
Friday, July 29, 2016

Depth Charts For Riders-Alouettes Game

Kickoff is at 5. 620 CKRM's game-day coverage starts at 2


  1. Anonymous7/29/2016

    With the Alouettes playing on a short prep week they would have fresh legs. I remember playing football everyday in the school yard without no consequence to my tip top athletic body. Alouettes should be able to pull out a win today on home turf.

    Mamma's Boy
    Info straight from the basement

  2. Anonymous7/29/2016

    What's the difference between Stefan Logan and Kendial Lawrence?

    Answer; Everything!

  3. Anonymous7/29/2016

    I guess I'll never make a football coach.

    I couldn't understand any of the 3 phases.

    I couldn't rationalize our offensive play selection at all.

    I can't understand our defensive schemes. What's with the 3-man 'no pressure' pass rush? When did Richie Hall get in Chris Jones' head?

    Last but not least, special teams. Why does Dave Dickensen tell Kendial Lawrence to run straight to the first tackler?

  4. Anonymous7/30/2016

    That's Craig Dickenson not Dave but I get your point.

  5. Anonymous7/30/2016

    I didn't listen to the post game show, but if Rod & Carm gave out a defensive game star for that effort, they should be ashamed of themselves.

    Since Rod has his no "anonymous" comments anymore, you could just hear the anger and complete disdain in his voice in the 4th quarter. I was expecting him to just start unleashing "F" bombs right and center. I am guessing Jones did plenty of that.

    Terrible excuse for a game. Jones still has a lot of work to do, but that is what happens when you start from scratch.

    Dan H

  6. Anonymous7/30/2016

    Sure the @sskroughriders have the worst record in the #CFL but there's no need to fire head coach Chris Jones. He usually leaves on his own.
