
Sunday, September 16, 2018

What Did You Miss Saturday?

--The Riders four game win streak is over.   Trevor Harris sliced and diced his way through the Saskatchewan defence throwing for 334 yards and two touchdowns while William Powell ran for 148 yards and a touchdown in a 30-25 win.   The Riders are now 7-5 on the season.

--The Calgary Stampeders just keep winning in Hamilton.  The Stamps have won in each visit they have made to Hamilton since 2009 with a 43-28 win.   Calgary led the game 20-19 at the half and dominated in the final 30 minutes to get the "W"

--The Cleveland Indians are heading to the MLB playoffs.  They clinched the American League Central with a 15-0 win over Detroit.  It's the 3rd straight division crown for the Indians.

--Aaron Rodgers is scheduled to start for the Green Bay Packers Sunday at home against Minnesota. Rodgers came back in the 2nd half of Green Bay's opener after suffering a knee injury to lead the team to a comeback victory over Chicago in Week 1.

--The NHL's vision to grow the sport in China could include playing regular-season games NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman said Saturday. Bettman was speaking at a press conference prior to the first of two preseason games between the Boston Bruins and Calgary Flames in the 2018 O.R.G. NHL China Games. The Bruins and Flames, who also play at Cadillac Arena in Beijing on Wednesday (7:30 a.m. ET; NBCSN. SN), are the third and fourth NHL teams to play preseason games in China.  Boston won Saturday's game 4-3 in a shootout with Jake DeBrusk getting the winner.


  1. Anonymous9/16/2018

    Wow, was that ugly. Receivers were god-awful. How many drops did Evans have? Good on Collaros to take the blame, but he should be seething at his receivers!

  2. Anonymous9/16/2018

    Not ready! Jones admitted to that. That's on him! That's unacceptable!


  3. Anonymous9/16/2018

    That would be the Cleveland Indians with former Blue Jays Edwin Encarnacion and Josh Donaldson. Thanks Shapiro, thanks Atkins. You are doing better work for your old team than your new one.

  4. Anonymous9/16/2018

    So much for that vaunted Rider defence. Where has Hughes been the last two weeks? Gainey had a bad night, Ottawa's o-line controlled the line of scrimmage. That's twice Riders have been steamrolled by Ottawa.

  5. Anonymous9/16/2018

    If Zach Collaros is worth $450,000 then Mike Reilly or Bo Levi Mitchell should be worth a couple of million. It's all on Jones.

  6. Three years into the Jones era for this???

  7. Anonymous9/16/2018

    Is the fact Evans dropped three passes on Jones too?

  8. Anonymous9/16/2018

    **ATTENTION saskatchewan buffoons!

    Real football is on tv, Sunday NFL.
    That inconsistant crap [CFL] you call football is beyond minor bush league. How a 9 sometimes 8 team league can be so inconsistant with its on field product is mind boggling. Watch real football you hayseeds, the NFL is where it's at.

  9. Anonymous9/16/2018

    Time to sign Jon Ryan to the Saskatchewan Roughriders imediate team roster replacing current kicker. Josh Bartel not hemming any team opponent deep down in their own territory every kick. Bartel kicks are weak positionally. Jon Ryan the right guy to do the job. Mr. Jones, Mr. Murphy, please sign Jon Ryan asap! It will add another strong denension component to the on field team stategy.

  10. Anonymous9/16/2018

    You might want to think about ditching the comments situation like RP Scruffy. Just sayin!

  11. Anonymous9/16/2018

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Is the fact Evans dropped three passes on Jones too?

    Who recruited him?
