
Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The NHL Is Heading To Las Vegas

The NHL has settled on Las Vegas as its choice for expansion provided organizers can come up with a $500 million fee.

The league's Board of Governors is scheduled to hold a formal vote during its meeting on June 22. Quebec City was also considered for expansion.

A person who had been briefed on the decision told the Associated Press, which previously reported the decision, that Las Vegas was a "done deal" following the recommendation of the NHL's executive committee.

The 2017-18 season is the earliest the league would expand.

NHL commissioner Gary Bettman had proposed an expansion fee of $500 million, a significant jump from the $80 million paid by the Columbus Blue Jackets and Minnesota Wild, when the NHL last expanded to 30 teams in 2000.

The Las Vegas bid, led by Bill Foley, says it has secured more than 13,200 season-ticket deposits for a potential team. A 20,000-seat multipurpose arena near the Las Vegas Strip opened in April.

(Associated Press) 


  1. Anonymous6/14/2016

    Hockey thrives in Canada. Did the NHL learn nothing from Winnipeg? Putting a team in Vegas and not Quebec is just a joke and a money grab.


  2. Anonymous6/14/2016

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  3. Anonymous6/14/2016

    500M_ that's a highly unusal high number for today's NHL

  4. Anonymous6/14/2016

    I'm with Dave. QC is a much better spot to put an expansion team than Vegas. Cmon Bettman, look at this with an ounce of intelligence.

  5. Anonymous6/14/2016

    Has Pedersen left Rider camp for Vegas yet?

  6. Anonymous6/14/2016

    80 million for Columbus and Minnesota and 500 mill for Vegas? Are ya greedy Gary?

  7. Anonymous6/15/2016

    Drew Remenda will be the color guy for Vegas for sure

  8. Anonymous6/15/2016

    Quebec is the perfect place for a team to re-locate. My bet is that there will be a team in Quebec within 3 years.

    Russ from Saskatoon

  9. Anonymous6/15/2016

    The last pro team to fail in Las Vegas was, you guessed it, the CFL's Las Vegas Posse!
