
Monday, October 19, 2015

Something To "Mitch" About

--Another weekend is in the books and it was a weekend without Riders football. I don't think anyone missed it.

--There are a lot of people bemoaning the fact the Riders are increasing ticket prices for next year saying how can you do that considering the season you have had. It's simple, it is business. The price of tickets doesn't go up or down depending on your performance. Hell if it was, the Edmonton Oilers would be playing for virtually nothing and the Cleveland Browns would be, well you know.  When you look at it, the tickets are still quite affordable  In fact, here's a breakdown when it comes to the most expensive single game ticket    

  • Saskatchewan Roughriders $80.50
  • BC Lions: $84 
  • Edmonton Eskimos: $85
  • Toronto Argonauts: $87
  • Hamilton Tiger-Cats: $80-$95
  • Ottawa Redblacks: $84-$115
  • Calgary Stampeders: $100
  • Winnipeg Blue Bombers: $95.75-$119.75
  • Montreal Alouettes: $105-125

Would you rather pay $120 to watch the Bombers?

--The Rogers Centre has definitely let their feelings be known when it comes to the Argos. They say there is no way they can change the configuration from baseball to football in a reasonable amount of time. It can be done for other teams that have building conflicts like the Oakland Athletics and Raiders so either the workers at Rogers Centre are damn lazy or they are just thumbing their nose at the Argos. It was suggested on the weekend the Argos should move their home playoff game should they get one so no revenues go back to Rogers Centre. I don't think Rogers Centre cares and yes, the Argos should look for a different place. Hell, come to Mosaic Stadium. Would you go to a CFL game not involving the Riders at Mosaic? I think I know the answer to that one.

--The great Dan Patrick threw out a rumour on Friday stating the vacant USC job might be offered to current Baltimore Ravens coach John Harbaugh. That would not be good news for their current offensive co-ordinator Marc Trestman. With Jim Popp seemingly on the outs in Montreal, I ask you this Rider fans...if it could happen, would you take a Trestman-Popp duo here. They certainly had some magic in Montreal. As I have stated, I think Jeremy O'Day will be the general manager of this team on a permanent basis and that will happen before Trestman's season in Baltimore is over, but its worth throwing out there. 

--There are also some people out there who don't like the new Regina Pats uniform. ???? I love them. I think the blue ones are sharp and the white ones aren't bad either. To each his own I guess. 

--Max Domi had to have gotten those hands from his Mom, because his Dad never had hands like that. He has been very impressive to start the regular season and his play has taken the glare off of both Jack Eichel and Connor MacDavid. It would appear as if MacDavid has now gotten used to the pace of NHL hockey as he had a big weekend in getting Edmonton a couple of road wins. They still need a number one defenceman if they are going to make any noise though.

--Is there a better place in this city to get ribs than Jack Keatons? They are fannnnnn-tastic! The worst thing about that place is its location as I am hardly up in that area of the city. Can we get another one in the east end?

--Jake Arrieta is human after all as the New York Mets got to the 22 game winner in Game 2 of the NLCS to take a 2-0 lead over the Cubs. The Jays were oh-so-close to getting a split in Kansas City and then their defence let them down. Will either team come back from a 2-0 deficit?  

--It would appear as if when Dan Quinn left the job as Seahawks defensive co-ordinator he took that killer instinct with him as his Falcons are 5-1 and playing good football (Thursday night excluded) while the Seattle is a surprising 2-4 having lost another 2nd half lead. Many including myself predicted a Seahawks-Ravens Super Bowl. That isn't happening!

--How many people lost in their Survivor pools  yesterday? I was oh-so-close as I needed Green Bay to make a goal-line stop against San Diego otherwise I might have said sayonara. 

--If you watched the Sunday night game, can you please explain to me what the h-e double hockeysticks that 4th down call that was botched by the Colts was all about. That might have been the worst play call I have ever seen.

--Thunder coach Scott McAuley will be spitting nails for the next little bit. For the second straight  year, his team is done after losing a semi-final at home. The potent Thunder offence could do nothing against the Calgary Colts and lost 17-3. Losing starting quarterback Jaeden Marwick didn't help.

--If the Regina Rams could ever find a way to keep the other team's offence off the field, they would be alright. It looked like Mike Gibson was going to have his first ever win on Saturday afternoon as his team had a nice lead over the Manitoba Bisons in the 3rd quarter, but then the wheels fell off defensively and they lost 49-46 to drop their record to 0-6. I think the Rams have gained more yards than their opposition in 5 of their 6 defeats and have lost. That's not good! They go into Calgary to face a Dinos team that beat them 72-8 in Regina next Saturday. That's not good either!  With the Riders season being the way it has, the Thunder season now over and the Rams season basically done, it would appear as if the last game of meaning at Mosaic Stadium will be played before November 1 this year. 

--It's election day. This marathon 11 week campaign comes to an end. Thank god! Do the right thing and vote today. It doesn't matter who you support, just get out there and cast your ballot. Many have already done so in advance polls so keep it going. At the end of the night, I don't think we will see a majority government and that might actually be a good thing in some ways. Don't waste your opportunity to have a say by not casting a ballot.

--That's all I got. Have a great week!


  1. Anonymous10/19/2015

    Damn you Thunder!
    I was looking forward to another HIlltop romp in the final.

  2. Anonymous10/19/2015

    The entire Argos situation is embarrassing to so many. Watching that game on the weekend, they might well of played it at Leibel Field. This has been a bad year for the CFL. Cohon got out at the right time.

    peter dalla riva

  3. Anonymous10/19/2015

    Rams offense = outstanding
    Rams defense = joke

    Does anything more need to be said?

  4. Anonymous10/19/2015

    Mitch, you know full well Rider fans have to find something to bitch and moan about and ticket prices are the latest thing.

  5. Anonymous10/19/2015

    I didn't watch one second of CFL play this weekend.


  6. Anonymous10/19/2015

    2 blogs and 2 mentions of anointing O'Day as the grand pooh bah, with no search required to see if anyone else is interested (and or qualified). Where does one get a ticket to the Ball Lickers Ball?


  7. Anonymous10/19/2015

    Getting rid of McCrystal. That was the right move wasn't it!

  8. Anonymous10/19/2015

    It has been a bad year for football in Regina.


  9. Anonymous10/19/2015

    Frank McCrystal decided to retire did he not??

  10. Anonymous10/19/2015

    Why would you ask that question Jason when you are likely the president and CEO of said organization? Do you provide dental floss too?

  11. Anonymous10/19/2015

    Better add Vanstone to that list. He is endorsing O'Day as well.

    I would rather have him than Tillman. That ship has sailed and I have heard a lot of things about him from his Edmonton days.

  12. Anonymous10/19/2015

    Do you believe everything you hear? (McCrystal)

  13. Anonymous10/20/2015

    Yes Mitch I'd rather pay 120 dollars to watch the Bombers. At least they are heading in the right direction. The Riders should be paying the spectators.

  14. Anonymous10/20/2015

    Saskatchewan Roughriders on field product does not warrant game ticket increases.

  15. Anonymous10/20/2015

    Riders SUCK !

    Rodricko Pefersen

  16. Anonymous10/20/2015

    Rah rah for Rider ticket increase from media types who don't pay themselves. Ha ha I don't buy it!

  17. Anonymous10/21/2015

    Thank allah the NDP got the Orange CRASH !!!
