
Wednesday, August 24, 2016

John Chiles Released By Riders

The Saskatchewan Roughriders keep changing their roster with the latest casualty being receiver John Chiles as he was released by the club on Wednesday evening.

Chiles joined the Riders as a free agent, but only saw action in three of the Riders’ eight games this season, collecting 135 yards and 3 touchdowns on 10 receptions.

The 27 year old had returned to the CFL after a failed stint with the NFL's Chicago Bears. His only other CFL stop was in Toronto.


  1. Anonymous8/24/2016

    Released/announced in the middle of the night hoping no one would notice.
    He was never given much of a chance - wonder why, did he just get on jones bad side
    I think that jones is completly losing his marbles

  2. Anonymous8/25/2016

    Very clearly there is something behind the scenes here. I'm betting this has more to do with Chiles as opposed to the team. What idi he do or what didn't he do?

  3. Anonymous8/25/2016

    High priced player making very little contribution to the team. This doesn't surprise me.

  4. Anonymous8/25/2016

    Middle of the night? When is 8 o'clock the middle of the night? Go back to bed Gramps!


  5. Anonymous8/25/2016

    Word in the laundromat is that old timers only think 8pm is the middle of the night.
