
Monday, June 29, 2015

Something To "Mitch" About


Are you pushing this right now? There are fans of several fanbases who might be after the first weekend of CFL play and unfortunately, the Riders are one of them.

After working hard to rehab the elbow injury which ended his 2014 season, Darian Durant's 2015 season didn't even last two quarters as he went down with a ruptured Achilles tendon.

When I saw the replay of the play, I knew what it was right away and I was hoping I was wrong, but I wasn't and now the Riders will cash in on their insurance policy as Kevin Glenn will be the guy for the rest of the season (fingers crossed). If past history is any indication, the Riders should be fine, but the team won't  have the same look to it-----again!

As for Darian, like many of you, I feel absolutely terrible for him. Say what you will about the Riders QB, but the guy worked his you know what off to get back on the field, prove he was 100 percent and remind people this team was 8-2 when he went down and perhaps lead them to another Grey Cup,...a Grey Cup which would immortalize him in this province as the only guy to quarterback  two Rider teams to a championship. His season didn't even get started, and now there are whispers amongst some that he came off the football field for the last time because of his age and that kind of injury----an injury that Kory Sheets has yet to fully recover from. Add to that Darian is just a good guy. He never ever shys away from anyone, he does a lot and in truth, he answers a lot of questions he never should be asked.  Lets hope he is ready to go in 2016 and lets hope he looks as good as he did in the first half as he threw for 160 yards and two touchdowns. Knowing Darian, I say the latter. I hope I'm right on that one and so do many in the Rider Nation.

As for Corey Chamblin, I can't imagine what is going through his head right now. Yes, he knows he has Kevin Glenn in his back pocket which he didn't have last year, but he also knows his team has taken a huge hit in Game 1 of the season. He tried his best to stay composed after Saturday's game, but you could tell he did not want to be answering questions because he had many questions himself.

There was some chatter as to why the team would wait until about 15 or 20  minutes after Chamblin's address to the media before announcing he was done for the season. It was simple. At the time Chamblin spoke to us, he didn't know and was hoping for the best. Once he got back into the room and talked to the medical staff, he found out it was the worst case scenario. End of story!

Other thoughts

--What the hell was Brendan Taman doing wearing a sweater on the sidelines? It was 30 above at kickoff and it had to be warmer than that on the field. Is he trying to cut weight? 

--It is only one game, but you had to like what you saw from Anthony Allen and Jerome Messam as the running game was outstanding.

--Don't crucify Chris Milo yet. One week is one week and making a change would be the wrong move as you can't make rash decisions. The same can be said with members of the defence who had a bad game. However, I think it is safe to say Milo and some on that defence have been put on notice and need to be much better next week against Toronto. 

--Xavier Fulton had an outstanding game

--The new illegal contact rule is going to drive head coaches, defensive co-ordinators and defensive backs up the wall because like the pass interference rule, there is no consistency from play to play and that was a trend across the league. 

--If Shea Emry is out for an extended amount of time, that injury could be catastrophic to the defence. 

--Rookie Telvion Clark had ten tackles. Really? I know he made some plays and like others on the defence missed some, but I didn't think he had 10 tackles.

--Ryan Smith made it very tough for Corey Chamblin to take him off the roster after his performance against the Bombers. There will be lots of changes due to injury, but I am assuming Weston Dressler will be back for the Argos game meaning what do you do with Smith.

Other thoughts from Week 1

--It was nice to see Ottawa get a win in Week 1, but would the REDBLACKS have won had Jonathan Crompton or Dan Lefevour stayed in the game?

--The Stampeders may have beaten the Ti-Cats, but with the exception of the last drive Bo Levi Mitchell was outplayed by Zach Collaros. The biggest play in that game was the Keon Raymond touchdown which was a 10 point if not a 14 point swing. Calgary is still Calgary though and they find a way to win.

--I was surprised that I didn't see more two point converts attempted in the opening week. There were a few, but I thought there would be more---especially after the first 32 yd PAT of the season was missed.

--It is one game, but Trevor Harris looks like he can play the game and if that is the case, the Argos may not have to worry about their QB situation until Ricky Ray returns. With that first win in the books in what is essentially a 5 game road trip for the team to open the season, that victory is huge as many say if they can grind out two wins until Ray gets back, they will be fine.

--One more thought on the Durant injury. I would much rather be the Riders with Kevin Glenn than the Eskimos with Matt Nichols. Nothing against Nichols, but he isn't as battle-tested as KG.

Enough of football, lets move on to some other matters. To the fashion police, do you like this look???

The Oilers have apparently had plans to break out these orange unis for the past couple of years and would have done so had they played in another outdoor game (note the Heritage Classic patch). They have decided with this being the last year at Rexall Place to break them out as they salute the heritage of their WHA team which was known as the Alberta Oilers to start things out. Did you know that? I'm not big on these, but I was told by two people in Edmonton this weekend they aren't as bad in person as they are on TV. I'll have to be sold on that.  Let's just say my Connor McDavid jersey will not be an orange one and its on the way. 

There is no doubt the Buffalo Sabres were the big winners in this draft while the Boston Bruins and maybe the Vancouver Canucks were the big losers. Buffalo has really strengthened their squad by adding Jack Eichel, Ryan O'Reilly and Robin Lehner. Boston didn't get what they were looking for when they traded away Dougie Hamilton and Milan Lucic as they were looking to package picks 14, 15, 16 to someone for something big, but it never materialized. There were thoughts they would dangle part or all of those picks to Phoenix for 3 and take Noah Nanifin, but after saying all week the pick was in play, Phoenix GM Don Maloney said they weren't going to allow Dylan Strome to get away from them. 

Tell me the Calgary Flames aren't seeing what's happening north of them. Do you think Dougie Hamilton and Connor McDavid will get to know one another very well in the next few years. As hard as it is for this Oilers fan to swallow, that Calgary blueline is very good now as you add Hamilton to Mark Giordano and T-J Brodie. 

Congrats to the five members of the Regina Pats for getting their pro hockey career started by getting drafted. Getting drafted is the first step and its now up to Austin Wagner, Jesse Gabrielle. Colby Williams. Connor Hobbs and Sergei Zborovskiy to take another successful step once their junior careers are over as they try to live out that dream of being an NHL'er.

The Hockey Hall of Fame announces its 2015 inductees later today. Nick Lidstrom is a shoo-in, but many want to know if Eric Lindros should get the call. I say no! Debates as to which players are and are not hall of famers happens in every sport, but I am one who thinks Lindros didn't do enough because of an injury shortened career to get into hockey's ultimate shrine. 

Canada's dream of winning the Womens World Cup came to an end in Vancouver Saturday because of three bad minutes. Two early goals by England were too much for John Herdman's ladies as they bowed out of the event. The country should be proud of the young women who represented our country as they hopefully have taken the game to the next level regardless of whether its mens or womens. The game is growing and Canada is a power thanks to players like Christine Sinclair, Kadeisha Buchanan and Kaylyn Kyle. They should be saluted for their achievements because they got many people talking soccer in this country and that is tough to do even though more and more are getting involved in the sport in this fine nation of ours.

Congratulations to the Regina Riot for being the Saskatoon Valkyries and advancing to the WWCFL championship game against Edmonton. Finish it off strong ladies!

Have a great week and stay cool! It sucks for the farmers not having any rain, and hopefully some will come before its' too late, but there have been no mosquitoes and I'm OK with that.


  1. Anonymous6/29/2015

    The Riders are going to be OK with Glenn in there. He won't bring the pizzazz Darian brought, but they will be fine.

    Edmonton and Montreal are another story though.

    Loved the 1-2 running game and hope to see more of that.


  2. Anonymous6/29/2015

    Get ready for a 9 win season. That defence Chamblin wanted to revamp certainly looked good didn't it. I bet Richie Hall is still grinning from ear to ear.

  3. Anonymous6/29/2015

    Will Glenn be the starting quarterback next year? Hate to say it Rider Nation, but you may have seen the last of number 4! Too those who mock that statement, just ask yourself how many games Kory Sheets has played since he suffered a similar injury.

  4. Anonymous6/29/2015

    One week is one week? Cmon Scruffy! Milo has been terrible now for over a year. I don't understand the loyalty being shown!


  5. Anonymous6/29/2015

    Kory Sheets played 37 games for the riders (regular season and playoffs) in 2012 and 2013 after he "suffered a similar injury" in 2010 with the Dolphins.

    Darian definitely has a tough road ahead of him. At nearly 33, coming back from a major injury is a lot tougher that it would be for a younger athlete. However, if anyone is going to put in the work that will be required to rehab that injury, it's Darian.

    There are plenty of athletes who have come back from an Achilles injury and were every bit the player they were before. There are plenty of others whose careers have been ended by it. It all comes down to the willingness to put the work in to the rehab process.


  6. Anonymous6/29/2015

    To Anon #2:
    Kory Sheets played for the Riders in 2012 aprox 1.5 years after tearing his right achilles. Apparently I need to remind you of the 1200+ yards he put up that year, and the 2000+ yard including the playoffs & a Grey Cup MVP to boot he put up in 2013.
    Durant will be back in 2016!

    C in the 780

  7. Anonymous6/29/2015

    Durant will be back. FYI Anon #2, Kory Sheets played over 30 games after tearing his achilles in 2010. Apparently you forgot about his playing for the Riders in 2012 & he helped bring Saskatchewan the Grey Cup in 2013.

  8. Anonymous6/29/2015

    I like the orange jerseys.

    By the way, what did Pronger do to get into HOF. If you compare his hockey resume to Lindros, I give it to Eric.

  9. Anonymous6/29/2015

    I can't believe some team drafted Gabrielle and drafted them as high as what he went. The guy has goon senior hockey player written all over him. I hated the trade that brought him here and I'm still not sold on him.


  10. Anonymous6/29/2015

    How old was Sheets when he suffered that first Achilles injury? Darian is 32. That should raise some alarm bells. I'm guessing DD will work as hard to rehab this as he did the elbow though and get back in there, but you can't tell me there are concerns in that organization about his overall health. Different injuries, but he is starting to become the next Buck Pierce.

  11. Anonymous6/29/2015

    You can add Kris Russell to the Flames already great defense.

  12. Anonymous6/29/2015

    I've had enough of Milo. How many chances is he going to be given? Move on!

  13. Anonymous6/29/2015

    If Sunseri comes back here, it will say a lot about Taman and a lot about Sunseri and neither is positive. The same can be said for Woldo

  14. Anonymous6/29/2015

    What a day in Ridernation

  15. Anonymous6/29/2015

    If Tino comes back in the CFL it will mean what any one with brains would already know which is that there is no great pool of CFL ready QB's with experience to cover all the QB injuries in week #1.

  16. Anonymous6/29/2015

    Things to do on Tuesday

    1. Go to store that sells giant bubblewrap
    2. Take said bubblewrap and drive over to Mosaic
    3. Give bubblewrap and give it to Riders training staff so they can wrap Glenn in it before a game.

    If he gets hurt before Week 6 and that idiot Sunseri hits the field again, I will be some kinda pissed.

    Are there no other quarterbacks out there? This crap about needing to know a Chapdelaine offense is ridiculous. Find some young guy and develop him and don't bring back yesterday's trash. Hell, why not bring Doege back too!


  17. Anonymous6/29/2015

    Tim is more than a bit off the mark. If Glenn gets hurt then the #2 guy is up next - Brett Smith. If he goes down, then it will be the new #3 - Sunseri. Taman said they will bring a new guy in to develop, but that will take the course of the season to get him to know the CFL game and the Rider's offensive system. Since Doege is not up to speed of the Riders new offensive system, they may as well target someone else.


  18. Anonymous6/30/2015

    To Anonymous #2... You do realize that Richie Hall's defence gave up over 200 yards rushing and almost 500 yards to the Riders on Saturday... and that's with Durant being out for half the game.

    So I doubt he's smiling ear to ear.
