
Monday, March 2, 2015

Something To "Mitch" About

Its one of the annual calm before the storm times we see in sports.

The NHL hasn't gotten to playoffs yet,  MLB spring training is just getting underway, there is no football and well, there isn't a lot of talk about, but it will all heat up in a few weeks in what is one of those magical times of the year when the excitement of one season ends as the optimism for another season begins.  I can't really decide if the end of March-the beginning of April is the best time of sports for me or if that comes in September when the CFL is in full swing, the NFL is starting, MLB is into its stretch drive and hockey is right around the corner.


One thing you can start getting excited about are the WHL playoffs as the Pats clinched a playoff spot over the weekend.  While the on-ice product is playoff bound, fans are now mad because ticket prices are going up. This just life, the price of things go up. In the end, you make the decision as to what you can afford and what you can't afford. I haven't really gotten the whole story behind the ticket increase, but I know that QCSE are going to a model many professional sports teams use. Is that a bad thing?  It seems to me there are many who just want to complain about something when it comes to the local junior hockey team whether it be under the old regime or the new regime.  Congrats to John Paddock for getting his team into the playoffs. Lets see how far they get. A win over Swift Current is not a certainty, but if this team can put in the work, they can get there and give their "fans" an extended run from what has been seen in these parts for the last many years.


Its trade deadline day in the NHL and by the time you read this I'm sure some trades have been made.  It will be fun today watching TSN and Sportsnet trying to tap dance their way through what is a tedious day for sports TV as the two try and out do one another with their "Trade Day Coverage".  While I think the coverage is over the top. many will be glued in to see what their team does if anything and what players go where.  A notion was recently put out there saying there should be a no-trade memorandum issued by the league leading up to the deadline so the networks have something to talk about. That can go down as one of the stupidest ideas I've ever heard. Yeah, I can see the Devils not playing Jaromir Jagr for two or three games so he doesn't get hurt because they have a trade in place that could go up in smoke because TSN or Sportsnet need something to talk about. CMON!!! Anyhoo, it will be interesting to see how Duthie and company and Millard and his gang kill the time.


An interesting article in the Globe and Mail on the weekend and whether or not curling should be added to hockey and lacrosse as our national sport. You can read the article here if you want.  Say what you want about the game, but its impressive that more than a million people watched the Scotties final when the Oscars were on at the same time. Perhaps that's just the fact that many Canadians (like me) could give a rats ass about the Oscars. If Dumb and Dumber 2 didn't get nominated for an award then it tells you something about the nomination process and voting procedure.


Here is a question for Saskatchewan curling fans. I'm watching the Brier and seeing Regina's Braden Moskowy and Ben Hebert along with Moose Jaw's Pat Simmons playing for other teams.  I realize the rules are there, but does it bother you to see these quality curlers representing someone else when they should have the Sask jacket on. I say find a quality 4th and get these guys home,


I could be wrong, but I believe all is over for another year of U of R Cougar athletics after the womens basketball team bowed out of the playoffs on the weekend at UBC.  Now that the season is over, can someone at the bookstore look into purchasing Cougar golf shirts. In fact, maybe hawk those shirts outside the CKHS and rinks next winter. I went in to the bookstore three times this year to see a lot of Cougs gear, but no golf shirts. CMON!!


I wonder what the CFL thinks of the Northern 8 proposal. I would be very interested to hear their take on the project to get CIS football some more exposure. I would think they would be all in favour of it.  Why wouldn't they be?


A question for those who do business in East Regina and Harbour Landing. What area is tougher to drive through? I was in the Grasslands complex (is that what you call it) and its about as difficult to navigate if not moreso than it is in east Regina.


I've never heard of Dan Olsen before, but we might after this story if there is anything to it.  I think its safe to say this would shake the sporting world to its foundation if its true. I'm not the biggest Tiger fan, but I don't see this at all. Mr. Olsen might be getting a call from Tiger's lawyers.


From the Toronto Sun's Steve Simmons...

According to the statement of claim Eric Lindros has filed in his defamation suit against former referee Paul Stewart, Lindros was made out to be: “unfriendly, hostile, rude, insulting, vindictive, cruel, uncharitable and generally a despicable person.” Which I’m figuring is about five for eight.




That's all I got. Have a good week!


  1. Anonymous3/02/2015

    Before the CFL comments on the Northern 8, lets get a commish in place. What's going on there? Fill us in!

  2. CurlingFan153/02/2015

    Curling should be a Canadian certified sport -- we run the table at most World events, and aside from a slip here or there, have an outstanding Olympic record. People from other countries come here to practice, and play our circuit, so that they can achieve our standard.

    As for the Brier, I have nearly given up hope of a Men's Championship...

    Although -- As I see all of our talent excelling elsewhere, I have always wondered why we didn't have a dream team. Although with the likes of Heebs, Moskowy & Simmons, I do not see a bonafide Skip in any of them (Moskowy having the best shot - but still a little young with all those years of experience on the dream team).

  3. That's Braeden Moskowy, Mitch.

  4. Anonymous3/02/2015

    What is happening with the CFL commish?


  5. Anonymous3/02/2015

    NHL Trade Centre Deadline coverage = borrrrrrrrrrrrinnnnnnnggggg!

  6. Anonymous3/02/2015

    Saskcurl should really do what they can to lure those three home and find a capable 4th (and 5th). This drought has gone on too long.


  7. Anonymous3/02/2015

    Re: Pats tickets

    Guess what! In life prices go up and you as a consumer or whatever decide whether to continue on or walk away.

    Many with season tickets will continue on and others will walk away. The same will go with regular season games.

    Why is this such an issue?

  8. Anonymous3/02/2015

    Steward is 8/8 0n Lindros.

  9. Anonymous3/02/2015

    I thought it was bad in east Regina until I went to Grasslands. The problem is Grasslands continues growing while the growth seemingly has stopped in the east end.

  10. Anonymous3/02/2015

    The Pats have taken away both the young and the old with this season ticket scheme.

    My days of taking my two young boys to the Brandt Centre will likely end at the end of this season. My visits will certainly be reduced because of this lamebrain idea.

    Thank you Mr. Marquart, thank you Mr. Lumbard, thank you Mr. Semple.
