
Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Riders at Calgary Depth Charts

Media preview 


Game time Thursday from McMahon Stadium is 8 PM. The longest and most comprehensive game-day coverage in the CFL begins at 5 on 620 CKRM. 


  1. Anonymous8/03/2016

    3 Downs in 3 Minutes: Ratio violations in Saskatchewan - tsn panel claims rider coaching staff known around the leaque for not following ratio rule even when they were in Edmonton

    Sounds like Jones !!!!

    1. Anonymous8/04/2016

      Just a honest mistake, no big deal as Mr Jones will surely correct. On to the next game and a Roughrider win.

  2. Anonymous8/03/2016

    Forget the riders, Oskee Wee Wee all the time!
    Go Cats Go! Go Cats Go! Go Cats Go!

  3. Anonymous8/04/2016

    Just a honest mistake - how many times REALLY
    Jones should be paying the 15K fine out of his own pocket - its his screw up again.

    1. Anonymous8/04/2016

      Sorry, Mr Jones don't play da game. Up to player to play.

  4. Anonymous8/04/2016

    Riders had many injuries on offensive side of the ball and lost track of the ratio. That falls on the assistants and not Jones. If he is sitting there worried about who is on the field and who isn't instead of scheming, there's a problem. However, those who are too stupid to know the game can blame it on the head coach.

  5. Anonymous8/04/2016

    Half time. Good game so far but why is it that Calgary's DBs are facing Durant and knocking the ball down while Saskatchewan's DBs are always in chase mode with their backs to Mitchell?

    Maybe the fact that Jones has again employed his 'no pressure' D-line has something to do with it.

  6. Anonymous8/04/2016

    I can't believe how pathetic our D-line is. Our pass rush is for half a yard until they meet the O-line then they just stop and stand there with no second effort. It's like boys against men. I thought Jones the coach was supposed to be a defensive genius but Jones the GM didn't find any talent or try. Pathetic is the only word to accurately describe them individually or as a group. Some heads have to roll and then maybe the others will put some effort into it.

  7. Anonymous8/04/2016

    What's with the whistle blowing from the Calgary crowd?

    It always happened when the Riders were on offense.

    Shouldn't the Stamps have been penalized?

    Calgary doesn't need things like that, they've got real football players.
