
Monday, July 4, 2016

Alouettes Receiver Duron Carter Gets 1 Game Suspension

The CFL has suspended Montreal Alouettes receiver Duron Carter one game for his part in a wild melee in a game on Friday against the Ottawa Redblacks.
Carter was hammered as he made a spectacular catch in the end zone in the third quarter. As he walked by the Ottawa bench, he bumped into head coach Rick Campbell, knocking him over.
The Redblacks rushed to Campbell's defence, throwing slaps and shots at Carter, who continued his celebration straight through the Ottawa bench area to his own bench, which is on the same side of the field. Carter and Ottawa defensive back Jerrell Gavins were ejected from the game.
The Alouettes fined Carter for the incident on Friday.
"To tell the truth, I don't even know what happened,'' Carter said after the game. "I ran into the coach, apparently.
"I didn't even know I knocked him over. It's an emotional game. I'm excited. I got hit. I got a cut on my face from that hit. You tell me."
The Alouettes have a bye this week, so Carter will miss Montreal's home game against Hamilton on July 15.
The CFL also fined Gavins for punching an opponent and for an inappropriate gesture towards fans following his ejection.
Campbell was also fined after the league determined he didn't do enough to avoid contact with Carter.
Redblacks safety Jermaine Robinson was fined for the high hit to Carter that started the incident.

(Canadian Press) 


  1. Anonymous7/04/2016

    Campbell "didn't do enough to avoid the incident"? He instigated it, for crying out loud, by being on the field and intentionally making sure Carter would bump him. If nothing else, Campbell deserves a game for bad acting! He'd never make the WWE!

  2. Anonymous7/05/2016

    Joke! Why even bother.

  3. Anonymous7/05/2016

    Anon 1 has been in the pickle juice it would seem.

  4. Anonymous7/05/2016

    What the hell was Cambell doing on the field of play in the first place? Cambell caused the incident, he should have been suspended also. "CFL needs to clean up it's rules and regulations" and quit being a joke if they want to be recognized and considered a true professional sports entity beyond it's nine marginilized franchises. Right now, CFL = Canadian Bush League.

  5. Anonymous7/05/2016

    Another reason for the football snobs to take pot shots at the CFL.

  6. Anonymous7/05/2016

    Definition of a joke_ see arash mandani and his comedic comments on this subject.

  7. Pretty typical of how the CFL handles everything!!!

  8. Anonymous7/05/2016

    I would probably be open to Arash's viewpoint that a 3 day suspension would have been in order, except for the fact that Coach Campbell was out in the field of play in violation of the rules. Had he been not on the field, then a 3 day or more would have been appropriate. Anyhow it is said and done and time to move on to this week's action.

  9. Anonymous7/05/2016

    Holy smokes, did you see the Campbell interview on TSN about his fine! You can tell he is fit to be tied and could barely hold his anger about the fine. He almost broke down. Wow..

  10. Anonymous7/05/2016

    As Madani correctly points out, look at the sidelines when a touchdown is scored to see who is and who isn't on the field. The "coach on the field" argument is a moot point. Wally makes the field his second home and nothing is ever done to the Lions. The CFL once again makes a huge error.


  11. Anonymous7/05/2016

    When will the CFL head office address themselves and it's officials? The next time a coach steps off the sidelines onto the field regardless if the play has ended they should be subjected to harsh 35 yard team penalty on the ensuing play in action.

  12. Anonymous7/05/2016

    PS: If the guy who thinks Campbell started the whole affair truly believes that, I have some swampland in Florida to sell you.


  13. Anonymous7/05/2016

    Miles, would you be interested in swapping your swampland in Florida for the ten acres I own near LaRonge?

  14. Anonymous7/05/2016

    As sure as I'm sitting here, Darian won't make it to the halfway mark of the current season. Saskatchewan needs Henry to come back.

    Searer Isee.
