
Monday, August 3, 2015

Something To "Mitch" About

Happy Saskatchewan Day!!!

It was yet another unhappy Saskatchewan night on Friday as the Riders lost to the Eskimos.

I didn't think the Riders would win in Edmonton and the scoreboard showed that, but I didn't mind what I saw from the football team.

Before we get to that though, let's get to Winnipeg Free Press reporter and CFL insider Gary Lawless who for the 2nd time claims Corey Chamblin is about to be fired as head coach. If you missed it on TSN Saturday night, Lawless claimed from a "senior Riders executive" Brendan Taman would be meeting with Craig Reynolds perhaps as early as Sunday and recommending Chamblin be fired after the Toronto game next week. If this does not happen, Lawless goes on to say the executive will clean house at the end of the season meaning Taman will also be gone. If Lawless is right (and I say if), who is this senior Riders executive and why he is leaking out something which shouldn't be? I would be very concerned if I were the organization about this happening if it has happened because that isn't the way to conduct business. If it is right, don't wait for the Toronto game now, just do it. You can find an interim guy for the Toronto game and then get your guys in place after the bye week. Lawless does a good job of covering his butt with his phrasing should it not happen, but I'm not buying it.

Has Chamblin done a good job this year? The record would indicate he hasn't, but he also hasn't had the services of the lineup he wanted on the field for one quarter this year.  While it has been said many times, this team has lost Durant, Emry, Brown, McDougall, Legree, Steinhauer, McHenry and Moore for multiple games. Each of those guys plays a significant role to this football team. Chamblin and the Riders have had the deck stacked against them from the first quarter of the first game. If he gets canned before or after the Toronto game, so be it. However, one can't deny Chamblin has not had the personnel needed to be successful and while Brendan Taman has brought in guys like Jake Doughty, Brett Smith, Jeff Knox Junior, Derek Walker, Jerome Messam and Tyree Hollins (who also may miss a good deal of time) amongst others.  There is a lot of Chamblin and Taman hate out there and I understand that, but some of that anger is misguided. There is no way this football team is 0-6 if this team has Durant and Emry playing for them. No way whatsoever! Chamblin has not had a good year making decisions and yes, he needs to relinquish the defensive play-calling to Greg Quick but that isn't going to change the way this team tackles is it?

Getting to the game, and yeah it was ugly again. However, I was pleasantly surprised because it wasn't as bad as many of us thought it was going to be. The defence still had too many missed tackles and second and long conversions allowed, but I thought that was their best game of the season which admittedly isn't saying much considering how they played in the first 5.

I also thought Brett Smith looked pretty good in there for his first pro start.  Like a lot of you, I was baffled as to why he was replaced by Tino Sunseri as he needs all the reps he can get, but I think if the team sticks with Smith moving forward they won't be as bad as what many think they will be. The Sunseri experiment may be close to an end though.

As this losing streak continues, the calls on the 620 CKRM post game show get more comical. While there are many fans out there who have legitimate gripes and concerns about the football team, there are some out there who just make me shake my head and wonder what exactly is in their water bottle.  Last week, a woman phoned up saying Gainer has to take responsibility because he hasn't brought his "A"game to the table and then Friday night, a woman phones up and says the Riders are more than a football team, they are our province and management is letting the province down by what is going on. She then goes to inform Michael Ball and Luc Mullinder that she knew this was going to happen and that is why she did not renew her season tickets.  Hey Toots, if you gave up your season tickets before the season started because you knew this was going to happen than you should have bought a lottery ticket because I'm sure you would have won and could be sitting on some tropical island somewhere. If you were so upset with the football team after last year and cancelled your season tickets than why are you bemoaning the fate of the club now. Seems a little hypocritical to me to say how important they are on one hand and then how they aren't important to you anymore.

How bad is it getting for the Riders when it comes to injuries. Its now hit the media! The Leader-Post's gruff but lovable Murray McCormick was seemingly absent during the game on his Twitter feed. It was revealed Saturday morning that while the Riders were doing their thing on the Commonwealth Stadium turf that Murray was not doing his thing because he was at an Edmonton hospital after falling on the way inside to Commonwealth.  He is apparently fine, but there is no word at this time if he will be the latest to go on the 6 game injury list.  GET BETTER MURRAY!!! The wasps are waiting for you.


NFL training camps are underway. Thank god!!! We are inching closer and closer to weekend television being filled with football again!  There is obviously a lot of interest with how Ben Heenan will do in Indianapolis and how Brett Jones will fare with the New York Giants. Don't forget about Brian Peters and the Vikings. I don't know how much the various teams will report on the progress of those three, but I am guessing many of us will be looking the same way we were when Weston Dressler was in Kansas City last year. ESPN looked at all teams and came up with a 53 man roster projection for all which doesn't mean a lot at this time of year, but the four-letter has Heenan making the Colts with Jones and Peters seeing their dream of being an NFL'er get dashed. Time will tell.

I was devastated late Friday afternoon when word came down the legendary "Rowdy Roddy Piper" had died at the age of 61.  I'm not going to lie. I LOVED THIS GUY!!! There was no better heel in wrestling and his Pipers Pit segments were pure gold.  He is one of the reasons I still love wrestling to this day. In fact, one wonders where wrestling would be today were it not for his antics in the ring with Cyndi Lauper back in the 80's as that was the catalyst for the first ever Wrestlemania which made the business what it is today. He was one of the best entertainers ever and he entertained many during his day. RIP Hot Rod and thank you for the memories!


What can you say about Ronda Rousey that hasn't been said before? Just another incredible display by Rousey at UFC 190 as she took down her opponent in just over 30 seconds. Her last three fights have lasted 64 seconds.

Let's be honest Rider fans, are you now more interested in the fate of your favourite CFL team or the fate of the Blue Jays or how your favourite NFL team is about to do. Be honest! I think many in these parts will be trading in their football watching habits for baseball over the month of August and into September as well as the Jays look to end their lengthy playoff drought.  I noticed Friday night TSN has hopped on the bandwagon by having post-game comments live from Josh Donaldson after their win over Kansas City. Get ready for all Blue Jays all the time and it may even impact the day to day doings of the Leafs. I know that seems hard to believe, but it will.  With the Jays getting Mark Lowe and Latroy Hawkins, one has to wonder how much we will see of Aaron Loup the rest of the way. I'm guessing the answer is not much! How bout their game on Sunday? Umpire Tim Wolf botched that from the get-go and I am guessing every fan at Rogers Centre and those on TV were hoping Donaldson would crank one out in the 9th. If those two teams should meet in the playoffs, there will be a lot of fireworks.  That game on Sunday was unbelievable and Wolf poured gas on it right from the moment Donaldson had one go high and tight on him after a warning had been issued. You just knew the benches were ready to empty and when Aaron Sanchez hit Alcides Escobar it was game on!!


Another year of the Queen City Ex has come and gone. Once again, what a fantastic display when it comes to people-watching. It takes all kinds to make our society tick and all kinds is certainly what you find as you walk up and down the midway checking everything out.  One of the things the family checked out was the RCMP Musical Ride. It was outstanding.


There is a hockey game on TSN tonight as Canada plays Russia at the Summer Showcase. ITS AUGUST 3!! WE DON'T NEED HOCKEY!!!!

Instead of watching a hockey game, head to Currie Field and check out the Regina Red Sox as they battle Yorkton in playoff action. Regina won Game 1 in the best of 5 series Sunday night.


Enjoy your holiday Monday!!!


  1. Anonymous8/03/2015

    I hope the rumours are false about firing Chamblin. If they do fire him, who are they going to bring in? Lapolice? Benevides? What can they do? I could see possibly bringing in Benevides as a D-coordinator, but firing Taman and/or Chamblin would be wrong. People who suggest otherwise are mental, they are usually the fire everyone mentality. Well sometimes it's works, but most times it doesn't. Stay the course with these guys and we'll be better next year.


  2. Anonymous8/03/2015

    What is the Riders record without Durant in the lineup? That tells you all you need to know. On another topic, we know DD isn't going to be around forever and we know how well he performed in 2013 when he had K. Jones as a quarterbacks coach. Could we get KG in here as a QB coach at end of season to mentor the likes of Price, Smith and Sims.

  3. Anonymous8/03/2015

    No one was better with a microphone in his hand than the Rowdy Scotsman. I didn't know he was one of ours. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. What a talent!

  4. Anonymous8/03/2015

    Hey Blair, you forgot to mention that Roddy Piper was born in Saskatoon, oh yeah, you hate Saskatoon.

  5. Anonymous8/03/2015

    Gary Lawless is a complete buffoon! At least Penton didn't buy into it this week.

  6. Anonymous8/03/2015

    A few things

    1: Chamblin is losing control of this football team by making dumb decisions. He needs to give up control of the defense and start being a head coach.

    2. Penalties: This must stop! Another double digit game in penalties with the 0-line being guilty on a majority of them I think

    3. Garry Lawless makes Marty York look like Adam Schefter or Jay Glazer. The guy is a total idiot

    4. Roddy Piper was born in Saskatoon, yeah so what! Put up an f-in sign if it is that important to you. I can't imagine why anyone would hate Saskatoon when they think they are the Toronto of the West. Get real Jack!

    5. A Toronto-KC playoff series would be a treat to watch

    Good holiday read Scruff.


  7. Anonymous8/03/2015

    Injuries are an excuse.
    Calgary is winning with Cornish and a makeshift o-line
    Edmonton is winning without Reilly
    Toronto is winning without Ray

    That's all.

  8. Anonymous8/03/2015

    By Labour Day, Lapo is the HC and O'Day is the GM.

  9. Anonymous8/03/2015

    If the Royals and Jays do not meet in the playoffs, put these two teams in an opening day series with one another next year. After seeing Ventura beak off after the game to both Bautista and Donaldson, I would love to see him step on the mound against these two next year. If only the pitcher could bat in the American League.


  10. Anonymous8/03/2015

    Someone really needs to explain to not only me, but the rest of the fanbase why Chamblin would actually say he wants to see Sunseri gets some reps. What does he see in this guy? There is no talent there. NONE! ZIP!

  11. Anonymous8/03/2015

    Was it on Rod's blog where you asked about why Getzlaf was the whipping boy. How about two dumb offside penalties on Friday. That might be one good reason!

  12. Anonymous8/03/2015

    Calgary, Edmonton and Toronto are not down to their third string QBs! Edmonton and Toronto's second string guys have been in their system for a long time. Brett Smith is a raw rookie and may yet do better.

  13. Anonymous8/03/2015

    The record is terrible, but Chamblin has not had a full deck to deal with. Removing him would be a huge mistake!

  14. Anonymous8/03/2015

    Has Gary Lawless ever reported anything which turns out to be true? How can TSN call him an insider?

    peter dalla riva

  15. Anonymous8/03/2015

    How does the crow taste Mitch? You've sure changed your tune. Do all the fans still need to "give their head a shake"?

  16. Anonymous8/03/2015

    I own Riders media and I don't even live in Regina.


    G. Lawless
