
Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Flames Fire Gulutzan

Image result for glen gulutzan

The Calgary Flames have announced today that they have relieved head coach Glen Gulutzan and assistant coaches Dave Cameron and Paul Jerrard of their coaching duties.

Gulutzan spent two years behind the Calgary bench compiling a record of 82-68-14.  The team did not make the playoffs this year after making it and losing to Anaheim in the first round last year.


  1. Anonymous4/17/2018

    When Smith went down, they were done.

  2. Anonymous4/17/2018

    Is Brian Burke still with the Flames?

  3. Anonymous4/17/2018

    Okay so Bob Hartley couldn't coach them and now Gulatzan can't either. Yes it's all on coaching in Calgary. - next to go will be Trelevan, and Burke he is just acidic wherever he goes. Gulatzan didn't do any favor by throwing his stick in stands and all that. That stuff doesn't work in this era.

    I hate Calgary as an organization so personally I have no issue with their dysfunction.

  4. Anonymous4/17/2018

    Brian Burke might be half of the Flames problems.

  5. Anonymous4/17/2018

    Brian Burke is a dinosaur.
