
Thursday, February 9, 2017

DUNK: Riders Workout Manziel

Image result for johnny manziel

This isn't a joke!

3 Down Nation's Justin Dunk is reporting the Saskatchewan Roughriders have worked out quarterback Johnny Manziel even though they don't own his CFL rights.

Dunk's story can be found right here

TSN's Gary Lawless states the Riders are completely refuting the report and are that HC and GM Chris Jones is considering legal action against the website.

The Riders released a statement from Jones on Thursday afternoon stating

“The Saskatchewan Roughriders have not held or attended a workout involving Johnny Manziel,

With that, I will not be commenting further on the report.” 


  1. Anonymous2/09/2017

    Just when you thought Jones couldn't sink to a deeper level!

  2. Anonymous2/09/2017


  3. Anonymous2/09/2017

    Jones denies the story. Yes, because he is as trustworthy as you can get.

  4. Anonymous2/09/2017

    Jones breaks the rules, that's unbelievable.

  5. Anonymous2/09/2017

    Cmon Reynolds. Admit your mistake, save some face and get rid of this bozo. He is killing the brand!

  6. Anonymous2/09/2017

    If this loser ever set foot on Rider turf, I would for real cancel my 8 season tix forever. No BS

    1. Anonymous2/09/2017

      good riddance loser! No bull sh-*t! People waiting on line for tix.

  7. Anonymous2/09/2017

    I've been a Roughrider fan for over half a century. Back when the only news you got was the John Robertson column in the Leader Post.
    That was long before this era of instant news and fourteen sports reporters telling you of a signing three days before the club actually announces it.
    There was a lot of grim years but I don't recall the fans being so down during the off-season, we always thought it was 'next year' country. We had fun at the games anyway because they were the 'lovable losers'.
    Now I see all these comments and there are very few with any faith in the current régime. It was a lot more fun being a fan of the 'loveable losers' than it is now trying to stomach the 'losers'.


  8. Curtis2/10/2017

    With the Riders, Manziel and Manziel's agent all stating that this report is false, I guess we all fell for the first 'fake' CFL news story of 2017.

    I guess we will know better next time when we read an article posted by Justin Dunk.
