
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Week 3 CFL Stars of the Week

So the CFL did away with its "stars" of the week and are going with performers of the week.  With that being the case, I will normally in the Monday column put up my "Stars of the Week" as I did after Week 2,  but with the Argos-Stamps playing Monday, it gets its own separate post.

OFFENSIVE STAR-- Travis Lulay - BC Lions 

Lulay didn't do much for three quarters against the Riders, but sadly for Rider Nation he lit it up in the 4th quarter and overtime throwing for over 400 yards and three TD's in BC's overtime win last Friday

DEFENSIVE STAR -- Kyler Elsworth- Montreal Alouettes

Luc Mullinder will love me for this one because Elsworth is a Michigan State Spartan. The Alouettes defence wasn't the reason Montreal lost in Winnipeg. In this new CFL, if you can keep a team out of the endzone you are doing something and Elsworth had 11 tackles in his first ever CFL game. Jim Popp may have found a real good one in Elsworth.

CANADIAN STAR -- Zack Evans -- Ottawa REDBLACKS 

OK, I may be a little biased on this one because of his local connections, but how can you deny BIG MAN WITH BALL. He even had a sack in the game and with sacks being few and far between it would seem in the new wide open game, he gets my vote.

SPECIAL TEAMS PLAYER---Lirim Hajrullahu--Winnipeg Blue Bombers 

The guy whose name is arguably the toughest to pronounce and spell in the CFL did miss a point after try, but he did nail four field goals in the Bomber win over Montreal.  


  1. Anonymous7/14/2015

    When a fat man (TSN's words, not mine) gets a TD, he's star of the week.

  2. Anonymous7/14/2015

    Thanks for doing this Scruffy. Count the elimination of this as another dumb thing done by the CFL.


  3. Anonymous7/14/2015

