
Friday, February 6, 2015

This And That

The usual weekly thoughts running through my muddled mind and as always these are in no particular order

--9.23 million Canadians watched the Super Bowl. That is wayyyyyyyy more than the 4.1 million that watched the Grey Cup, Yeah, you can say one was on CTV and the other was on TSN, but the bottom line is the Canadian interest in the NFL continues to grow and grow and grow while interest in the CFL is waning. The CFL must do something to keep the 18-45 year old invested in their game because they are the key.  I don't know what you do, but someone better come up with an idea quick, 

--With Ben Heenan gone, its imperative the Riders re-sign Dan Clark and do not let him get away. Clark did the job when called upon last year and while he may not be as good as Heenan, he is someone the Riders will need. 
--This is not a shot at Heenan, but if someone asked you who gets an NFL opportunity first---Brett Jones or Heenan, what would your answer be?

--How much money will the REDBLACKS throw around in free agency? They need some impact guys and there aren't many left.
--Jason Tucker's departure to the NFL caught me and I think everyone off guard. I was looking at Twitter when all of a sudden it came up on the Titans feed. I didn't think it could be the same Jason Tucker, but low and behold when I went to their website and saw the story it was. Good for Jason, bad for the Riders. The names Simon, Dominguez and Clermont have come up as possible replacements. I don't think any of them will be the guy and Simon himself told Rod Pedersen NOPE!

--If you were a Seahawks fan, you hated the way the Super Bowl ended. If you were a Patriots fan, you loved the way the Super Bowl ended. If you were a football fan, you were entertained by a game that most everyone said would go down and did go down to the final minute. It was a tremendous display of the game with everything you would want in it. 

--I still don't understand why you don't give the ball to Marshawn Lynch on 2nd down. If you fail to score, you have two more cracks and one time out, You call the time out if Lynch doesn;t score...try throwing it on 3rd and then do whatever on 4th down. If New England prevents you from getting in, they win it end of story, but for them to win in that manner was crushing for 12's around the world. 
--Earl Thomas is redefining tough. He played the Super Bowl with a torn labrum. That may keep him out for the start of the 2015 season. Kam Chancellor played the Super Bowl with a torn MCL and Richard Sherman had an elbow injury that may require Tommy John surgery. Its a good job that game wasn't five quarters or Seattle might not have had a secondary.
--The Evander Kane story is wild for so many different reasons, How will it end up? I can't see Kane playing for the Jets again so where does he go? Winnipeg is losing a good hockey player and it could derail their playoff aspirations. The pressure is on Saskatoon native Kevin Cheveldayoff to make a solid deal here. I'm guessing Yakupov for Kane won't suffice. Hey Toronto fans, would you give up Tyler Bozak for Kane? I heard that scenario get discussed on NHL Radio Thursday night. It was agreed both sides would have to give a little more and that a one for one deal wouldn't cut it, but I think you could do that.
--Can't imagine what it will be like in Saskatoon tonight as the greats of the game are there for the Kinsmen Dinner with Gordie Howe being in attendance. A couple of months ago, it looked like the greats of the game would be in one place to remember Howe at his funeral, but he has bounced back tremendously from his stroke. The roar he gets when he is introduced may be second to none.
--I don't know what the future is for Brian Peters and Sam Hurl, but I would like to see the Riders take a run at Edmonton linebacker Rennie Curran in free agency. I think he would be a great fit.
--Its another weekend of choosing between Pats hockey and Cougars basketball as both are home Friday and Saturday night. I guess I'll have to wait to see the new scoreboard as I will be at the U of R for what should be an entertaining weekend of hoops against UBC.
--After seeing the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit cover and see that is the woman who is currently keeping Derek Jeter company, I just further salute "The Captain".
That's all I got. Have a great weekend!


  1. Anonymous2/06/2015

    I would be all in on no Sunday games in CFL, but it will never happen.


  2. Anonymous2/06/2015

    Girls didn't look like that when I was 20 and if they did, I was obviously in the wrong spot.

    Have a good weekend!

  3. Anonymous2/06/2015

    Completely agree with you on Dan Clark.

    Why hasn't Jones signed in the NFL yet? Everyone said it was a sure deal he was gone.

    I can see LA being a bidder in the Kane sweepstakes!

    Good Friday read as always Scruffy!

  4. Anonymous2/06/2015

    24 kinda young for a 40 year old man.kinda sad /creepy too.

  5. Anonymous2/06/2015

    The time has come for Riders gm Taman to make another trade to purge the aging team player assets while there is still value for gain (John Chick the starting point?) while trimming the payroll for projected future team development. Player turnover eminent and soon. All quit on the costly Rider sojourn down south for the recently conducted tryouts camps (Los Angeles, Dallas, etc) with no announced player acquisitions. Riders 4th place, 2015 CFL West Division finish possible.

    anon gm

    1. Anonymous2/06/2015

      With jiberish like that it's obvious you will forever be an anonymous, go nowhere in life, coward.

  6. Anonymous2/06/2015

    As an old guy, the photo takes me back to a time when Leave it to Beaver was the best show on TV.

  7. Anonymous2/06/2015

    Have tix for the event in Stoon tonite.

    It will be a night to remember.

  8. Anonymous2/06/2015

    The difference between this blog and RPs is this one has much more variety on many more sports. It isn't all this bud or that bud and I did this or I went here or there because I'm more important than you type of stuff. Thanks Scruffdog!

  9. Anonymous2/06/2015

    A Sunday without the CFL when the NFL started would suit this football fan fine. No reason why the CFL couldn't play 1 Thursday 2 Friday and 1 Saturdy or 1 Thursday, 1 Friday and 2 Saturday games once Labour Day hits. The CFL is too myopic in its thinking.


  10. Anonymous2/06/2015

    Mark me down as one who thought Jones would be NFL bound before Heenan.

    I can't see him ever playing a game for the Ravens as a starter. HE"S NOT THAT GOOD!

  11. Anonymous2/06/2015

    Looks like no one is getting Kane. Jets say he needs shoulder surgery and is done for the year.


  12. Anonymous2/06/2015

    Curran Shmurran...get Justin Hickman in here!

  13. Anonymous2/06/2015

    If you can't get Brett Jones, Clark is a must-keep


  14. Anonymous2/06/2015

    you just did genius

  15. Anonymous2/07/2015

    Don’t know what you were watching regarding Dan Clark. The guy was responsible for whiffing on the guy who injured Durant, getting Sunseri knocked out in the last game of the year against Edmonton, and allowed Joseph to get pasted well enough that one might have thought that Joseph’s return was going to be short lived. I know he is a local guy, but c’mon man!

    Rennie Curran? He’s strictly a MLB, unless the Riders are moving to a 3-4 look on defence signing him doesn’t make sense after trading for Emery.

    The Seahawks license to use the 12th man slogan from Texas A&M runs out next year. The measly 5k/year the Seahawks give A&M isn’t going to cut it after the Seahawks have made the money they have off the 12th man moniker. What are you Seahawks fans going to call themselves after getting big headed? 12 1/2 man?

    The real question about the SI cover has to be: Was that bikini in the parting gift bag Jeter gives women leaving his place the next morning

    1. Anonymous2/08/2015

      chances are shes using him not the other way around. just a pathetic old man trying to hold on to his youth.any body looks up to him for that is as big a d-bag as he is.

  16. Anonymous2/08/2015

    Scruffy the only guy brave enough to speak the truth !

    "9.23 million Canadians watched the Super Bowl. That is wayyyyyyyy more than the 4.1 million that watched the Grey Cup"

  17. Anonymous2/08/2015

    At least you admit we need an improvement in our linebackers. You wouldn't do that during the season.

  18. Anonymous2/09/2015

    It doesn't help when guys like you and Pedersen drool on the air over the NFL and feed us a steady diet of NFL propaganda. It's almost treason.

    1. Anonymous2/10/2015

      NFL is king and always will be.
