
Sunday, August 23, 2015

Something to "Mitch" About --- Part 1

I'm off to UFC Fight Night in Saskatoon, and I'll blog about it upon my return Monday, but here are thoughts on what transpired at Mosaic Saturday night.

--There were a lot of positives to take away from the 34-31 loss, but that doesn't mean all is good because there are still a lot of warts on this football team.  The squad will not win until the defence comes through and they are not.  I will give Bo Levi Mitchell all the credit in the world for his hail mary pass at the end of the first half. That was a perfect pass to Eric Rogers and it was into the wind. That was one helluva pass by the Stamps quarterback, but it doesn't take away from the fact that you gotta KNOCK IT DOWN!!!  That was simply unacceptable by a group of defensive backs who were A) behind Rogers and B) looking at him instead of the ball. I'm guessing that play doesn't happen if Barron Miles is still the DB's coach because that wasn't the type of play he would even want to be associated with. That was just embarassing. Everyone knew what was going to happen and Calgary still scored.  It was just one of many things that left a lot to be desired on the defensive side of the ball.

--Speaking of embarassing, the call on Randy Richards which saw the Riders offensive lineman ejected was embarassing----for Dave Foxcroft and crew. That's a 15 yard penalty, I will give you that, but that was not 25 yards and ejection-worthy.  This crew was not as bad as some of the other crews we have seen this year, but on the play where Richards was kicked out, he was blocked from behind moments before what was a lethal clothesline, Brett Smith got one roughing the passer call where he embellished it big time, and on another roughing the passer call, the Calgary defender was pushed from behind causing him to fall into Smith. The Riders were not the only team to get jobbed by the stripes on this night so no blame can fall on their shoulders.

--Brett Smith continues to grow as a quarterback and I'll be completely honest, I just love what I am seeing from this kid, and I think many in the Rider Nation feel the same way. He is still rough and needs a lot of experience yet, but he is getting some valuable reps and is getting better and better with every game. While head coach Corey Chamblin said after the game, he still intends to go with Kevin Glenn when he gets off the injured list, I would seriously consider riding this season out with Smith under center. What can it hurt?

--The Riders have lost six games by five points or less while Calgary is now 6-2 winning five of them by five or less points. What is the difference between the two teams because one is finding a way to get the job done and the other isn't. There isn't a lot separating the two teams not including the win-loss record is there? What would Calgary be like if Bryant Moniz was the quarterback?  The talent is there in that room, but it isn't getting done and that perhaps is the most frustrating thing.

--While I don't agree with those who want Corey Chamblin fired, I do understand it. However, someone needs to explain to me why there is a desire to bring in Mike Benavides as the new HC, What did Benavides do in BC to make those who want him here think he would get this team to where you want it? Sorry, I'd rather have Chamblin with a healthy roster. You can disagree with that all you want, but that's the way I feel, To those who say Benavides should come on board as the defensive co-ordinator, I am cool with that.

That's all for now. It's UFC time!  Part 2 will be up sometime upon my return Monday after I get back.


  1. Anonymous8/23/2015

    Great question to Chamblin last night about starting Brett Smith for the rest of the season. Why not? What have you got to lose? I realize we have seen nothing from Sims and Price yet, but this kid is showing me something. Collaros didn't light the world on fire when he came into the CFL and look at what Harris has done sitting behind Ray for so many years.

    Disappointed in the outcome and still think CC has to give up DC job because that is what's killing this team.

    Hopefully I run into you tonight.


  2. Anonymous8/23/2015

    Another example at the end of the half of our DB's not being big enough.

    The new rules mean short DB's can't cut it when you have receivers who are 6-3, 6-4 who can jump up there to get it.

    You're absolutely right when you say you gotta knock it down, but you have to be big enough to do that.

  3. Anonymous8/23/2015

    What's the difference between the Riders and the Stamps you ask.

    Not hard to see. One has a competent front office that knows what to do and the other doesn't. It is as simple as that.

  4. Anonymous8/23/2015

    Be pissed off all you want about the final play of the first half Rider Nation, but give credit to Bo Levi for that pass. There are NFL QB's who couldn't throw a ball like that into the wind.


  5. Anonymous8/23/2015

    Scruffy, one of the differences between the Stamps and Riders is that the Stamps haven't lost consecutive games since John Hufnagel took over in 2008. That's seven and a half seasons!

    Every year that our "Great Coach" has been at the controls we've had at least a four game losing streak, even with everyone healthy.

    My question to you is, why would you not want to change?

  6. Anonymous8/23/2015

    1. Defence gives up over 400 yards and 30 points again
    2. DB's were destroyed by BLM all night and not just on the Hail Mary
    3. Playcalling was suspect again. How can you give Messam the ball 10 times. Give it to him 20-25 times if need be.
    4. Love the way Smith plays and you are right, his game is still rough but I think the fanbase loves seeing the way he competes
    5. Demski is going to be a great player.
    6. Saw your tweet last night about McCullough and Mullinder. I could not agree more


  7. Anonymous8/23/2015

    Riders will have to trade Demski before his contract is done, otherwise he will sign with Bombers when he is a Free Agent. Bombers will throw good money at him .

  8. Anonymous8/23/2015

    The fix was in the moment we lost the coin toss, again.

  9. Anonymous8/23/2015

    Scruffy, you might as well start making your list of all of the reasons Chamblin should be fired because sooner or later our Board of Directors is going to wake up.

  10. Anonymous8/23/2015

    Fire Chamblin now - the sooner the better.
    2 wins in the last 15 games
    It is simple and injuries are not a reasonable excuse at all

  11. Anonymous8/23/2015

    Enjoy the fights wish I was going.
    The Riders interior D-line is just awful this year.
    Rory Connop is not talented enough to be s starting D-tackle.
    We seriously miss Weldon Brown. When will he be back ??

  12. Anonymous8/24/2015

    Scruffy wrote; "That was just embarrassing. Everyone knew what was going to happen and Calgary still scored. It was just one of many things that left a lot to be desired on the defensive side of the ball."

    Who's in charge of the defense? Oh yeh, it's the guy you're sticking up for.

    Make up your mind.

    Owen Eight

  13. Richards deserved to get kicked out!!!!! That was dangerous.
