running attack and the league's best defence and then DD went down, but it was all shit before then. The hypocrites on this blog and Pedersen's are so full of shit. They can't wait to crawl out from under their rock to say I told you so when they and many others know the team likely repeats if Durant doesn't get hurt. It is laughable!


  17. Anonymous12/05/2014

    If Heenan wants to go to FA after his season, good on him.

  18. Anonymous12/05/2014

    After his Grey Cup tantrum, I wouldn't want Brandon Banks on my team. He showed what a "ME" guy he is. Cut from the same cloth as one Stevie Baggs it would appear

    peter dalla riva

  19. Anonymous12/05/2014

    Cortez gone...Hall close to being shown the door. Taman one year away from that happening. Riders are about to be a 6-10 team

  20. Anonymous12/05/2014

    Good job Mitch, eat these rodents up on this blog !

  21. Anonymous12/05/2014

    Put me down as 'concerned' prior to DD getting injured.

  22. Anonymous12/05/2014

    If DD doesn't get hurt we're third in the west. Where'd we end up anyway?

  23. Anonymous12/05/2014

    When will the Sk.Rrs board of directors grow some balls and fire the gm? Current gm getting a free ride while not being held accountable for his misdirected stewardship of this provincial public sports entity. You would think practical business sense and definitive action decision would prevail at the forefront with so many so called community leadership backgrounds instead of the silence and current projected status quo. Forseeable short term/long term on field product unacceptable. Immediate season ending evaluation and severance asap by demand via club mission statement and mandate.

  24. Jay Cutler will go to Washington. RGIII will end up in Indianapolis to back up Andrew Luck (after Hasselback retires). The Brandon Banks thing is a joke and should be cut. Lastly, if Heenan wants to try to get as much money as possible on the open market let him. These guys have a short shelf life and make limited amounts of money. I am all for him trying to capitalize as much as he can in a short period.

  25. Anonymous12/06/2014

    Why is Richie Hall still here, a new defensive coordinator is needed. Also Taman should be let go, he brought no one in this year. He is the reason for a terrible year. Get a new GM.

  26. Anonymous12/06/2014

    Get serious Mitch. Check your blog back before DD injury. Every second posting was "What's wrong with the offense?" It was the same on Rod's blog. But you guys just called them 'bandwagon jumpers'.

  27. Anonymous12/08/2014

    I guess your coffee shop is different than mine, because our recollections of the 2014 season are totally different. In the first ten games DD only had eight TD passes and had four games with none. Everyone in my coffee shop was concerned.
