
Monday, January 25, 2016

Something to "Mitch" About

--Sports is a great avenue to vent and discuss things, but no matter what is happening with our favourite teams and competitions, it pales in comparison to what happened Friday afternoon in La Loche.  Those things aren't supposed to happen in our province. We hear about mass shootings in the U-S seemingly on a daily basis and some say while it is tragic, it could never happen here. Wrong! It has and the community is devastated as four young people are gone for no good reason. My thoughts and sympathies are with all who have been affected by what has taken place. The day and the memories of those who have been taken will not and should not be forgotten as time moves on.

--We now know the combatants for Super Bowl 50. Denver will play Carolina in what could very well be Peyton Manning's last game. The Broncos defence just punished Tom Brady by giving him one of his worst beatings ever while Peyton did enough to give Denver what is likely the last Manning vs Brady matchup. Von Miller and that Denver D was the story of this one as they did not allow New England to do anything until the very end and then survived a two point convert try which would have sent the game to OT. As for the NFC Championship game, the Panthers delivered another early knockout blow and while Seattle gave it their best shot last week, Arizona could not this week. Let the two weeks of hype begin.

--Former Riders OC Jacques Chapdelaine has had his name mentioned when it comes to who the new head coach of the Rams should be. Chapdelaine has university experience having been at Simon Fraser before bolting to the Riders. I would think Jacques wants another CFL job much like predecessor so with no ill will being expressed towards Chapdelaine, I just wonder if whoever is doing the hiring for the head coach position wants to go down this road again. A name mentioned to me on the weekend as a good candidate was former Rider player and defensive co-ordinator Richie Hall. I don't think Richie is leaving Winnipeg anytime soon and I would say the same about him as I am about Chapdelaine. Getting someone with CFL experience is great, but get someone who has 100 percent no desire to get back into the CFL coaching wars.

--Looks like John Chick is going to the Tiger-Cats. How much longer will it be before Weston Dressler finds a new home. I am guessing we won't be waiting for long.

--If Danny Barrett can get a job in the NFL, so can Corey Chamblin. CC has the better resume as well.

--Some ( and yes, I was admittedly one of them) wondered how a goaltender could be named the MVP of the NHL last season. Wonder no more. Carey Price is proving how valuable he is as the Montreal Canadiens are free-falling faster than the Canadian dollar. After a great start to the season, Price was hurt during a game in Edmonton, came back and got hurt again. That 2nd injury has sent the Habs spiralling into a descent we haven't seen since the, since the...well since the loss of Darian Durant in 2014. The Montreal Canadiens are not PK Subban's team, they are not Max Pacioretty's team and they are not Tomas Plekanec's team. The fortunes of the Habs rests on what Price is doing and the past couple of months have proven that. We don't what the injury is although we have heard it is a knee injury or he tore his groin muscle off his bone. Whatever it is, his return date is not known and by the time he does come back, it could be too late for Montreal. Do they ride this one out and throw the white flag up or do they try and find a goalie that can get them into the playoffs. One also wonders if Price will be available for the World Cup of Hockey. I am thinking the Canadiens braintrust really doesn't want to see Price suiting up in a Canadian uniform if he isn't suiting up in a "Canadiens" uniform.

--Flames D-man Mark Giordano says he thinks women can coach in the NHL. Is the day coming where we see a Melody Davidson, a Sarah Hodges or maybe even a Hayley Wickenheiser being a coach in the NHL. Never say never folks. It's happening in the NFL so it can happen in the NHL as well. If you want more proof, at Hockey Canada’s annual general meeting in 2015, there were 639,510 players registered across Canada, and 87,494 of them are women and girls. In 2005-06, that number was 69,557. The report also said there are 7,067 female coaches in various roles with registered teams in Canada.

--The deal Rogers signed with the NHL was in Canadian dollars. That is what the Toronto Sun's Steve Simmons is reporting. There have to be a few people going "OOPS!!" about that right about now as the loonie could almost be confused with an American quarter.

--Nice job by the Cougar basketball teams in Vancouver this weekend as the men split with UBC and the women won both of their games. It is great to see the mens program back on its feet under Steve Burrows. Playoff basketball at the CKHS on the womens side is usually something you can write in on the womens side and now it appears as if we could see someone playoff hoops at home from the men. I have zero problem with that!

--Archie "The Stomper" Gouldie passed away on the weekend at the age of 71 in Tennessee. If you watched Stampede Wrestling in its heyday, he was the best. I have often thought in the WWE world of today, he would make one of the best heels out there. Speaking of wrestling, Triple H wins the Royal Rumble. Shocking! (sarcasm off)

--That's all I got. Have a great week!


  1. Anonymous1/25/2016

    Price has proven all his critics wrong.
    Still can't believe Bergevin has given Therien an out for this season.
    Neither man doing their job as far as I'm concerned

  2. Anonymous1/25/2016

    Wouldn't it be ironic if Chick smoked Durant and DD was hurt again!

    Best of luck in Steeltown John!

    peter dalla riva

  3. Anonymous1/25/2016

    Classy QB in Manning against a complete DBag in Newton.

    I know who I will be cheering for

  4. Anonymous1/25/2016

    Rogers Inc. overpaid badly for those NHL rights and now they will be in huge financial trouble in the years to come-mark my words

  5. Anonymous1/25/2016

    So Newton is a douchebag because he has fun and celebrates the game since it is supposed to be FUN????WOW. Is Aaron Rodgers a douchebag too because he has fun and competes?? Double-standard maybe.........

  6. Anonymous1/25/2016

    Dont kid yourself, Bergevin & Therien are both dead men walking.

  7. Anonymous1/25/2016

    Old white guy versus an upcoming black QB. NFL marketers dream

  8. I hadn't heard about Stomper. He brings back nice memories of watching Stampede Wrestling on Saturday afternoons on TV and at live shows in Canora, Yorkton, Kamsack, and Grande Prairie. Those cowboy boots of his were legendary and he was a grade A heel that really knew how to get the fans riled up. Great interview too. Rest in Peace sir.

  9. Anonymous1/25/2016

    If the Rams/Cougars look at anyone who has been an assistant or head coach in the CFL who wants to go back like Chapdelaine, they should have their head examined.

    The last hire was a bad one so don't go down the same road. I would include young Mueller in that statement. The kid would be great for the program, but you can't tell me after working with Hufnagel the past couple of years, he wouldn't want to get as high up the chain as possible.


  10. Anonymous1/25/2016

    LOL at peter dalla riva comment. That would be a kick in the berries wouldn't it!

  11. Anonymous1/25/2016

    Rogers look like geniuses now, because their multi-billion dollar tv deal was in CANADIAN Pesos. It's hurting the NHL's bottom line and all players are having to increase deductions from their cheques for the escrow fund now. This will destroy Canadian NHL teams.
