
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Decline Of Hockey Night In Canada

I don't really know if it can be put any better than this article by Callum Fraser. The only part he doesn't really touch upon are the crews that do the games.  Take a read and agree or disagree!


  1. Anonymous5/14/2015

    I agree completely with the insights. It is sad how Rogers has missed the boat in their presentation.

    If Ron and Don are not on, then I head off during the intermission to do something around the house until the period starts. If Rogers had any brains, they would have build upon the fine traditions already established. I do miss the musical montages and the hype. I am glad I grew up with the CBC broadcasts, they were first rate. The saving grace this play-off season is in the close games.

    Old Hank

  2. Anonymous5/14/2015

    Nick Kypreos makes me want to vomit every time i see his egotistical mug on TV, what a douche.

  3. Anonymous5/14/2015

    Great article and so true. I think you talked about the opening montage and how much they are missed.

    You don't have that and go right into Strombo who goes right to idiots like Kypreos, Stock and McLean.

    Those that watch Jets games on TSN and then see the Rogers debacle can see the difference, at least I hope they do.


  4. Anonymous5/14/2015

    Isn't McLean no longer a key part because of Bettman? Would that change if Bettman left?

    Ron is a much better host than Georgie boy. He knows the game!

  5. Anonymous5/14/2015

    How wonderful it indeed was to be of age to have watched the great Howie Meeker on Hockey Night in Canada, the animation of Peter Puck, the wonderful profiles of players and teams!

    Who out there remembers, in the early 1970's, when HNIC took time to show an old serial from the 1920's called "King of Hockey" between periods, featuring Gabby Dugan and Jumbo the goalie. It was a great laugh. There was a time when those running things had a sense of humour.

  6. Anonymous5/14/2015

    Fact is we're stuck with Rogers for 11 more years at least. They aren't going to change any time soon. Executives don't admit they are wrong very often.

    They'll cram Strombo, his elf boots and their bizarre furniture down our throats. Only way it will change is if Canadians stop watching hockey all together.

  7. Anonymous5/14/2015

    Well when the NBC broadcast and the Play by play guys does a better job then everyone on sportsnet, they have some serious issues. Add to that the slow camera work, and panels that drive you to changing the channel the whole deal is poor. Now watch the 3 commercials they have for each broadcast every 10 minutes and I am ready to stop watching hockey all together

  8. Anonymous5/14/2015

    I am a lifetime NHL fan since the late 70's. I watched the least amount of NHL this past season after seeing the Rogers product.
