
Monday, July 27, 2015

Something to "Mitch" About

These two have likely seen some lean years, but yes, Rider Nation it is now really looking ugly. It is at a point where many haven't seen it before and they don't like it. Can't say I blame them.   I have no idea if Kevin Glenn's injury is a serious one or not, but we know K-G was brought in as an insurance policy in case Darian Durant went down and we hoped what happened Sunday night would not happen once Durant did get hurt as we are now down to another set of inexperienced quarterbacks. Is this scenario any better than last year when Durant went down? If it is, please explain.

You can't pin this one on Brett Smith because 3rd string quarterbacks aren't supposed to come in and save the day, but once Glenn went down it seemed the hopes of seeing that first win vanished. 

At least last year, you would hope for the defence to come through, but this year that isn't happening. They give up too many yards on first down, when they do have 2nd and long teams are converting whether it by pass or by penalty and yes a turnover would be nice.  Did Hamilton even punt in this game?  How many broken tackles were there? This defence simply just doesn't have what it takes right now for whatever reason. The loss of Shea Emry in Week 1 was huge, John Chick is getting double-teamed, Tyron Brackenridge is not the Tyron Brackenridge of old. The Rider D just isn't up to snuff right now and until they get their act together, this will continue as far as I am concerned. Hamilton did nothing special against that unit Sunday night. Zach Collaros just did his thing and he did it well. How many times did the Riders keep drives alive because of penalty?  The frustration level is high and until that win comes, whenever it comes, it will stay that way. 

By the way, do we now see how important and how much Barron Miles meant to this football team. I didn't like it when his days with the football club came to an end and my thoughts on that have been proven by what we've seen.  

Corey Chamblin's comment after the game was the best one yet to describe this 0-5 team. The comment being "This game told us where we were as a team. We're not good enough to make mistakes.

I can't argue that or even debate it because he's right.  I have no idea where this team ends or how it ends, but as the one third point season of the hits, it may be close to start thinking about next year when Durant will be healthy, Emry will be healthy and the chalkboard can be wiped clean. With Glenn out, all bets are now off unless this team finds another experienced quarterback and if so, what does it cost them and who is out there. 

There were some positives believe it or not 

1. Weston Dressler--If you could clone him, you would win a lot more games than you would lose. Pound for pound, he is the best player in the CFL. His play on that lateral where he picked up the ball and threw it out of bounds is something not many players would do, 

2. Paul McCallum -- This guy could kick until he's 50. Don't be surprised if he is the kicker when the new stadium opens because he just keeps getting it done. At what point, do we start talking about this guy as one of the greatest kickers in the history of pro football. 

3. Nic Demski -- You can see glimpses of greatness here. This guy will be a player!

4. Special teams play. With the exception of one real bone-headed play where there was no attempt to get out of the way resulting in a 15 yard penalty, they held Brandon Banks in check. 

One last thing and that is the crowd. 5 home games in June and July isn't the easiest thing for the casual fan plunking down money for seats. There were over 30-thousand fans at the game yesterday and while they didn't like the end result. They were there. Good job Rider Nation!

--Elsewhere, it is starting to become a survival of the fittest around the league as you can add Jon Cornish and Drew Willy to the list of injured players joining Mike Reilly, Ricky Ray and Darian Durant. You can say what you want about the officiating spoiling the game, but not having the league's best players in uniform is not good as well.

--Are the Argos the best team in the CFL? It is sad that they are and no one in their home market cares.

--I hardly watched any of the Pan-Am Games, but with well over 100 medals it would seem as if we are ready for the Rio Olympics next year. I am really looking forward to seeing how our basketball teams will fare after each won medals in Toronto with the women winning gold with University of Saskatchewan coach Lisa Thomaidis guiding the team. With people like Thomaidis and Dave Taylor running the University programs in this province, I think its safe to say there are good times on the horizon for the sport in these neck of the woods.

--A belated congratulations to legendary CTV Saskatoon sportscaster Kevin Waugh for winning the Tory nomination in a Saskatoon riding for the upcoming federal election. Could Conservative caucus meetings include both Waugh and all around Regina good guy Trent Fraser. Imagine that for just one second! Hey if Waugh can do it, can we start a grassroots campaign for CTV Regina's Don Hewitt??

--Speaking of CTV, the great Wayne Mantyka had a story last week about two teenagers who caused some vandalism in Harbour Landing by stealing a front-end loader and wrecking a playground by spraying graffiti. The developers want to know who is responsible, but they don't want to press charges. They would like an apology, some parental responsibility and perhaps have these kids do some work for them. HUH? Why have we become so lenient in today's society? An apology won't be meaningful, but pressing charges and having these jackwagons go to jail for 30 days might straighten them out and scare the hell out of them, An apology!!! What a ludicrous suggestion. Will they go for ice cream after?

--Say what you will about Alex Rodriguez, but he is having one helluva season for the New York Yankees and he will likely be in the playoffs again.

--Seeing someone twirl a no-hitter against the Cubs was not fun as Cole Hamels did that Saturday afternoon.  The Cubs had gone over 7000 games without being no-hit. That streak is over, but as one oh so nice Twitter follower reminded me shortly after the no-no had been completed, the lengthy no World Series victory streak remains alive. Thanks for that!!

--David Hearn gave it his best, but it wasn't enough to win the Canadian Open. I didn't see much of the final round, but what I did see was Jason Day on the top of his game. When he is at that level, he isn't going to get beat.

--That's all I got. Enjoy your Monday!


  1. Anonymous7/27/2015

    Not good enough to make mistakes. Does that mean Taman hasn't brought in the right talent or has Smith and his staff not seen the right talent. #cato #franklin

  2. Anonymous7/27/2015

    The organization is now paying for selling their soul to win the 2013 Grey Cup. I wouldn't trade that in in no fashion and those days seem so long ago now.

    If K-G is out for an extended period of time, I don't see this team winning for a long time.


  3. Anonymous7/27/2015

    Hey Scruffy, Chick was not getting double-teamed. Hamilton's #61 Figueroa was singlehandedly manhandling Chick. If you're going to pretend you're an authority you should watch the game.

  4. Anonymous7/27/2015

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  5. Anonymous7/27/2015

    Couldn't agree with you more on Dressler. You can't blame his effort at all.

    To Anon talking about Chick. I don't know what game you were watching, but we noticed in our section (103) that Chick was getting double-teamed and there were times a back would be there to chip him if he got past 61. Offences are putting all their effort in stopping Chick because Hall is a non-factor.

  6. Anonymous7/27/2015

    Brackenridge is godawful this year and Chick hasn't been much better. These are your leaders?

    You are right when you say this team isn't winning as long as the defense keeps playing like this. I thought there was supposed to be a new attitude with Quick in town. If that new attitude is to play soft then congratulations.

    You are also right when you talk about Barron Miles. Was that his decision or another bad decision by Chamblin to feed his ego.

    The season is over with or without Glenn. 4 of the first 5 at home and we have squat to show for it.

    The next home game isn't for a month and we could have less than 20 thousand fans in the park for a game against Calgary.

  7. Anonymous7/27/2015

    Thanks Scruffy for the words this morning. I guess the play by play guy can't find someone to pick on yet so he hasn't decided to write his column. Either that or it hasn't been approved by Craig Reynolds.

  8. Anonymous7/27/2015


  9. Anonymous7/27/2015

    Top 10 things I think:

    1. The CKRM post-game show would be so much more "listenable" if Ballsy and Luc could learn not to interrupt each other. Take it from the Dan Patrick show - only one person is allowed to talk at a time.

    2. Ballsy and Luc need to call out stupid callers. One guy called in to complain and belittle the coach and GM because a defensive guru named Mike Benevides was available and the Riders did nothing to go and get him. Of course, Coach Chamblain tried to go and get him and even made an offer, but Benevides turned them down due to family concerns. I wish the hosts would take some of these callers to task regarding their lack of knowledge.

    3. Depending on who you talk to, the officiating was either great or dismal. Count me as a vote for the dismal side. Kent Austin is the new Wally Buono. He was constantly in the officials ears and face. The TiCats were called for at least 5 offsides, but could have been called on a couple more. The Alex Hall unnecessary roughness call was directly as a result of Austin hollering for a flag.

    4. Speaking of the Hall roughing call, has there been a worse call made by CFL officials? Considering there is a very long list of bad calls, how dismal is the state of officiating when week after week, we have a new candidate for worst call ever?

    5. I have to say how disappointed I am as a fan when the team I cheer for has no heart. The fans are fired up and are bringing the noise, as the D requests. But, Andy Fantuz easily waltzes towards the end zone, and on what he thought was a touchdown, punts the ball towards the crowd, essentially giving the fans a great big F-U. Next play, the fans bring the noise, yet Mathews easily walks into the end zone and throws the ball toward the crowd, right out of the stadium. Another F-U to the fans. Is the team insulted that the opposition disses its fans? Nope. No heart.

    6. Blaming Chamblin or any of the coaches is wrong. Chamblain didn't become an idiot overnight. I am baffled by the D and how it forgot to tackle and defend? The talent is there. What's missing?

    7. 31,653 fans brought it last night. They came to support an 0-4 team. This wouldn't happen in any other market in Canada.

    8. The next NDP-lover that complains about the new stadium will get a punch in the face from me. Going to the washrooms on the east side and having the roof leaking yellow liquid on you from above? The old Mosaic cannot be closed for good quick enough.

    9. The website needs to be shut down. Whatever influence the Riders have, they need to use it to get it shut down. Players and coaches may not admit it, but they read websites, blogs, twitter, etc. As a fan of this team, I am embarrassed to be put into the same category as these so-called "fans." I wonder just why any big name coach or player would ever want to play in this province when you see what they have to endure.

    10. This team likely just needs to get out of town and out of the spotlight. A couple road trips to Edmonton and Toronto may just be what they need before the bye week. Hopefully, they're 2-5 and ready for the Stamps on Aug.22.

    Thanks for listening.

  10. 75flyersbestteamever7/27/2015

    I might be "glass is half full guy" but nobody has spanked this team yet..and with the rash of injured star players (can't wait for some great 9-6 game scores) honestly, every team seems "beatable"
    ...HOWEVER gang tackling drills better increase,(special teamers get some slack on this)--add some "wishbone/wildcat, double reverses"- have some fun, keep them guessing with wild offensive looks. Right now in the CFL its who's coaching is want parity, this is it.
    If the coaches aren't trying why should the players? The next month should tell who has heart, who is toast.
    --every scout from every team better getting a maximum 4 hours shut-eye combing the bushes for players, first day of NFL cuts should bring help for many teams.

  11. Anonymous7/27/2015


    A great column written during hard times, one of your best. The "Thanks for Listening" comment is also one of the best and much more refreshing than the simplistic "fire" the coach and GM baloney.

    While the offense and special teams have been the bright spots overall, the sad reality is that the players we need to get the defense on track languish on the injury list.

    Old Hank

  12. Anonymous7/27/2015

    The defense should play with 13 men. Oh wait, we know how that worked out.


    This looks sooooooo good!!

  13. Anonymous7/27/2015

    Madani tweeted oout last nite it is catastrophic when a team loses its top two quarterbacks.

    This season is over if Glenn is out for a while.

    Develop Price, let Chamblin hand over the D to Quick and lets get a good head start on 16.


  14. Anonymous7/27/2015


    I think that it would be a huge mistake to throw Price in. He has not had the time to learn the new system - not being here for training camp etc. and being the 4th stringer with occasional scout team work. Now would not be the time to risk destroying his confidence and setting him up to fail. Perhaps some reps towards the end of the season once he is more familiar with the offense and the CFL game.


  15. Anonymous7/27/2015

    The thing which frustrates me is I see Edmonton with guys like Franklin, Bell, McCoil--guys who make an impact right off the bat. Look at those no-name receivers Toronto has, look at Calgary with Rogers and Fuller. Why can't we have guys like that? Is that lack of scouts or is that a lack of talent at the scouting position. These guys come in and do something and yet we hear they need to be developed here. What gives?

  16. Anonymous7/27/2015

    CELEBRATE Durant haters! You wanted to develop young QB's, well you have 13 meaningless games left this season to do just that. See ya next year Saskie.

  17. Anonymous7/27/2015


  18. Who is this "Chamberlain" person you speak of. The Riders have no one on their team with the last name 'Chamberlain".

  19. Anonymous7/27/2015

    Any gm with credential would be down south on recruitment assignment evaluating players, looking to improve his on field product. Where was the Roughriders Gm yesterday and the game before? on the sidelines thinking he's part of the coaching staff. Riders gm sadly lacking the prerequisite football knowledge with connections as evident by his personal win/loss CFL record. Saskatchewan Roughriders Football Club a multi million dollar industry with spinoffs now on downward trending decline under this non direction.


  20. Anonymous7/27/2015

    The Riders simply don't have enough talent. That's on Taman, not Chamblin. Now there's all kinds of suckers out there that will defend Taman but let me tell you Taman doesn't know talent. He brought in Kory Sheets you say. He invited Kory to a tryout camp in Florida. That earned Kory a try-out at Saskatoon. He went to camp in Saskatoon fourth on the depth chart! FOURTH on the depth chart! Any other GM in the league would have been scrambling to get this guy signed. Yessiree Taman knows talent. I'm no Chamblin fan but it's not all his fault and things won't improve until Taman is gone.

  21. Anonymous7/27/2015

    Get a grip Fred! The NFL pre-season is not even started down south and college ball won't start for a bit either. That's why Taman and none of the other CFL GMs are down south - in fact Huffnagel was recently on the sidelines too in the Ottawa game. Your statements are silly and don't give one much confidence in your ability to evaluate out team's scouting department.

    Any unemployed GM brought in now would face the same dilemma as Taman of trying to plug holes with the many injuries to very good players in our team. Eventually NFL cuts will happen and teams can expand their practice rosters, but that is down the road. I know it is easy to point fingers rather than offer up practical solutions. But think before you write.

    Old Hank

  22. Anonymous7/27/2015

    Too bad Chamberlain was not gone before 1939, along with his policy of appeasement.

    Nigel in London

  23. Anonymous7/27/2015

    Nice Rider jersey Mitch. Fanboy.

  24. Anonymous7/27/2015

    Yeah, "FANBOY" works for the football team writing articles and works for the station who does the football games and you get on his back for wearing something Rider-related. That would be like criticizing Petersen for wearing something Rider related or Andrews for wearing something Pats related.

    Some of you knuckledraggers are simply too stupid to put two and two together, but I'm sure Daddy is proud of your efforts.


    As someone who knows you Scruffy, I know exactly what you do when you see this and I couldn't agree more.

    Saying they are idiots is being complimentary.

  25. Anonymous7/27/2015

    The best comment on here is Anon 1.

  26. Anonymous7/27/2015

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  27. Anonymous7/27/2015

    Rider jerseys are sharp aren't they. I bet Anon calling the old Scruffdog "Fanboy" wishes he had one.

    Thats OK anon, maybe your sister can get one for you from the "proceeds" of her night's work.

  28. Anonymous7/27/2015

    So if any GM would have been scrambling to get Sheets signed, why didn't he get signed by anyone before having to go to a Rider mini-camp. It would seem to me as if Mr. Taman stole Sheets out from under everyone's nose.

    Nice try cupcake!

  29. Anonymous7/27/2015

    •Narcissists, eager to take credit when things go right, refuse to accept responsibility when things go wrong, and cannot engage in constructive self-criticism.
    •Narcissists cannot see how their behavior looks to others, and if confronted by their own behavior in another, refuse to accept it.

    Does this make you think of anyone in particular?

  30. Anonymous7/27/2015


  31. Anonymous7/27/2015

    Thousands of people in this province wear a Riders jersey and yet a guy who does part-time work for the football team gets seen wearing one and gets raked over the coals for it. Only in Saskatchewan during a losing streak!

    Congrats Mitch, you are getting the same nutjobs Pedersen is getting!!


  32. Anonymous7/27/2015

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  33. Anonymous7/28/2015

    Take a hike old man, you make no sense!
    Would certainly hope Hufnagle on the sidelines, after all he is the head coach of the defending CFL Grey Cup Champion Calgary Stampeders Football Club.


  34. Anonymous7/28/2015

    Fred, Fred, Fred, pick up a dictionary and look up the word facetious.

    Old Hank

  35. Anonymous7/28/2015

    Kevin sums it up nicely.

  36. Anonymous7/28/2015

    Rider jerseys are sharp aren't they. I bet Anon calling the old Scruffdog "Fanboy" wishes he had one.

    Thats OK anon, maybe your sister can get one for you from the "proceeds" of her night's work.


    You might be able to get a white one and a green one if she does her job well at the exhibition.

  37. Anonymous7/28/2015

    A lot of people wondering about "jerseygate" Mitch. Can you answer why you are wearing a Rider jersey in your pictures, or at least the reasoning?


  38. Anonymous7/28/2015

    Scruffy has even been seen in a Jon Ryan Seahawk jersey, believe it or not. If anyone can spot him in a Stampeder jersey let the world know. LOL

    Jim Beam

    Back in the day on the farm when it got to be 40 below in the winter some of the old farmers in Southey would head out to the pasture and slip into a Jersey.

  39. Anonymous7/28/2015

    Scruffy, I bet you wear Oilers and Cubs jerseys too besides the Seahawks ones that you own. How unprofessional to have a Riders jersey and be seen wearing it when you work for the station that does the games and you work for the football team! That is so unprofessional. Shame on you for having a life outside your work environment! The funny thing is these are probably the same gasbags who would wear a jersey on a Saturday afternoon to the park or to a concert just because.

    The stupidity is high when the Riders lose and the stupidity factor is at an all-time high in many places including this blog.

    Terry C

  40. Anonymous7/28/2015

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  41. Anonymous7/29/2015

    Been following this jersey flap, and I think it would be difficult for Mitch to wear his rider jersey to practice and conduct interviews and be taken seriously. How can one be critical of a certain aspect of the game to a player or coach while wearing the jersey? To me it's unprofessional. Mitch is not a fan, he's a broadcaster who covers the team. They jersey should be left at home. I would say it would be like a news reporter showing up to a Stephen Harper event wearing a Conservative golf shirt. It lacks judgement. Unless one does not care about reputation. Just thought I should post about it and give my two cents. It seems to be getting a lot of attention.

  42. Anonymous7/29/2015

    Only in Saskatchewan when the football team is 0-5 would people resort to this as an issue. It is like the person phoning in the RM post game show the other night blaming Gainer.

    What is the problem with someone having a picture wearing a Rider jersey? If there is, there must be many people with problems on gameday from the amount of jerseys I see.

    If Mr. Blair is wearing a jersey at the stadium while talking to players and coaches, then yes, there is a huge credibility problem. I would also think his bosses at CKRM or at CJME back in the day would have a word with him about that.

    If you are that concerned over what a person has on in his own blog, I suggest you seek immediate help because you have serious issues which need to be dealt with.


  43. Anonymous7/29/2015

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  44. Anonymous7/29/2015

    Tom, why take the bait from some pea-brain. Does any really care that Scruffy is a Rider fan and owns a Rider jersey? Or that Rob Vanstone has written books about the Riders and has a Rider jersey. There is only one pro-football team in Sask and it is the Riders. This is a one party state as far as football goes. Some idiot seems to equate football with following political parties. Get real!


  45. Anonymous7/29/2015

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  46. Anonymous7/29/2015

    If Taman and Chamblin were doing their job, this stupid talk wouldn't be happening.

    Sort of sad when whether or not someone weara a Rider jersey in public is the topic of discussion.

    Haters gonna hate
