
Thursday, November 19, 2015

20 Years Ago Today

The first ever Grey Cup game in Regina was played on this day 20 years ago in very windy conditions. What do you remember about that game besides the fact the only American team to ever win the Grey Cup did so on that night? 


  1. Anonymous11/19/2015

    I remember my brother and Dad came in from Winnipeg for the game. We sat in the south endzone stands which meant the south wind was blowing up our butts. It was the first time a jumbotron was used at Taylor Field. Also, my Dad sat next to a guy who had a duffel bag full of booze. The guy was feeling no pain by halftime.

  2. I got to sit in the temporary press box on the old side which was literally rocking from the wind. But the snacks and beverages were good.

    It was a fun week despite a little freezing rain. Crowds downtown and at the venues were insane.

    The game itself wasn't bad either. Baltimore had a heckuva team although they did play by different roster rules.

    Definitely a trip to remember.

  3. Anonymous11/19/2015

    I remember bieng relatively warm until the crowd started to thin out in the fourth and the wind really put a chill in you.
    Also, you were still allowed to run on the field after the game. I ran into OT Neil Fort for the Stallions, I barely came up to the top of his numbers.
    Some guy stole our Canadian flag while on the field. My brother chased him down and threw the hit of the night!

  4. Anonymous11/19/2015

    Let's NEVER go Back Saskatchewan! NEVER

  5. Anonymous11/20/2015

    I remember not much of the actual game, it was so f*ckin cold in that south end zone. I pissed right off when I found out the organizers had put my personal safety at risk with temporary bleacher seating that was a few wind clicks away from collapse. Such stuppidity for the almighty dollar.
