
Monday, October 10, 2016

Riders Send Fulton and Capiccotti to Hamilton

The Riders have sent two veteran players to the Hamilton Tiger-Cats.

Heading east are offensive lineman Xavier Fulton and defensive lineman Justin Capicciotti with the Riders getting back defensive lineman Linden Gaydosh and receiver Tommy Streater along with a 4th and 7th round draft pick in the 2017 draft.

Gaydosh is in his third CFL season after being taken with the first overall pick in the 2013 CFL draft while Streater joined Hamilton’s practice roster in August, but has yet to play a CFL game.
Fulton spent five seasons with the Riders starting all 75 games played. He was a member of the Riders 2013 Grey Cup championship.

Capicciotti was in his first season with Riders after signing with the team as a free agent in February. He played 14 games, with eight starts, registering 24 defensive tackles and two quarterback sacks.
The Riders are off until next Saturday in Toronto.


  1. Anonymous10/10/2016

    Lemon, Capiccotti and Lawrence. Three major free-agent signings.
    A swing and a miss on all three of them.
    Chris Jones---good coach, poor GM

  2. Anonymous10/10/2016

    Who is the new starting left tackle?

  3. Anonymous10/10/2016

    This just reeks of a salary dump, but it also means they are looking for money to keep Durant.

    I'm OK with this.

  4. Anonymous10/10/2016

    Alot of really good players seem to be under performing with Jones but do really great before and after they are with Jones.

    Jones must be really messing up these players as a coach !!!!!

    Jones is showing that not only is he a really bad GM he is even a worse HC.

  5. Anonymous10/10/2016

    Love this trade. Fulton has been terrible all season long. Capiccotti wasn't needed any more after Jefferson came on board.

    Hate on Jones all you want, but the guy is building a winner.


  6. Anonymous10/10/2016

    Good move Jonesey.
