
Monday, July 9, 2018

Something To "Mitch" About

--We are through four weeks of the CFL season.  What have we learned?  Well, we have learned the Calgary Stampeders just keep rolling along as they are 3-0 and that the Montreal Alouettes are as expected a football team in disarray.  After that though, throw everything up in the air.

As much as the Rider Nation is up in arms over the performance of their team, the bottom line is like the Bombers and Eskimos, they are 2-2.  Considering what has gone down over the first month of the CFL season in Riderville, I would certainly take that after all that has happened.

With the team on its bye week, I would expect the Riders to be making some moves.  Moves which will see some defensive backs come in meaning we can see Duron Carter back where he belongs and hopefully word that Zach Collaros will be back for the game in Hamilton on the 19th.   As one Rider fan said to me Saturday afternoon, remember in the off-season when everyone was clamouring for Brandon Bridge to be the starter.  He went on to say what the situation would be like if that scenario had played itself out.

Bridge has the potential to play in the CFL. He has shown that.  However, there is still a vast amount of improvement that must be done.  He was given an opportunity---one that is still there due to the health of Collaros, but while there has been spurts and signs of good things, there is still a lot of work to do.  That isn't what is needed at the game's most important position in Riderville right now.  Looking at James Franklin in Toronto, you see why Chris Jones probably wanted him here and how Edmonton likely wanted no part of him being here. Franklin is composed and confident under centre. Bridge doesn't look that way.   As many have said, when your quarterback goes down, you take a huge hit in the CFL and that is what's happened in Saskatchewan.  The drop-off has turned to be huge.  Consider this, through four games, the Riders have scored 7 TD's---three of them on defence.

To not have Collaros for 2 1/2 games and have a record of 2-2.  I'll take that. Like you, I still can't figure out how you lose at home to Montreal, but I will take it.  I also will take an announcement that Collaros is ready to go July 19th in a game I think he really wants to play in.

--Four weeks into the season and I'm asking a question that other CFL fans are asking as well.  Where are all the close nail-biting finishes.  There have been many one-sided scores this season.  That wasn't the case last year when you didn't know what the outcome would be going into the final 3 minutes. Only two games this season have been decided by three or less--both involving Edmonton.   You can't fault the league for that as they have no control over the way the game will go, but to me contests just haven't had that same level of excitement.

--More people were talking about the guys with the air horns in Toronto than the game on Saturday. Did anyone complain about the guys with the air horns?  Did security intervene? Can you bring airhorns into the stadium.  Yeah, it was annoying, but no one wanted to do anything at the game so nothing was done. That's the way it goes.

--Now that John Tavares has signed with the Leafs, the debate is whether or not Tavares or Auston Matthews should be the captain with some suggesting if Matthews isn't the C, it may have a say on whether or not he signs a long-term contract extension.  The soap opera that is the Leafs will kill them.

--If you are a UFC fan, have you ever seen a fight that was worse than what Derrick Lewis and Francis Ngannout bout.  I, and many others, were looking for the two big men to get involved in a slugfest not a snorefest.  That was pathetic. 31 strikes in all.  I think the main event between Stipe Miocic and Daniel Cormier had more in the first round.. All credit to DC, I did not think he would take down Miocic.

--People can tell me they don't read the newspaper anymore because that is getting to be true, but don't tell me people don't read books anymore.  If they aren't, then I would like to know what people were buying at Chapters this weekend.

--If you are going to go on the Ring Road and drive 90 or lower. Please do us a favour and get off the road.

--I'm not one for 32 degree weather. I will take anything in that plus 25 to minus 20 range. I may be in the moral minority for that one, but that's my opinion.

--That's all I got. Stay cool and have a good week!


  1. Anonymous7/09/2018

    So in the bye week the Riders are going to find O-linemen and DBs that they couldn't locate during the off season? Ya, right!

  2. Anonymous7/09/2018

    People who drive less than 90 on the Ring Road should be ticketed. They are just as if not more dangerous than those going 120.

  3. Anonymous7/09/2018

    I'll be completely honest. I didn't even pick up on the horn guys until the 2nd half when my brother mentioned it. It was annoying, but they kept doing it so I'm guessing no one told them to stop.

    Remember going to Pats games back in the Parker era when Agridome staff would tell people to be quiet because they were making too much noise. Oh those were the days.


  4. Anonymous7/09/2018

    Horn guys would have been assaulted at Mosaic. That was awful! Worse than Rod Black!

  5. Worse than Rod Black.... OMG that must have been bad.

  6. Anonymous7/09/2018


    Bridge gets punted off to Tiger Land. Johnny Football coming to Saskatchewan as the Roughriders make trade with Hamilton. (PS,Collaros also punted to the Lions.)
    You read it first on THE BLAIR NECESSITIES.

  7. Anonymous7/09/2018

    Calgary keep rolling along with John Murphy and the riders stumble along searching for defensive backs and o linemen . Tell u anything

    1. Anonymous7/09/2018

      Yes, sask has a very good team under the very astute capable on hands direction of Jones/Murphy.
