
Saturday, April 14, 2018

Riders President and CEO Craig Reynolds Talks Humboldt on 620 CKRM's Sportscage

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 Being from Saskatchewan, Craig Reynolds completely understands what the people of Humboldt are going through one week after the devastating accident that killed 16 members of the Broncos hockey team.

The Riders president and CEO paid a visit to Saskatchewan's #1 sports show---the Sportscage on Friday afternoon to talk about the tragedy and what the football team is doing and will do in the wake of the horrible events of April 6. 

"I am shocked and grieving with the rest of the province over what happened."Reynolds said. "I feel for the community and the families. I know Humboldt pretty well having grown up near there.  I think we as an organization is to be there for everyone involved in the future and the long haul.  We have had conversations with them and have expressed that message."

When asked what supports the football team is giving the Broncos, Reynolds said there has been a lot and there will be a lot moving forward.

"We reached out to the Broncos and had conversations, We simply told them we will be there to help them and the community.  We have a ton of the ideas as to how we can support the team, the community and the province and we want to do it when the time is right."  Reynolds stated. "We want to do everything we possibly can to help the community and the families involved.  What is going to help them most and how can we best serve them."

When it comes to football, Reynolds is excited at the fact the 2018 season is right around the corner with a Florida mini-camp happening before the end of the month.  He says before you know it, training camp will be here and then the season, where there is tremendous optimism in year three of the Chris Jones regime, will be upon us. 


  1. Anonymous4/14/2018

    Is anyone really shocked at this? I am guessing the Riders will do many things for the people of Humboldt just as they do for the people of Saskatchewan each and every year.

  2. Anonymous4/15/2018

    Being from Saskatchewan, everyone understands what Humboldt is going through. May no community ever have to go through this again!
