
Monday, August 31, 2015

Chamblin and Taman have been let go

620 CKRM's Sportscage insider Arash Madani of Rogers Sportsnet was the first one to bring the news and it was confirmed in this release by the Saskatchewan Roughriders on Monday night,

The Saskatchewan Roughriders announced today they have relieved VP, football operations & general manager Brendan Taman, and head coach Corey Chamblin of their duties with the Football Club.

“We are not meeting our expectations or our standards on the field and these changes were necessary to move us forward,” stated Riders President & CEO Craig Reynolds.

“Brendan and Corey worked tirelessly for this organization and I thank them for all that they have done for our team,” continued Reynolds. “But we are in a results oriented business and the current position of our team is unacceptable and this decision was necessary for us to build this team towards sustained success.”   

Both vacated positions will be filled on an interim basis with a full search being conducted at seasons end. Jeremy O’Day has been named interim VP, football operations & general manager, while Bob Dyce has been named interim head coach.  

Reynolds, Dyce and O'Day will face the media Tuesday morning at 11 AM. 620 CKRM will bring that to you live from Mosaic Stadium. 


  1. Anonymous8/31/2015

    To quote Fred Flintstone; "Yabbidy dabbidy do."

  2. Anonymous8/31/2015


  3. Anonymous8/31/2015

    Who had Monday night in the pool??

  4. Anonymous8/31/2015

    Not sure about Taman, but they couldn't go any further with Chamblin after yesterday,
    I hope Jeremy's first move is to send Sunseri packing!


  5. Anonymous8/31/2015

    A coach's job is to evaluate a players strong points and use them in a team concept to generate success. Not with 'the narcissist' with him it was my way or the highway and when it didn't work he blamed the players never once considering he may have chosen the wrong path. Good riddance.

  6. Anonymous8/31/2015

    Finally, can now come out of a very long self imposed exile/team boycott while resuming financial game ticket support to the Roughriders Football Club now that the Taman era is finished.. He had no business running any professional football franchise in the first place, period ! Thanx Craig Reynolds for rectifying and moving forward to a renewed exciting future.

  7. Anonymous8/31/2015

    Dylan Ainsworth, Alex Carroll, Dan Clark, Rob Bagg, Nic Demski, Ray Early, Jeff Knox Junior, Mark Legree, Terrell Maze, Jerome Messam, Naaman Roosevelt, Brett Smith, Ryan Smith, Devin Wilson, Levi Adcock, Jake Doughty, Tyree Hollins, Derek Walker.

    A lot of young talent and a lot of good talent there and I am probably missing guys. You blame Brendan Taman for not bringing in these players. The Taman-haters are a bunch of whackjobs if you ask me.

    Chris G

  8. Anonymous8/31/2015

    I was a Corey Chamblin guy until yesterday. It seems to me like he almost wanted to be fired and knew pulling Smith could accomplish that.

    Looking forward to rolling the "dyce" for the last nine games!

  9. Anonymous8/31/2015

    Welcome to the Paul Lapolice/Jeremy O'Day era Rider Nation. That's what's coming!

  10. Anonymous9/01/2015

    After all is said and done, I like Reynold's decision to stick with a young up and coming GM in O'Day before another team grabbed him. He is a Rider through and through and can get the job done going forward.

    Old Hank

  11. Anonymous9/01/2015

    Hopson handed Taman the keys without much in the way of a search. Taman is a career .440% GM and his tenure didn't end well. Now O'Day is the interim and he too wants to be handed the keys with a very thin overall resume. Let's not forget he has only been an assistant GM a very short time. He has been aware of everything going on, negotiated contracts, and has been following Taman and Millers lead. That is not enough to be thrust into this meat market. He has been interviewed elsewhere but he hasn't been hired by anyone. This next hire has to be heartless and solely based on quality and esults. Being Taman's understudy doesn't really cut it. He may be a good GM in time but O'Day needs more seasoning under a quality GM.

    Dyce would not be on any teams radar as a HC and really all that can be expected is a half season from the guy. This is after all a guy who had the worst special teams in the league just a little while back, and people wanted him gone. Not experienced enough to be seriously considered.

    Taman has brought in some decent talent but nothing more than any other GM has brought in. There have been no sure shot all-stars or rookie of the year calibre. There is a hell of a difference between good and great. Everybody gets good players.

  12. Anonymous9/01/2015

    Couldn't agree more Rob.
