
Monday, October 22, 2018

Something To "Mitch" About

--Did some of you put some salt and pepper on that crow Sunday morning?  How about some hot sauce?  Those who were beaking that the Saskatchewan Roughriders would not win another game this season after their 31-0 defeat in Winnipeg have seemingly gone under the witness protection program.  Either that or they are buying tickets for the Grey Cup.

What an effort by the green-and-white and yes, a win in Calgary surprised me as well if the truth be told.  There is no doubt the green-and-white played their best game of the season at McMahon Stadium Saturday night as they kept their chances of first alive in what is a wild, wild West with a victory over a Calgary team that is spinning its wheels right now.   Where do you start?

Zach Collaros had his best game as a Rider as far as I am concerned. His bounce-back after the Winnipeg performance was something to behold  Yes, his receivers hung on to the football which was key and he had Jordan Williams-Lambert back which was also key, but Collaros was in control and was the best player on the field on this night.  How many 2nd and longs did he convert?  This was the Zach Collaros of old.  This was the Zach Collaros Chris Jones was expecting when he acquired Collaros.

Cameron Marshall was huge. With Marcus Thigpen being named as a game-day scratch, the seemingly forgotten Marshall reminded everyone that he is still around.  He had a huge kickoff return, several big runs and was a force out there.

As much as he has been maligned by many, Josiah St. John held his own against Micah Johnson.  Johnson made him look bad on one play, but overall JSJ won a battle many thought he would lose.

The secondary was in a mood and it showed as they had several big hits.  Ed Gainey, Mike Edem and Crezdon Butler were in one of those zones.  The Edem interception in the endzone may have been the game-changer.

Brett Lauther was once again Mr. Automatic.  I don't have a vote when it comes to player awards.  While he should be the top Canadian and special teams player nominee for the team, I'll be interested to see if he gets consideration for MOP.  Kickers don't usually get that and yes, you can talk about the play of Charleston Hughes and Willie Jefferson, but where are the Riders without the foot of Lauther this season.

Speaking of Hughes, the Riders did the right thing by suspending him for a game.  It didn't sound like Chris Jones was too happy with that call, but something had to be done in the wake of his driving while impaired charge.  Letting him off with no punishment for something that is wrong would have sent the wrong message.

It was completely different from the Winnipeg game.  The Lions may be the best team in the CFL right now as they keep marching along.  The season finale against BC at Mosaic will have a playoff feel to it.  I'm OK with that.

--The Brandon Banks injury may be too much for the Hamilton Tiger-Cats.  A team already decimated by injuries to the receiving group could not afford one to Banks.  Ottawa may have the inside track to winning the East now.

--Can't wait to see the ratings for the Argos-Alouettes game this week and yayyy, they will do it again this week.  The game wasn't even on TSN 1 or 3.  I certainly had no interest in the game.  I did see Johnny Manziel walk off the field though.  At what point does everyone realize this guy is a complete and total bust.  There are better.  Does anyone think Manziel is back next year?  I don't.  I believe he does have another year on his deal, but I don't see him being back in 2019.

--Who is going to pay for what has happened this year in Edmonton? What happened to the Eskimos? Do you think the Grey Cup committee is concerned about this knowing Calgary or Saskatchewan will likely be there representing the West?  Nope, I don't either.

--It must be nice to be a Boston sports fan.

--A great question has been brought up by Kirk Penton of "The Athletic".  Penton says while the CFL doesn't test its players for marijuana, the league and the teams expect all employees to show up for work ready for work and not impaired.  The league doesn't say anything about sponsorship though. Could a CFL team or the league itself have a pot shop as an advertiser?  Hmmmmm!!

--If he is healthy, Noah Picton will play his last game as a Regina Ram on Friday against the U of S. Once Picton leaves, the Rams will have capable replacements.  Whether or not Seb Britton or Josh Donnelly is the starter, both have shown they can run the offence.  Donnelly was given quite the assignment on Friday night in Calgary as he was asked to start a game against the number 1 ranked team in Canada.  While he didn't put the ball in the endzone and threw two INT's in the endzone, I thought for his first start, he did quite well.  He will learn.

--If you've been to Calgary for a Rams or Riders game, you have likely visited Nick's Pizza and Steakhouse right across from McMahon.  If not, do so.  I have attended that spot many times over the years and you simply won't get a better pizza (do the 26) or steak from there.

--After another Sunday of NFL play, I just go "KICKERS".  Chandler Catanzaro can't hit a 40 yard field goal, but he nails one in overtime from 58, Brett Maher boinks a game-tying FG off the upright as Dallas loses and the always-reliable Justin Tucker gasses a convert to give New Orleans a win. Meanwhile, Kansas City just continues on.  How good will their game against the Rams be in a couple of weeks!

--That's all I got.  Have a great week!


  1. Anonymous10/22/2018

    Craig Reynolds made the decision on Charleston Hughes, it upset Chris Jones but it was right.
    It's the first time he's been held in check since he came here, maybe that's the answer.

  2. Anonymous10/22/2018

    Charleston is no spring chicken, so the rest will have served him and the team well heading into the critical game against the Lions. If he can rack up two or three sacks on Lulay, we could be looking at a home play-off. Looking forward to a huge turnout for the game Saturday!

  3. Anonymous10/22/2018

    Scruffy, do ya think the Hughes situation had something to do with the performance in Winnipeg?


  4. Anonymous10/22/2018

    Thats the Collaros Rider Nation has been looking to see since the season started!

  5. Anonymous10/22/2018

    Another guy who had a huge game was Purifoy! It was great to sit in the stands in Calgary and watch that and hear their fans go boo-hoo. Lets do it again in November!

    PS: Agree with ya on Nicks!
