
Tuesday, August 1, 2017

City of Regina Issues Statement On Water Problems at Saturday's Rider Game


  1. Anonymous8/01/2017

    Biggest non-story ever! Once again, Rider fans come off as the whiniest and dumbest group out there.

  2. Anonymous8/01/2017

    No more water fountains coming? Brutal! Why should I pay 4 dollars for bottled water?


  3. Anonymous8/01/2017

    Count me in alongside Anon 1. It was hot, you didn't think to bring water? You are to cheap to buy water? You are that dumb.

    The only reason this story is even being mentioned is because the former mayor's daughter started to beak off.

  4. Anonymous8/01/2017

    Greg, you should just stay home with that attitude. I'll see ya at the water fountain on that Sunday afternoon October home game.

  5. Anonymous8/01/2017

    These clowns running the new stadium regina need to speed drive east down the trans Canada to Bomber Land and see how a world class venue operates.

  6. Anonymous8/01/2017

    Several times I've read that the air conditioning didn't work in the Argos cramped locker room.
    I wonder if that's a rumour because for the most part the Rider controlled media hasn't mentioned it.
    But if it is true the Riders will have quite a reception next time they go to Toronto and I wouldn't blame the Argos one bit.

  7. Anonymous8/01/2017

    Funny how the Argos never mentioned this. Why would that be if it were true? You were probably one of the jackwagons complaining about the water too right?

  8. Anonymous8/02/2017

    $4 for water is a ripoff. Plain and simple.

  9. Anonymous8/02/2017

    Guess the guy who thinks $4 for water is a ripoff won't be going to the exhibition then.

    Lot of WAAH WAAH goin on

  10. Anonymous8/02/2017

    Did people bitch about a lack of water at Country Thunder? Didn't think so.
    Did people bitch about the price of water at Country Thunder? Didn't think so.

    Should a lot of people be embarassed at their obvious anti-Rider, anti-city hate? I think so!

    If you don't like it here, move to Saskatoon or anywhere.


